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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Apparently, my map is leaking through structural brushes. I've tried several things just to get it to compile including: redoing the ceiling brushmaking the entire map structuralencapsulating the map in brushes so it doesn't leak... and it leaks through thatblocking off the sectiondeleting then blocking off the sectioncopying and pasting into a new mapported it to a different version of GTK radiantbrush cleanupNone of it worked... I have a older rendition of the map I can work off of that compiles fine, but rather than do a bunch of that work again, I was hoping maybe there was something I can do to recover this. Screenshots:
  2. I tried following the tutorial, however I can't seem to get it working. I am probably doing something wrong. I changed the .proj files, I placed the q3map2 folder in the GTK directory as the tutorial said, but that didn't seem to change anything and it seems to act as the old q3map2. I then tried replacing the q3map2.exe in addition, and whenever it tried to compile (any and all stages), q3map2 itself crashes at the "--- LoadMapFile ---" stage. I tried making a dummy map (just 4 walls+ceiling+Floor and a info player start) and it compiled fine.
  3. I found a 64 bit version HERE, but there doesn't seem to be any clear installation instructions on the page or in the readme files. The only instructions are in the "Previous_Readme.txt" file and I am not finding the instructions clear. It states that it must sit it's own directory inside the game dir, but doesn't really say anything specific for JKA. Does it go in JKA's Gamedata? Base? Does it go in GTK Radiant's directory? What about the q3map2.exe? How can I compile using q3map2 while everything is in the game directory? Do I have to manually do it in cmd? For the longest time I couldn't get that working for years... until today and you won't belive why... I feel really silly, but I kept putting in -lowmem and not -lomem XD. I feel like banging my head against the wall. It seems to be compiling now. Perhaps if I can get a 64-bit version working, I can decrease the compile time and not depend on the -lomem switch. The recent compile took around 30-45 mins with -lomem, without it, Both map pieces combined took less than 10 mins.
  4. Yea, I am running into this error whenever I try compiling my map, just during the lightmap stage. I saw some other topics and this:http://jkhub.org/files/file/1335-q3map2-2gb-memory-usage/ However, There really isn't any clear installation instructions on what goes where. There is a old installation instruction doesn't seem to be working for me. I assume I am doing it wrong and probably putting it in the wrong location. I was hoping someone who is experienced with this would be able to provide a more clear instruction since I am getting this wrong. Thanks . System specs (if needed): OS: Windows 7 RAM: 16GB RAM Processor: i5-4670k Video Card: GTX 660
  5. I was wondering if some installation instructions could be made or posted? I am having trouble installing this. I am not exactly sure where to put the files? in the GTK radiant directory? Gamedata? Base? The only instructions are in the "Previous_Readme.txt" file and I am not finding the instructions clear. It states that "IT MUST SIT IN ITS OWN DIRECTORY inside the game dir. It cannot sit in the same directory as GtkRadiant as the DLL versions are". What about the q3map2.exe?
  6. Version 1.0


    Trailer: This map is BIG so do not be so disconcerned or confused at first. It grows on you fast. The entire map is interconnectable meaning that you can go from one side, to the other without even going through the main hall. To help beginners there are minimaps throughout. The white arrow shows the direction you are facing while looking at the map. NPC room (lockable from admin room) Bridge room for Melee fights 3 Mazes. The small labyrinth has 2 lethal traps. The other labyrinth is a straight forward maze, no traps, hidden walls or anything. The last is the tele maze that leads to the big labyrinth. Shooting range with an ammo & guns room Teleporters And Trams for quick transportation 4 Duel rooms. Duel Rooms #1, #2, #3, and the Grand Duel Arena. Ceremony Hall Council room Bar, Kitchen & Dance floor Pillar room for platforming practicing Secrets And more... The Council room locks and switches have their own checks and balances. Though the switches in the Council room can lock the doors, The admin room has switches to disable (and enable) those lock switches. You can have combinations such as leaving the council room doors unlocked and preventing the switches in the council room from locking the doors, or Having the doors locked and preventing them from being opened from the Council room. Or can can have the switches in the Council room have complete control by not disabling them. All locks automatically start as open upon map load. Meaning Council room, NPC room, RancorSpawn and Admin room are all open at startup by default. There are four clues scattered around the map leading to a hidden switch that opens a door in the same room to a secret Dojo. Remember to be quick once it is open, it wont stay open for long.
  7. 333 downloads

    A simple maze with one entrance and one exit, plain and simple. There are no death traps, or hidden walls. It may not sound like a challenge but prepare to be proved wrong.
  8. 1,448 downloads

    ONLY WORKS ON JA+ A black saber with a white core that replaces that black saber in JA+.
  9. Shadow

    FF4 Crystal Duel


    Map based on the Crystal room in Final Fantasy 4
  10. 215 downloads

    A saber hilt based on the nintendo wiimote.
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