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  1. Best Luke skin on here. Its a shame its not MP compatible.
  2. Not working for me in MP. I see the list but when I choose a saber it shows the generic/default reborn saber hilt. I've tried this in multiple servers and same issue. This is currently the only mod I have installed and this is a fresh install of the game from steam. I did try substituting this mod with another mod that's just one hilt and I'm having the same problem. Even applying the hilt through the console has no effect even when the console says "saber1 saber_jaina" (for example). Default sabers work fine (and it does look like your re-skins). Does the server I'm playing on also need to have this mod installed in order for it to function? Any help with the overall issue (but particularly your mod) is appreciated. Let me know if you have any questions.
  3. Not working for me in MP. I see the list and everything but when I choose a saber it shows the generic/default reborn saber hilt. I've tried this in multiple servers and same issue. This is currently the only mod I have installed and this is a fresh install of the game from steam. I did try substituting this mod with another mod that's just one hilt and I'm having the same problem. Any help with the overall issue (but particularly your mod) is appreciated.
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