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Everything posted by DarthValeria

  1. Season 7 was so sad but was amazing
  2. I liked your models and your sniper / fire effects
  3. I love them all
  4. I don't care what they say I loved Ep9 so much Okay I love EU at least most of it But I love canon too
  5. It reminds me of Lucius Malfoy
  6. How is your progress? ^_^
  7. Hey Dark Soul I have almost a dozen female voice actors You can come to my discord server and ask them if you want ?
  8. How is your progress at Thrawn's Command Room?
  9. Trying to improve myself at Radiant So I decided to make Dromund Kaas Stronghold Map from SWTOR
  10. It's so beautiful like a girl
  11. Dev team has it, you need to ask them ^^
  12. When I found 13 voice actors, I'm going to start project ^_^
  13. Glad to see you opened your page here ^_^
  14. That looks sweet ^^
  15. Ladies and Gentlemen New Machinima Project to remaster a short movie Something that we can handle until Spark of Hope series starts
  16. Ladies and Gentlemen New Machinima Project to remaster a short movie Something that we can handle until Spark of Hope series starts
  17. My apologies man, I'm so rude because I never thanked you for making YT-2000 Thanks to you one of my dreams came true We managed to make Fall of Lotus movie 2 years ago And I thank you very much but I'm also sorry for not thanking you in the first place I should have done that 2 years ago when my movie was released Thank you so much, You're wonderful
  18. Thank you very much ^^
  19. I use some programs to port One for porting One for converting it to OBJ format Then I do some work in Blender
  20. Lotus Alliance Gunship
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