Go for 720p http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mNyk4D0EX4&hd=1 Faster movement, new physics, new weapons. Is this what JA (CTF?) needs? + New graphics options including HDR and bloom + CPM air-control (Change direction mid-air) + Security, exploit, and bug fixes. Lots of them. + Unlagged (You won't miss shots due to high ping) + Much more Step 1: Capture the feel (speed, weapons, pace) of Q3/QL. These assets WILL be replaced. Step 2: Create a batch of unique weapons Step 3: Public beta, initial feedback from community for balance bugs Step 4: New gametypes to experiment with. Step 5: Public release This isn't for your typical gamer. This is for fans of hardcore competitive arena shooters. Please keep this in mind before complaining about "He's too fast and CTF is impossible D8" <3