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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. Can't you use cg_hudFiles cvar to specify the .menu file to use for the HUD? That sounds exactly like the purpose of the cvar being there 8D
  2. 32 bit applications run on W7 x64 because of WoW, essentially a translator for 32 bit code to 64 bit code (pointer and stack manipulation) Luckily, our current generation 64 bit processors (read: x86_64) still support the "32 bit" x86 architecture, it just has 64 bit extensions. Technically, they even run 16 bit code: AX vs EAX v RAX is 16 vs 32 vs 64 bit register access If by some stupid move, this architecture is abandoned in consumer hardware, then we'll have far more problems to deal with than "JA isn't working and I upgraded my machine and refuse to run a virtual machine despite obviously having the hardware to do so comfortably"
  3. Currently planned weapons: Quantizer Spawn with. Infinite ammo. Fast projectile (1600 ups?) Low damage (7?) High knockback on self and team. Low knockback on opponents. Useful for trick jumping and gaining momentum very quickly (2.5 and 0.7?) Can deflect rockets randomly Temporarily weakens armor? (0.6 absorb rate?) Damage increases over projectile life-time? Repeater Fast projectile (1800 ups?) Low damage Fast fire time Drone Launcher High arc projectile(s?) (800 ups?) High damage (55?) Actively seeks nearby enemies Sticks to surfaces Explodes on timer Rocket Launcher Can curve with mouse? Splicer Hitscan Mid-high damage to flesh, armor protects Fast fire time Limited range Divergence Penetrating hitscan Very high damage at 100% charge (115) Headshot multiplier (1.65) 2500ms fire time (115 + 69 assuming two very quick body shots) Will only be 60% charged by 2500ms, takes 4166ms for full charge Feedback? Willing to design + model + texture them? Anything ? I also need to come up with a name for this project. Keep in mind: It's not Star Wars related. It's not a Quake clone. It's competitive/intense.
  4. What are you smoking? I use jampDed with unpackaged files all the time when I'm making mods. No issues. Oh, and try doing /devmap when r_mode is not set to -1. Known engine bug. No fixes.
  5. Yep, and it's on my TODO list. Somewhere.
  6. Oh shit, I'll add that tomorrow.
  7. Go for 720p http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mNyk4D0EX4&hd=1 Faster movement, new physics, new weapons. Is this what JA (CTF?) needs? + New graphics options including HDR and bloom + CPM air-control (Change direction mid-air) + Security, exploit, and bug fixes. Lots of them. + Unlagged (You won't miss shots due to high ping) + Much more Step 1: Capture the feel (speed, weapons, pace) of Q3/QL. These assets WILL be replaced. Step 2: Create a batch of unique weapons Step 3: Public beta, initial feedback from community for balance bugs Step 4: New gametypes to experiment with. Step 5: Public release This isn't for your typical gamer. This is for fans of hardcore competitive arena shooters. Please keep this in mind before complaining about "He's too fast and CTF is impossible D8" <3
  8. Whatthefuck how can that be PK3 related heh. No, really, does it stop working when you reach X files in a pk3? Not hitting MAX_QPATH? Simply too many models or species? It works when you split the mod into several PK3s? Send the large PK3 over to me, I'll see if I can find out why it gets borked. HAY @@Inyri DO U NO Y YET?
  9. Raz0r


    Sup foxtrot
  10. weapons.dat is only used by SP, and doesn't let you control the damage without a code mod (But we don't have the SP SDK) MP requires a code mod. Some code mods (Xmod etc) allow changing the damage and such through cvars.
  11. Yes.
  12. Hai =]
  13. Raz0r


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