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  1. Indeed. Im waiting for someone to make a Rachi Sitra model so i can die happy lol. I did post a request but idk if its going to happen ;-;
  2. I would love it if someone could make a quality Rachi Sitra skin and maybe even a dark side version. I love the way her character looks and would love to play as her
  3. Well well well, looks like i getting another mod to hype over.. Sweet!
    While this is great heresy, i approve
  4. Jeff, tbh you probably have some of the best work on here. The amount of detail put into your skins is astonishing to me
  5. That is awesome, but i just like the og boy :3
  6. Dis boi on the top ^
  7. Is there a chance you could make an Imperial Sovereign Protector skin :3 (Unless you made one that i haven't found yet kek)
  8. Thanks :3 I figured it out last night and i feel big dumb XD
  9. Hey Jeff!, Just found this WIP page and im liking what im seeing. Very Impressive work! Is there a chance that you could post some of your more requested/popular skins for jedi and sith as Im really interested to see what masterpieces you've made :3, Also it would be sick if you could post your Tulak Hord skin as I haven't been able to find it ;-;
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