Yes, completely. Has nothing to do with the main instigator of all the drama regarding removal of the torso freeze not attending a test session for 2 months prior to release to even voice his concerns while he was on the beta team. 60% of beta testers thought the removal was needed, which is why it was removed. We listened to the majority. It has nothing to do with the fact that torso freeze is a BUG that allows you to bypass animations to instantly kata/grapple or do other things to players without their knowledge. Several of us have already stated and even voted on your threads saying that we would be okay with torso freeze returning as a gesture, or when we remove the ability to bypass animations with it. Several of us stated it was a TEMPORARY solution that you and the community are not listening to. We removed a bug that impacted gameplay NEGATIVELY, god for bid it impacted something considered time wasting and for the lulz that has no impact on actual gameplay as well. Were such nazis! There were other bugs for the recent patch that we had to focus on, like sabers lagging when in contact with another saber in idle. We didn't have time to fix the animation-bypass but keep hug before release of the patch. I am one of the ones that support bringing torso freeze back, without insta kata and other issues and I am now having a harder and harder time supporting that out of sheer annoyance. If you want to continue saying our arguments are flawed, then good luck getting us to actually listen to you. The amount of energy we are having to expel to just try and get you guys to have some patience, and understand our side, is taking development time away from fixing the issue. Saying that the majority of the community support keeping torso freeze as it was in V0 is absolute false and your own poll on the MB2 forums followed that, where most people supported keeping torso freeze once the other bugs with it were removed. The air support voice command served no purpose, which is why it was removed. Charge was too loud, so what? Is it really that big of a deal that you, Jango40, and others complain about an entire release for weeks causing drama everywhere over something completely minuscule? None of these things you complain about have anything to do with the core gameplay. They're things you spam to screw around and waste peoples time who are waiting in spectator after they died, and to murder their ears. We have already addressed this issue multiple times to you and others on the MB forums, and continuing it here will not help us fix the bug. So please, lets stop this here. Remember, we work on this for free in our free time. We aren't a paid team that works 24/7. For example, the past two weeks I have been trying to get back to school for the first time in 2 years and haven't touched a single things related to MB. We're busy, give us time.