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Posts posted by Kualan

  1. The UVs could use work, especially around the seam lines as they are stretched. The arms are too thin, specifically at the elbow. The helmet shape is off a bit, a little too wide and too long. And if I remember correctly, Marz's models always have and overkill amount of tris with no LODs.


    In saying this though, it may not be the best likeness model-wise but is still pretty good.


    Interesting stuff, have to confess most of that escaped my notice.




    Pretty nice. I see you have messed around with the head. That can be a tricky area to skin. I know. A personal suggestion I have is to remove the kilt ties on the standard troopers. It seems kind of out of place since they don't have kilts. Other than that, looking pretty good.


    Yeah, the helmets can be very tricky to navigate. Learned that through the labour that became Phase 2 Rex and Jesse's helmets a couple of months ago. Thanks for the shout-out on the kilt ties, hadn't noticed them before. Can remove them from the standard troopers who have it, and add it to the commanders lacking it too.




    Small update; a tweaked Phase 2 Commander Fox, and my WIP Arc Trooper Fives from The Clone Wars show. These will probably be the only canon ones I release - I have a full squad of 501st Phase 2 troopers skinned, but Barricade24 has been working on his for longer and deserves to get his work out there first;


    Commander Fox, of the Coruscant Guard;


    Canon picture for comparison (side view); http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130218060435/starwars/images/f/f0/Clone-commander-fox_detail.png

    Canon pictures for comparison (front view); http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120614215917/starwars/images/6/6b/RedTrooper-SWI130.jpg



    ARC Trooper Fives;


    Canon picture for comparison (front view); http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-30DTr3-j96w/TsfY9kmFBWI/AAAAAAAABDk/gEVLzvOsVjs/s1600/arctrooperfives.png

    Canon picture for comparison (concept art); http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5DRDEGPInRs/Tq2Nl-eu-eI/AAAAAAAAAr8/-X8KsS6TXsg/s1600/Darkness5.jpg 

  2. Oh god I just wanna fix those models.....:\


    Anyways great skins. ;)


    As a complete amateur at modelling, I have to ask...what about the models is in desperate need of fixing? Maybe I've stared at them too long in ModView, but I can't see it xD




    They all look really good, impressive most impressive.


    Thanks amigo.

  3. Knocked up some made-up clone commander and clone trooper skins tonight, for the webcomic I make. Managed to do ten skins this evening, so thought I might make some more before releasing a pack for people to download if they want a little more variety.


    Nothing spectacular, just some dib-and-dabbing with Photoshop - some recolours, some added symbols, a bit of original skinning too - and editing of the .skin files to create some new troopers;


    Before I can release them I need to look up how to get models in-game and working. At the moment they exist only in my base/models/players folder, and have no associated sounds, gfx, bot or npc files. Not sure when I'll get around to doing that.


    But for those curious, here's what I have so far - even given them some fanon names.


    Commander Falco;



    A trooper under Falco's command;



    Commander Killik;



    A trooper under Killik's command;



    Commander Rawls;



    A trooper under Rawls' command;



    Commander Sohn;



    A trooper under Sohn's command;



    Commander Trackshot;



    A trooper under Trackshot's command;



    The commanders also come with "unholstered" versions, for when the player is using dual pistols and doesn't want them to appear at their hip too. Will also make some helmless face reskins as well probably. Nothing fancy, just some unique tattoos or hairstyles.

  4. Update time. I have been working on a bit of things lately. Phase 1 Captain Rex, and Phase 1 Jesse are on the brink of completion. Especially Jesse. Among others, I have been working on a little concept idea. Basically it is an idea I've had for awhile now. It is currently an Imperial based legion but I have plans to work into clone trooper armor. No pictures at this time. I am working on some concepts and I'll probably give it its own thread. Once I have some more concepts planned out I will upload them here.


    Now, the clones are not on hold. I still plan to work on both. Is there any particular clone you want to see finished more than others? This will help me to better chose one and work on it.


    Call me biased, ha, but I've always been a bit of a Wolf Pack fanboy.


    Intrigued by this Imperial legion idea though, look forward to seeing where you take it.




    Believe it or not, that looks almost exactly like the first draft I made of Fox. He looks exactly the same color red. I am using a new draft that has a clearer white. Since Fox has a pretty clean armor.


    But very nice work. Great minds think a like.


    Yeah, I used the clean armour initially but he didn't mesh very well with the standard Coruscant Guard shocktroopers, who have grubbier armour. But you're right, even in the show he stands out as having very shiny kit compared to the men under his command.

  5. I forgot to update this thread, Volume Three has begun to be "published", with three issues uploaded to the site so far. Managing to get up an issue every 5 days so far, and will probably keep to that schedule for the next issue. No idea about beyond that, depends on the sort of technical scale future issues require (big battle scenes take more time than one-on-one conversations as you might guess!)


    Have also tried to introduce facial expression based on feedback in this topic. I haven't gone overboard with it so as not to disturb the established style of the comic, but hopefully the new approach is an improvement, and is something I can continue to tweak and improve as time goes by.

  6. He's getting there. But Wolffe has kind of taken the back burner right now. I guess I try to do too many projects at once. I do have another part of the wolfe symbol skinned on for the the test. I still need to tinker around with it to get to work.


    As far as reference goes this as what I used:



    I'll have to get back to Wolffe. I have mainly been working on the Shocktrooper as of late so I will have to really find a clone and stick to it until I get it finished. Like I did with Phase 1 Gree.


    Motivation is more important than anything when it comes to this sort of thing. Just keep doing whichever one grabs your interest at the time.

  7. Thanks for the nice words folks!

    RE - facial expression, definitely something I want to work on. Over the course of the comic I've learned new Photoshopping tips and tricks and it shows; lightsaber duels look better, motion is conveyed more stylishly, etc, but facial expression remains an enigma. Anybody with a proficiency in Photoshopping know any good tips for how to do it in a way that doesn't come across looking like a Robot Chicken cartoon?  :lol:

  8. This was being spoken of in another thread, but I didn't want to hijack it so thought I would set this up here.


    I make a fan comic set in the Clone Wars, and create it using a combination of Jedi Academy and Empire at War assets. 


    JKA (particularly ModView) are the main programs used to make the comic, and it is through making this comic that I took up creating skins for various characters I wanted to feature. Though these days I try to skin as much as I can (the Captain Rex skin and some of the other clones are my work for example) I keep an extensive Credits page on the comic's site for all the models and maps I use in the course of indulging this little geeky hobby.


    Though some of you might get a kick out of this, and if you like the above you can check out the rest of the comic (24 issues have been uploaded so far, making up 2 Volumes) at http://talesfromtheclonewars.net


    Update 8th July 2017: Photobucket has decided to mimic ransomware and disable all 3rd party hosting (such as forums) unless their users update to a $400 a year account so I've made the full jump to Imgur now. Pain in the ass though it was to do so, I'm glad Photobucket finally gave him a last excuse to leave behind their slow, bugged uploading system.


    I've reuploaded the back catalogue for the first three volumes to Imgur and all issues can now be found at the following links:




    Issue One - The Hypori Pursuit, Part One: https://jkhub.org/albums/Kofbm

    Issue Two - The Hypori Pursuit, Part Two: https://jkhub.org/albums/I2RJJ

    Issue Three - Past Grievances: https://jkhub.org/albums/MD71u

    Issue Four - Devaronian Dealings: https://jkhub.org/albums/QxMmk

    Issue Five - Way Of The Sith: https://jkhub.org/albums/rDlP0

    Issue Six - A Single Spark: https://jkhub.org/albums/233vM

    Issue Seven - Clash On Concord Dawn, Part One: https://jkhub.org/albums/HxcBm

    Issue Eight - Clash On Concord Dawn, Part Two: https://jkhub.org/albums/jTy0h

    Issue Nine - Broken Alliance: https://jkhub.org/albums/yJgiW

    Issue Ten - Fallout: https://jkhub.org/albums/j5eCB

    Issue Eleven - Vengeance: https://jkhub.org/albums/uZaCD

    Issue Twelve - Justice, Part One: https://jkhub.org/albums/a2Cpr

    Issue Thirteen - Justice, Part Two: https://jkhub.org/albums/vhAFp

    Issue Fourteen - Justice, Part Three: https://jkhub.org/albums/4UUEz

    Issue Fifteen - Justice, Part Four: https://jkhub.org/albums/UY6pz




    Issue One - The New Frontier: https://jkhub.org/albums/cUPMJ

    Issue Two - The False Champion: https://jkhub.org/albums/icQ4e

    Issue Three - Butcher Of The Outer Rim: https://jkhub.org/albums/KYthJ

    Issue Four - Confessions: https://jkhub.org/albums/xpeIV

    Issue Five - Descent, Part One: https://jkhub.org/albums/g44k2

    Issue Six - Descent, Part Two: https://jkhub.org/albums/Pbfqp

    Issue Seven - Descent, Part Three: https://jkhub.org/albums/7vwqr

    Issue Eight - Fugitive: https://jkhub.org/albums/JTVvl

    Issue Nine - Hutt Diplomacy: https://jkhub.org/albums/PPmMj

    Issue Ten - Horrors Of War: https://jkhub.org/albums/tz6Vn

    Issue Eleven - Intrigue: https://jkhub.org/albums/vFSeK

    Issue Twelve - Cutting Ties: https://jkhub.org/albums/V2N7k

    Issue Thirteen - Echoes Of The Past, Part One: https://jkhub.org/albums/iVIYk

    Issue Fourteen - Echoes Of The Past, Part Two: https://jkhub.org/albums/E6O2X

    Issue Fifteen - Echoes Of The Past, Part Three: https://jkhub.org/albums/g4M2j




    Issue One - Brothers In Arms: https://jkhub.org/albums/ZnIhb

    Issue Two - Conspiracy On Coruscant: https://jkhub.org/albums/Up7zi

    Issue Three - Crisis And Opportunities: https://jkhub.org/albums/3pJP4

    Issue Four - Machinations: https://jkhub.org/albums/Mqw7S

    Issue Five - Den Of Vice, Part One: https://jkhub.org/albums/GsBlw

    Issue Six - Den Of Vice, Part Two: https://jkhub.org/albums/IQu0t

    Issue Seven - Lifting The Veil: https://jkhub.org/albums/EC8DT

    Coolin, Odeyseis, zOrg and 4 others like this
  9. If the requester offers money, it'd be a donation. Don't very well see where the developers would have a leg to stand on to combat it. The creator can very well say "Hey, I didn't ask him for money in exchange for goods. It's not a purchase."


    Not sure this is strictly true, in that the creator would know when taking the job that this was work with monetary incentive. But it is certainly enough of a murky area that no developer is going to waste time and money pursuing such a frivolous thing.

    eezstreet likes this
  10. It's illegal if you violate the game's EULA, is it not?

    That's a minor point though.

     But making a mesh doesn't violate the EULA.


    It has been said numerous times that we're talking about a scenario in which the modeller is being paid for the model, not converting/rigging it for in-game use. They make a model for a price offered by the buyer. The buyer then does all the tedious stuff getting it in-game. If they went on to try and sell the completely JKA rigged model to others for use in their game, then it would be illegal yes. But the original mesh-making is not.


    It's the same policy with Star Wars fan films:


    A director can pay an actor for his services and time, but after he has put the acting, the sound editing, the special effects together into a fully-fledged film he can't sell that on for others to view.

    Inyri likes this
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