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    Jack of all Trades
    Skeleton Rigging
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  1. Great work and big thanks for sharing. I am so looking forward to the new season.
  2. It still doesn't work. Do you have other ideas. Thanks anyway
  3. You also need the right folder structure and the actual gla in there. So most easily extract the asset1 models folder and work in it.
  4. Thanks for the answer. I will try to give the notarget to to the rebornmaster. I didn't know that NPC in Cinematic behavior also look at other NPC near by. Yeah I might want to change the way to kill him in the future. I looked at your scripts for inspiration. Thank you again!
  5. Yes in order to change the NPC used in this particular cutscene you would need to change the map. Do you know how to ent modding a map?
  6. In the SDK are the original icraus files. The player model is determined by the cvar entries and the model/skins of other characters are entites defined in the map itself. So if you want to change these models you have to ent mod the specific map.
  7. Sorry for the double post. @MagSul and @Langerd did you encounter such behavior during your projects? I tried now defining it in a different way but still, the fakeplayer looks at the dead rebornmaster. Any help is highly appreciated.
  8. Hi to all icarus experts out there! I have two problems in creating cutscenes. 1.) I spawn two actors with ents { "spawnflags" "32" "angle" "180" "origin" "1376 -24 -3176" "classname" "NPC_spawner" "Npc_type" "RebornMasterStaff" "spawnscript" "kor1/invisibleNonSolid" "npc_targetname" "npc_rebornmasterdoor" } { "classname" "NPC_spawner" "Npc_type" "Player" "origin" "1309 -29 -3175" //"spawnflags" "224" "npc_targetname" "npc_fakeplayer2" "angle" "0" "spawnscript" "kor1/invisibleNonSolid" "deathscript" "kor1/playerdeath" } I let them fight each other with a script : use ( "npc_rebornmasterdoor" ); use ( "npc_fakeplayer2" ); affect ( "npc_rebornmasterdoor", FLUSH ) { set ( "SET_INVISIBLE", "false" ); set ( "SET_SOLID", "true" ); set ( "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", "BS_CINEMATIC" ); set ( "SET_NO_ACROBATICS", "true" ); set ( "SET_INVINCIBLE", "true" ); set ( "SET_RUNNING", "true" ); set ( "SET_WEAPON", "WP_SABER" ); set ( "SET_SABERACTIVE", "true" ); set ( "SET_WATCHTARGET", "npc_fakeplayer2" ); set ( "SET_FIRE_WEAPON", "true" ); } affect ( "npc_fakeplayer2", FLUSH ) { set ( "SET_INVISIBLE", "false" ); set ( "SET_FORCE_INVINCIBLE", "true" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", "true" ); set ( "SET_NO_KNOCKBACK", "true" ); set ( "SET_IGNOREALERTS", "true" ); set ( "SET_ORIGIN", < 1333.000 -26.000 -3175.000 > ); set ( "SET_ANGLES", < 0.000 0.000 0.000 > ); set ( "SET_SOLID", "true" ); set ( "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", "BS_CINEMATIC" ); set ( "SET_NO_ACROBATICS", "true" ); set ( "SET_INVINCIBLE", "true" ); set ( "SET_RUNNING", "true" ); set ( "SET_WEAPON", "WP_SABER" ); set ( "SET_SABERACTIVE", "true" ); set ( "SET_WATCHTARGET", "npc_rebornmasterdoor" ); set ( "SET_FIRE_WEAPON", "true" ); } with the next script I want to kill the reborn and let the fakeplayer turn to kylo. Fakeplayer turns as intended, but still looks at the dead reborn affect ( "npc_fakeplayer2", FLUSH ) { set ( "SET_ORIGIN", < 1333.000 -26.000 -3175.000 > ); set ( "SET_MORELIGHT", "true" ); set ( "SET_NO_PVS_CULL", "true" ); set ( "SET_RENDER_CULL_RADIUS", 1000.000 ); set ( "SET_INVISIBLE", "false" ); set ( "SET_SOLID", "true" ); set ( "SET_BEHAVIOR_STATE", "BS_CINEMATIC" ); set ( "SET_WATCHTARGET", "NULL" ); affect ( "npc_rebornmasterdoor", FLUSH ) { set ( "SET_UNDYING", "false" ); wait ( 3000.000 ); kill ( "npc_rebornmasterdoor" ); affect ( "npc_fakeplayer2", FLUSH ) { set ( "SET_FIRE_WEAPON", "false" ); set ( "SET_SABERACTIVE", "false" ); wait ( 500.000 ); set ( "SET_SABERACTIVE", "false" ); set ( "SET_WATCHTARGET", "npc_fakeKylo2" ); set ( "SET_VIEWTARGET", "npc_fakeKylo2" ); set ( "SET_LOOK_TARGET", "npc_fakeKylo2" ); wait ( 2000.000 ); set ( "SET_WATCHTARGET", "npc_fakeKylo2" ); set ( "SET_VIEWTARGET", "npc_fakeKylo2" ); set ( "SET_LOOK_TARGET", "npc_fakeKylo2" ); set ( "SET_ANIM_BOTH", "BOTH_STAND2" ); set ( "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", -1.000 ); ... Can someone tell me how to stop the fakeplayer to look at the reborn? 2.) I use a similar foundation with ents and spawning. This time, everytime i run a script my fakeplayer changes its origin to the last position of the player. How can I prevent this? Thank you for your help!
  9. I finally found the time to experiment. I did not find any combination to avoid the pushing. So if we don't change the code there is no way?
  10. Thanks for the reply! Then I will use the traditional workflow and hope that at some point you remake it.
  11. @ChalklYne How is the clean up going? If you find the time, can you elaborate on how the new skeleton will work?
  12. @@AshuraDX I guess with this backstory you won't release it right? Was this smart material painter version depended?
  13. Thanks to both of you. The workflow you describe was in your great tutorial, I might find the time to try it on the weekend. @@AshuraDX I am using 2018.2.1 You wrote the smart material converter to Jedi academy for an older version?
  14. HI all, I have a question for the Substance Painter users here. I would like to know, if there is a new export to JK workflow. I know @@Rooxon https://jkhub.org/topic/10170-advanced-lightsaber-crafting-video-tutorial-series/ tutorial? Thank you!
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