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Status Replies posted by Tempust85

  1. After EIGHT years 3DS Max finally get's something that is similar to ICE in Softimage and they had to take it from Softimage to even get it lol.

  2. Wife has given birth to our 4th child, a baby girl!

  3. "Jaden, Rosh has been captured!" :D "Well, don't act so happy about it, Kyle... Someone's gonna have to go save his sorry butt... and knowing you, that someone will have to be me..." >.

    1. Tempust85


      "Hey Jaden I'm stuck! Can you help?" "Fuck off Rosh, I'll let the howlers eat you"

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  4. How do map texture LODs work? Are there any?

  5. How do map texture LODs work? Are there any?

  6. Anticipate a new Sandtrooper soon.

  7. This might sound preposterous but why cant q3map take normals and displacements into consideration when compiling lightmaps on bsp's?

  8. I wish I could use lazy mouse on my masking brush =(

  9. I have no idea what OpenJK, JKE, vanilla, or rend2 are. The more I read Im like reeallyy??!!

  10. Making maps from TPM video games in JKA? Could be a nice idea... for anyone who can mapping!

  11. I wish the textures in jka were just as good in modview.

  12. OMG, Blender is totally awesome!!! \\*o*//

  13. OMG, Blender is totally awesome!!! \\*o*//

  14. EPVII became a child's movie. Like I feared!

    1. Tempust85


      What do you expect when there's a big child in the movie called Kylo? :P

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  15. I've watched TFA again last night... You know, all things considered, I think even Jedi Academy has a better story than the first part of this J.J. Abrams tale. On the flip side this may help JKA into public attention again. Rosh may be annoying, but... well... he's annoying. :P But the action-filled story itself has its charms, and does make sense to a certain extent (even with the new canon). It's not too distant.

    1. Tempust85


      I'm just glad Rosh & Jaden are both not canon. :P

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

  16. Answering a few PMs: Yes, I will be releasing mods on a regular basis again. I will finish all the requests posted till the time I left. And I will finish my project. Can you pretty please stop nagging me now about this? Thank you! :)

  17. Does anybody have a workaround for the UV coordinates problem when exporting maps from ZbrushR4?

  18. Does anybody have a workaround for the UV coordinates problem when exporting maps from ZbrushR4?

  19. Can't wait for the updated Unreal Engine:http://i.imgur.com/pzQDRDL.gifv

  20. Gonna try and work on the _humanoid rig some, got some people using it that had some feedback.

  21. Does anyone know exactly how much the turning animation rotates the character? Like in derees along the Y axis

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