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Status Updates posted by BlindDaThief

  1. Hey. I saw your comment on the blender 2.80+ plug in. I got Blender 2.83 lts and tried to put in the plugin there but it says it loads in but is not in the listed plug ins...

    Any help here would be hot - Jar Jar Binks

  2. I think its funny that this is like a social media platform with its status updates... I don't do social media by principle but this community is just the best. I'll stick around ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bek


      Been around here since 2014. It's pretty hard to leave.

    3. Circa


      Good ol’ GrandDaddy Bek.

    4. Bek


      You've been here for decades Circa! You're ancient history.

  3. I think your Mandalorian is superior to the other one that's been posted here. But any updates since it's version .5? Thanks for the hard work!

    1. Shenghai


      I have ported the Beskar Mando since, but since it's ported content I can't post it in the files. You can find it here, but the tags are currently the wrong way, I've been told. I've got a fix coming in ~a week if everything goes well. It comes with a couple other things, and the screenshot posted shows everything it comes with. The model name will be +bou_themandobeskar




    2. BlindDaThief


      Sweet! Thanks!

      I'm glad I asked!

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