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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Just set up a few pod cars to fly around Nar Shaddaa. ;)

    1. Onysfx


      Nice nice. Good to have background stuff, makes the player feel more immersed in the game.

    2. AshuraDX


      I got some coruscant traffic models lieing around , based at models seen in EP 1 if you want them let me know

  2. So wait, are you making EVERYTHING as misc_model/misc_model_static instead of brushwork?
  3. And here we are folks! Proof that there will be something worse than the StarKiller storyline: http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/179745-nycc-star-wars-rebels-villain-the-inquisitor-revealed P.S They MUST kill this douche off before the start of EP4 so Tarkin will be correct in what he says. To make this guy live beyond EP4 would be disrespect to Tarkin.
  4. Yeah I didn't export them as I think you said not to at one point lol. Ideally I'd at least like to have the ability to have the entire object completely smoothed with no splits/breaks/hard edges along the UVW island edges. I can send you another file whenever you want to give this a go, just let me know.
  5. I was thinking of using some of the howlers animations and using the class which the gran boxer uses, he comes after you like a hungry person after hot cakes. But I'll also be adding/replacing a few animations.
  6. @@Xycaleth One thing I'm curious about. If/when this compiles characters & animations, would it be possible to update the Ghoul2 format to allow smoothing groups? I've noticed it currently smoothes surfaces by how the UVW map islands are made which causes splits/breaks in the smoothing of objects. While it is tolerable in most of the time, it can sometimes be quite troublesome when trying to have the best lighting on your model. That, and it will look pretty bad IF (and I say IF, because rend2 isn't a sure thing to work) at some point there are normal maps in JKA.
  7. Building a new PC next week, 64bit. How much ram do you think would be a decent amount, without going nuts like most gamers?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tempust85


      Well I spose I can always buy more at some stage if there's a need. The primary thing to do is make sure I get on the 64bit band wagon. :P

    3. Szico VII
    4. Tempust85


      Oh lol, must have missed that....thanks :D

  8. Still needs to have the brown made to look morel ike leather, and not super rusted metal.
  9. I agree with the JKA jump over the DF2. Now can we please stick to the topic of the level?
  10. I could have it so Kyle purchases one from a nearby merchant.
  11. There's a Kell dragon in DF2? Anyways, not that hard to make a new skeleton + animations but I'll probably just strap it to the Howler GLA.
  12. Matrix16Ortho(0, 640, 480, 0, 0, 1, matrix); This works, but if you change the resolution then the screen will become black. If you restart the game however, the resolution is resized and working. Also, rend2 is still using the "scripts" folder to look in for shaders.
  13. What crap! 3ds Max 2014 is 64bit only :\

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChalklYne


      theres a small voice in your ear dt.. listen.. can u make out what it is?... softimage.. softimage... shes waiting for u dt... run to her =)

    3. Tempust85


      Lol, I'm willing to bet soon enough EVERYTHING will be 64bit only. :P

    4. Onysfx



  14. Had a quick tinker in ioquake3's rend2 and replaced the rocket launcher shader with one that has normal maps. the quality of the normal map ingame is VERY decent, quite impressed

    1. ChalklYne


      I have great interest in this. Are you saying to go ahead and render normal maps for my models just in case?

    2. Tempust85


      Only eez can answer that. ;)

  15. Oh wicked! Just noticed this thread, awesome!
  16. Reading the Dark Pastime's recent posts, it got me thinking. I LOVE driving, so why not slot in a swoop bike level somewhere? Ideal scenario would be: Kyle lands on the outskirts, and must 'bike it in' to where he needs to go. Of course he won't have any force powers/lightsaber so there probably won't be any combat, just dodging alot of terrain and jumping etc rofl. I was thinking maybe just before level 3 Katarn Residence? What do you guys think?
  17. There will be a fresh Kyle model made when I've finished those levels.
  18. The renderer is made modular, so each renderer is seperate (including their features) and gets compiled seperately into their own dll. Then you simply type in a console command to switch renderers and restart the game.
  19. Wonders if he should take up Zbrush again and start Kyle's face in there...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MoonDog


      Unreal is definitely an artists wet dream. Go with Maya though. The pipeline from Maya to Unreal couldn't be any easier than it is I think. Plus all the material setup and visual kismet scripting lends to fun and rapid results.

    3. ChalklYne


      i really disliked maya and the way it felt. I dont know. We'll see when I get there I guess. But yeah I have read the same thing you're saying man

    4. Tempust85


      You don't need maya. If XSI can export the latest supported version of FBX, then you're fine. I used UDK for a while when I was with MB3 and getting models + animation couldn't be easier using the FBX pipeline. ;)

  20. I doubt it's been changed from base JKA, but anything's possible. At least if you go OpenJK you can edit what you want provided you know how lol. I don't think you need to ask, you just need to make your code freely available. If all else fails, have a SP model (using the custom GLA I mentioned) and a MP model using the standard player GLA.
  21. I *think* you can have custom GLA's for each model, just that its coded to run off _humanoid/animation.cfg and no other. Been a while since I mucked around with this sort of thing, last time was a few years ago for JKG.
  22. If it were me, I'd strap him to the JKA skeleton. His mechanical arms and legs of course weighed to the arms and legs bones, then add bones for his actual body to move in a few custom made animations. This way you don't need to redo a hefty amount of animations, just a few that you want his flesh body to move. Add new mouth bones and have him run off his own GLA. To nail down how he walks and attacks, you'd of course need to redo some animations but as I said this method will take care of the bulk.
  23. I know right! I love em. I've converted the videos to avi using bink tools, then ran them through tmpgenc to help reduce some compression artifacts. The end product is very watchable and is free of any weirdness you've mentioned. They will never look as good as if I had the original uncompressed video source to work with the devs of the original game had though, but I do what I can.
  24. Lol, all I can offer you eez is a model of something using rend2's features.
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