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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. That's possible, shouldn't take me too long just make sure you include LODs for anything you make.
  2. I think the goal right now is to get a working port of rend2 in Openjk. If someone wants dynamic glow, it could be added as an option instead of bloom later by anyone after eez is done.
  3. Yeah, that's the old mesh and crappy hand weights. Next version will look better lol.
  4. Gotta love SVN, a quick revert and any code I've screwed up becomes good again. :D

  5. That's looking alot closer now Chalk. Who knows, maybe some day you'll be able to use normal mapping for this guy.
  6. Pretty crap quality IMO, need to be redone but that all depends on the player model being finished.
  7. Doesn't mean they will use the same guy, he might just be a stand-in until they find their proper voice over guy. If they are smart, they will start the Rebellion from just after the events of TFU 1 and forget TFU 2 was ever made.
  8. Isn't IBSP an older format than RBSP? (at least that's what google says)
  9. Most of the edits I've done is a mix of luck and some help from others telling me what to search for lol. I highly doubt I could do those on the list, even though they would be cool.
  10. Forked a more recent version of OpenJK, going to apply my changes for DF2

  11. Wonder how/if they will incorporate Starkiller in this considering it's the same time.
  12. *spits his KFC chips all over his keyboard* :blink: Damn I wish I had the knowledge to help you with this. The only thing I can say is that I've gotten ALOT of errors about can't covert void * to char *. I spose that's just a C to C++ porting thing, no idea lol.
  13. Is your project path set up correctly to point to your JKA installation?
  14. I was just pointing out that someone with the time and expert knowledge *could* do it, never said it was no big deal. Coding graphical enhancements is no trivial matter, I'm very well aware of that.
  15. Yeah but unfortunately, my brain likes to accept challenges to make mechanical things. I had to try very hard not to start T3-M4, good thing Chalk did lol.
  16. Hmmm, perhaps add some light veins to the diffuse in a randomised fashion along with some freakles. Also, it could use more simulated lighting. P.S What's going on with his hands? Make the edges of the fingers less sharp by welding verts or welding UVW seam lines.
  17. Yeah, I agree which is why they will be replaced before demo release. Just adding to my long list of to-do's, along with 8t88 most likely. Heck, I still have to finish Kyle lol.
  18. Would be really cool if you added some bones to make those tentical things on its mouth move.
  19. Looking forward to the coming news, it's nice to see so many active projects for JKA.
  20. Demo levels changed to: 1) Nar Shaddaa - A 2) Nar Shaddaa - B 7) Yun - A
  21. Yeah, was a NPC script issue. human_merc_key had stormtrooper sounds assigned for some reason, and there was a double up of NPCs in the file.
  22. Just compiled ioquake3.....damn there's some really cool shiz in there! Too bad JKA doesn't have such features. :D

    1. eezstreet


      what features?

    2. Tempust85


      - HDR Rendering, and support for HDR lightmaps

      - Tone mapping and auto-exposure.

      - Cascaded shadow maps.

      - Multisample anti-aliasing.

      - Texture upsampling.

      - Advanced materials support.

      - Advanced shading and specular methods.

      - sRGB support.

      - LATC and BPTC texture compression support.

      - Screen-space ambient occlusion.


    3. CaptainChar


      it would be nice if someone could do it


  23. Oh good, that means I didn't screw up my code lol. *hunts for what's causing the sound switch*
  24. Ok so wierd bug. Human merc gets its sounds switched to the Stormtroopers when enabling 'message' (which makes him drop a security/goodie key upon death) on the entity. Has anyone else noticed this?
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