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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. Remember my Blender Plugin Suite? Includes GLM and GLA import and export. I know the file formats. I'll try adding support to iojamp once I've gotten it to compile with Visual Studio. (I'll try to add CMake support to ioquake3, which can then be merged into iojamp.)
  2. So is there like some Wiki or the like where I can keep track of the progress of this? See what is and isn't done yet?
  3. How are you selecting the model?
  4. I've just subscribed to the forums I'm interested in so I get mail notifications when something interesting happens, no need to check that way. Well, there are exceptions, like right now - I'd never notice polls through mail notifications.
  5. Well, would you kindly explain what a chat icon is, if not the icon that represents you when you chat? Emoticons?
  6. I have no avatar here yet... maybe you could put a swastika on top of an image of Anders Breivik, but make him naked? That will make me easily recognizable, which is the most important thing an avatar should do in my opinion.
  7. Hmm, not sure what you're missing, works just fine for me (lacking textures without the .skin, obviously, but no errors).
  8. Hmm, as long as you've entered the correct .gla during export (which is the default - models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid), I don't see why it would not work. Mind uploading the .blend so we can take a look?
  9. Nope, I'm not familiar with that problem at all (though if it does indeed require modifying the engine it's pretty tricky), I just tried to help clarify the question.
  10. Nope, but apparently we both got our name from the same book.
  11. I guess it would help if you actually explained the problem...
  12. Why not teach yourself? There's plenty of information online. Just don't expect quick results.
  13. Looks like you might be overusing brushes - from the looks of it, you should be using patches in some places but are not. But looks great otherwise!
  14. Because for new assets (except maps, when starting from menu) to work in MP you need to pack them in a PK3 or set sv_pure to 0.
  15. No you don't. You can just leave the -vis stage out of the compile.
  16. The train is most definitely detail. If you can't judge it, leave vis compiling out for now and let somebody who knows what he's doing handle it. Looking good!
  17. The trains would be a prime candidate for a model.
  18. You can just press K or so (maybe L?) to get a color selection dialog that fills it in for you, but I think it's simply space-separated entries for Red, Green and Blue in range [0.0, 1.0], like "color" "1 0 0" for red. (Note I'm using the .map key/value syntax with quotes - as usual: don't enter it with quotes in Radiant!)
  19. I haven't tried it yet, but it should be compatible with newer Blender versions.
  20. GTK Radiant, the tool for creating custom maps, is cross-platform. You might have to compile it yourself for Mac, I don't think there are binaries, but in general it should work. The script compiler on the other hand may not be available on Mac? I'm not entirely sure. As for editing existing maps: This is easiest if you have the original .map, as was already said. This is available for mp/ffa5, mp/duel8, mp/ctf4 and mp/siege_hoth. Decompiling a .bsp to a .map on the other hand results in loss of a lot of information, e.g. lighting and texture alignment. If you're only going to add new entities, there's an option to compile only the entities though, but you can't add new brush-entities (like triggers, that make stuff happen when you enter them (e.g. spawn enemies) or doors etc.), which severely limits you. You could also ask mappers that have released MP maps for the .map files to them, I suppose.
  21. I would suggest you start by changing the texture of a model, to get a feel for how Jedi Academy modding works in general. Modelling is no easy thing to do, and by starting here you should already know: How to unpack the models and other dataHow to change it, ideally while working with a copy and not the original (unless you want to change how the original looks, but usually you'll want the modifications to be separately selectable)What a .skin file is and what it does, since you'll need one for the model as well, especially if you want to be able to change the head back and forth.How to pack the finished mod into a .pk3 for easier distribution If you've never created a model before, maybe you shouldn't start with something as complex as a playermodel... A lightsaber would be simpler since it doesn't need to move. That said, stitchting together existing models is about the simplest possible new player model, although somewhat tedious and there's still a lot that can go wrong. The only tool I'm aware of that can import and then re-export a playermodel (without any extra work required for it to keep working) is Blender in combination with my plugin suite. Well, when I say no extra work, I am referring to a single model. Stitching two together does require quite some work - you'll have lots of duplicate parts that need deleting and you'll also need to fix the hierarchies, i.e. parent-child-relations between different parts, like making the new head a child of the old body. (The model is split up in multiple parts to make dismemberment possible.) And this needs to be done for every Level Of Detail (LOD). (There are multiple versions of the models in different levels of quality - the game switches to a simpler one when the model is further away to improve the FPS.) Sadly the plugin suite lacks proper documentation. One of these days I'll write it. But you should learn how to use Blender first anyway - for the changes you're trying to make you'll need to know: How to navigateHow to select thingsHow to delete thingsProbably how to hide and move thingsHow to change the hierarchy/parent-child-relations - to this end it would be useful to understand the Outliner since it gives you a quick overview of the hierarchy.As for how to create a model with variants (i.e. species) - you should start by taking a look at the existing ones and seeing how they work. Good luck and welcome to JKHUB and Jedi Academy modding!
  22. I vote for models/map_objects/jkhub_pma/modelname
  23. I thought this was serial, not parallel? There's no need to sync any shaders when working that way, you just add yours when its your turn.
  24. And I'd suggest 7-zip, which is basically the same except better and free. Take care to keep it inside a maps folder, i.e. have a maps folder in the archive. Yes. And about a lot of other things.
  25. Which version of radiant is that?
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