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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Just installed Zbrush 4 R6 P2 :D

    1. ChalklYne


      how you liking it?

    2. Tempust85


      Loving it, alot more features than my old copy of Zbrush 3 lol.

  2. I've tried them both at 999 lol and still nothing.
  3. I forgot to mention I was talking about JKA MP. I just tried the broadsword command with no luck. I've killed dozens of bots and nothing dismembers... :\
  4. How do you get dismemberment to work? So far, I've tried these two commands: g_saberrealisticcombat 20 (tried all from 1-20) cg_dismember 1 and no model will dismember. Anyone got any ideas?
  5. Thanks. Ok so now I have (from Modview): LOD0 - 5,967 tris 5,170 verts LOD1 - 4,154 tris 3,457 verts LOD2 - 2,748 tris 2,536 verts All I need to do now is work on those extras. Now I *think* I remember seeing something a few years ago that allowed you explode your model into all segments activating all caps. Is this real or did I dream it up lol?
  6. Yeah, it has caps and is segmented for dismemberment. Btw anyone know the LOD distances? Activating LODs on distance from the model would be a nice feature for Modview.
  7. Thanks, I had a look and it wasn't what I was after. I had a muck around in the shader editor and finally found the right combination. Now the shine and the specular work together. Btw, LOD0 is at 6,238 tris. This will have to do, but I will include one LOD (LOD1 at 4,500 tris) to make it a bit better on performance.
  8. I'll put any further updates on my Stormtrooper here. Now does anyone know if it's possible to use a specular texture to mask certain areas from using this shiny shader? models/players/DT_stormtrooper/armor_d { q3map_nolightmap q3map_onlyvertexlighting { map models/players/DT_stormtrooper/armor_d.jpg blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/DT_stormtrooper/Gloss blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR tcGen environment blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } } P.S I stole this from that Hapslash Improved Stormtrooper v2.
  9. That ref I posted is the actual sculpt they used for TFU's Starkiller, so that's the best non Sam Witwer pic you will get.
  10. @@minilogoguy18 Yeah, I read through that Appleby doc to make sure I had everything correct. I added a mesh_root to begin with, and removing it changed nothing. Must be different for Max. @@Psyk0Sith I thought about using multiple scenes, but I decided to use layers off the bat to keep everything neat. Thanks for the help guys, I combed the scene again after I finally got some sleep and I fixed it. I had the r_leg named as another l_leg. Loads up and switches fine in Modview now. Doesn't matter how much you learn, you can still trip up on the simplest of things.
  11. Me too, which is why after looking at Hapslash's Stormtrooper I decided to try harder to get my own to a lower tri count. He did great (and certainly kicked Raven's ass), but there are a few little things that aren't very accurate and it's the ANH armor. The one I made is ROTJ armor and is as accurate as I could make from the refs I had. Now I just need to try and squeeze a little more tri's out of LOD0 and make some extras.
  12. Zbrush does take a bit getting used to for some (including me), but what you can do with it is worth learning. There's also Mudbox you can try.
  13. Ah ok, well you should pickup a Zbrush trial and give it a go.
  14. Now that you're in a sculpting program, I'll let this pic speak for itself in terms of helping you:
  15. Ok so I've now tried my hand at making LODs. My model compiles fine until I decide to include LOD1 & the LOD1 tags. I get error 6210, and I've tried fixing the tags as mentioned here http://psyko3d.50webs.com/tutorials/errorfaq.htm to no avail. My LOD1 model & tags have the "_1" after it, and have "stupidtriangle_off_1" linked to nothing (tried a mesh_root and didn't make a difference). Any ideas guys?
  16. The final count for that is 7,088 tris which is still too high and that's with no extras. I'd have to do some serious LODing to make it remotely useable. EDIT: Ok I can't get it any lower than 6,620 tris without a full redo. I have however made LOD1 at around 4,500 tris. Chalk, it's upto you whether you want to use mine or Hapslash's Stormtrooper.
  17. Thought I would at least see how mine looks ingame:
  18. Ok cool, this will also serve as a JKA version seeing as I can't find a working JKA link anywhere. Almost done. I've done a few little tweaks, including some UVW mapping tiny issues & fixing the hand plate. Just need to finalise and weight. I'm also combining in the sandtrooper parts.
  19. I'm pretty sure no one cares if you tinker with their models, so long as you give them credit for the original. If you want, I could un-mirror Hapslash's Stormtrooper for you.
  20. Speaking of Hapslash's Stormtrooper, I cannot find a working link to the JKA version anywhere.
  21. To be honest, you may as well just use Hapslash's improved Stormtrooper. I'm really not liking the tri count on mine, and I can't really cut anymore detail out without ruining how the textures fit. That and I don't really feel like doing a full remake just for JKA. There isn't really anything wrong with Haps one and it's already done, though it could use is a worn version.
  22. If you made this in 3ds Max, make sure you reset xform on the mesh and collapse the stack. Any surfaces that are flipped you will now notice, then all you need do is flip them back to normal. I would also do an editable normals modifier and make sure all your mesh's normals are unified.
  23. @@Corto nailed it, only thing I have to contribute at this point is the distance between the top lip & nose is too much.
  24. Yeah forget the head for a while, work on the body.
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