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Posts posted by Droidy365

  1. Okay, so I've been attempting to add Voice Chat to Single Player. Don't ask why, I just am. But for some reason, whenever I open it, this floods the console:




    Here's the vchat.menu file:



    Any ideas on what could be causing it? BTW I used the /play command because /voice_cmd doesn't work in Single Player.


    EDIT: For some reason It's too long to put in here, even with a spoiler :/

  2. Well, I just looked at the animevents for the ATST and this is what I found:



        BOTH_RUN1START AEV_SOUND 1 sound/chars/atst/fs_atst_0%d.wav 1 4 0
        BOTH_RUN1START AEV_SOUND 8 sound/chars/atst/fs_atst_0%d.wav 1 4 0
        BOTH_RUN1START AEV_SOUND 14 sound/chars/atst/fs_atst_0%d.wav 1 4 0
        BOTH_RUN1 AEV_SOUND 3 sound/chars/atst/fs_atst_0%d.wav 1 4 0
        BOTH_RUN1 AEV_SOUND 22 sound/chars/atst/fs_atst_0%d.wav 1 4 0
        BOTH_RUNBACK1 AEV_SOUND 3 sound/chars/atst/fs_atst_0%d.wav 1 4 0
        BOTH_RUNBACK1 AEV_SOUND 22 sound/chars/atst/fs_atst_0%d.wav 1 4 0
        BOTH_TURN_LEFT1 AEV_SOUND 1 sound/chars/atst/fs_atst_0%d.wav 1 4 0
        BOTH_TURN_RIGHT1 AEV_SOUND 1 sound/chars/atst/fs_atst_0%d.wav 1 4 0
        BOTH_DEATH1 AEV_SOUND 2 sound/chars/atst/atst_fall.wav 0 0 0
        BOTH_DEATH1 AEV_SOUND 44 sound/chars/atst/atst_crash2.wav 0 0 0
        BOTH_DEATH1 AEV_SOUND 49 sound/chars/atst/atst_crash1.wav 0 0 0



    Notice how these are all under LOWEREVENTS

    Maybe that has something to do with it. I know these are AEV_SOUND, but it SHOULD work the same way, right? I'm honestly not an expert when it comes to this, so you can take it with a grain of salt, but it could have something to do with it.


    I'll see what else I can find :)

    Langerd likes this
  3. Well, there was a thread similar to this some other time before, it was solved with a *.cfg file:



    -speed ; cl_yawspeed -7200 ; com_maxfps 40 ; wait 2 ; +left ; wait 2 ; -left ; reset com_maxfps ; reset cl_yawspeed


    Not sure how you'd get this to work in this case, but I just thought I'd throw my two cents into it :)


    But without the knowledge needed you might have a hard time.

    Yeah... I don't know the first thing about modeling lol. I have looked up some Blender Tutorials, but that's as far as I ever got. Also, I was debating whether i should put this in Modding Assistance or Mod Requests, as it's sort of both.

  5. Hello everyone. Right now, I'm attempting to change the base/vanilla Cloud Car map_object model into a playermodel. The thing is, the skin/texture isn't showing - it just looks like a missing texture. Does anyone know how I can apply a *.skin file to this thing? As far as I know, this model doesn't have anything I can put a skin onto. I'm honestly not a modeler, if I was, I'd be making a better model, too. Please do help if you can :)

  6. If you're using openJK then there should be a folder in /Documents/My Games/

    Ah, ok, I found the crashlogs.

    I think this might be the one with my error:




    OpenJK-MP: v1.0.1.0 win_msvc-x86 Aug 21 2016

    ----- FS_Startup -----

    Current search path:

    C:\Users\Droidy\Documents\My Games\OpenJK\Rebel

    .\Rebel\zzz-rebel_anims.pk3 (6 files)

    .\Rebel\zscriptest.pk3 (3 files)

    .\Rebel\Skies.pk3 (21 files)

    .\Rebel\rebel_conv.pk3 (2147 files)

    .\Rebel\RebelHUD.pk3 (25 files)

    .\Rebel\R2D2_MP.pk3 (81 files)

    .\Rebel\kyloren_sab_new.pk3 (33 files)

    .\Rebel\kotor_bundle_new.pk3 (33 files)

    .\Rebel\JK2 Multiplayer Maps.pk3 (1639 files)

    .\Rebel\jampgamex86.pk3 (1 files)

    .\Rebel\HiddenIcons.pk3 (52 files)

    .\Rebel\gametypes.pk3 (88 files)

    .\Rebel\efx_MOD.pk3 (10 files)

    .\Rebel\cultist_destroyer_fix.pk3 (3 files)

    .\Rebel\conquest.pk3 (22 files)

    .\Rebel\clientPlugin_v1.3.pk3 (100 files)

    .\Rebel\a-wing_reskin.pk3 (60 files)


    C:\Users\Droidy\Documents\My Games\OpenJK\base

    .\base\Yoda.pk3 (118 files)

    .\base\VKEmperor2.0_new.pk3 (59 files)

    .\base\Probe.pk3 (4 files)

    .\base\outofgame_music.pk3 (2 files)

    .\base\kylesaber_backhand.pk3 (13 files)

    .\base\Extra Music.pk3 (16 files)

    .\base\droidy_mp.pk3 (450 files)

    .\base\DroidysVenturiantale.pk3 (12 files)

    .\base\assets3.pk3 (16 files)

    .\base\assets2.pk3 (62 files)

    .\base\assets1.pk3 (8320 files)

    .\base\assets0.pk3 (15346 files)




    28742 files in pk3 files

    execing mpdefault.cfg

    couldn't exec openjk.cfg

    execing autoexec.cfg

    Unknown command "helpusobi^7"

    Unknown command "g_knockback^7"

    Unknown command "give^7"

    ----- Initializing Renderer ----

    Trying to load "rd-vanilla_x86.dll" from "."...

    Sys_LoadDll(.\rd-vanilla_x86.dll) failed: "Failed loading .\rd-vanilla_x86.dll: The specified module could not be found.



    Trying to load "rd-vanilla_x86.dll" from "."...

    Sys_LoadDll(.\rd-vanilla_x86.dll) failed: "Failed loading .\rd-vanilla_x86.dll: The specified module could not be found.



    Failed to load renderer





    It might be the wrong one, though. I'm not sure. I think it's the right one.


    EDIT: I just crashed again to try and make a new crashlog.txt, but for some reason it didn't make one :/

    Also, those two sabers seem to be the only ones affected by this.

  7. Well. for some reason it's not making a crashlog.txt file, at all... It could be because I don't have an OpenJK folder lol.

    Also, I'm not sure if this is related to the crash or anything, but for some reason these two sabers look really weird... Like, not how they're supposed to - they're just base sabers:






    Do you think this is related to the crash at all? And do you have any ideas on what's causing it?

    On a side note - Luke's saber does look kinda cool lol. Wouldn't mind having that as an actual usable saber.

  8. Yeah, I know what you mean. I mainly use the rock covers for the Multiplayer Maps and the Menus. As I said, it really does depend on the mood of the mod. My Rebel Conversion Mod (That I probably won't release any time soon, if at all) is inspired by all sorts of mods, especially MBII. So the rock covers make sense there :)

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