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Posts posted by MusicForThePiano

  1. Here are the other three areas of the game not in Yavin: (remember this is just showcasing texture replacement and artistic flavor) 


    1: Refueling Station (bleak, metallic, droid-infested, but lively in electrics, has a preview of the gothic flair that the new Sith adorns to their ships and sanctums)













    2: The Sith Command Ship (already shown a few but here it is much more in-depth. Very brutal and gothic, almost organic like, note the ring circling the planet (Hypori) out of the window, we will see these same rings from the surface)








    I know some of these may need some work, but the overall aesthetic is pretty consistent




    sith ship corridors, just oozes with dark uncomfortable sensation






    sith engine room:




    sith hangar: I made reskins for all the vehicle placements like tie's and shuttles and dropships, but since they're part of the map none of the skins actually load into the maps :(




    note the rings again



  2. So I finally booted JA back up, but man is my JA database so cluttered, I have almost 20000 files and multiple remaster folders, some for the base game, some for mods. This is going to take some time to clean up. I think if this mod gets team attention, it could truly be the JA sequel we've all wanted for years. 


    Here are the rest of the screeny's showcasing the different areas of the mod. I just took them an hour ago. (I don't know why imgur is only giving me 800x600 but I can try to change that later!)


    finishing off Yavin are the new reactor areas from chapter 4:








    all the graphics have been re-done, got so tired of seeing the kril'dor or taspir maps on every readout lol



    this was one of my favorite areas from the mod, a little railway you would ride and it would display different holographic ambient graphics, now I've changed them to something completely new:








    don't know why there is a resolution change here, but this is an older one, showing the NPC lineup for the level in front of some Sith religious symbol story thing, probably about the origin of the force or something




    I also forgot to showcase the Sith temple on Yavin, literally every area has been re-done


    starting with the temple underground:









    now the temple above ground:
















    sith apprentice's throne room:


    Basil Bonehead likes this
  3. Thanks for your interest Basil and LukeJM28,


    I will have more time in May to get back into it. I'm pretty savantish about starting and stopping and it was hard to stop continuing on the project when I did halt only because I kept running into the roadblock of not being able to edit the maps :\


    Once I do open up the files again I will post them somewhere where interested parties can copy their files to overwrite existing ones, voice effects and sound effects and such, and hopefully we can get someone to decompile the maps to edit them.


    Note, all the textures weren't random, but because I couldn't actually open the maps up to see which textures were placed where, I guessed at all of the replacement ones, some were easy like the terrain on the outsides was all from the yavin or tatooine texture folders and easy to replace, but others, like all the lighting and panels and trim and borders was a constant editing process of: guess which texture would look good here --> open JA & load map --> if it looks wonky or out of place try another texture OR looks good and move on to the next texture


    that whole process took a few weeks if I recall correctly. I want to overhaul everything so its a completely new SP game from JA. The original developers had the right idea, but didn't flesh it out all the way. They greatly updated the lightsaber battles to be increasingly more epic, plus I loved all the variations in lightsabers from dual staffs to extended staffs to light discs and light axes, really gave off a different vibe. 


    I did the same editing process for the NPC's because the game files will use like 'monmothma' for a fighting reborn or 'bartender' for a sith zabrak, none of it made much sense so I had to write down what each npc in the base JA was coded to spawning in EY4.


    The music was easy, I personally re-did JA's single player music to use all of John Williams cues from the OT and no repetitive tracks, aka all 26 levels from the base JA now have different action / ambient tracks and battle start & stop cues.


    I may still make a new soundtrack for this mod since I my music studio is back up and running. 


    Stay tuned!

  4. The project is still where I left it, in my JA creative database folder. I started working on music projects again, and can only do so much at one time. I have not found a mapper yet, but I will get around to it. Been almost 16 years and JA still works great on my computer.


    I will put up some more screens in my next post / update, what I last posted is not where I left off at.


    There are 4 locations in the game, Yavin IV, Hypori, the Sith Command Ship, and a refueling depot, each one is designed to look very different. With different skyboxes etc. The Hypori planet in the vanilla mod just looked like an utapau crossed with corellia (city), I changed it to be more exotic colored and rocky with no foliage to be almost the complete opposite of what Yavin felt like for the majority of the game. Also the skybox in the sith command ship reflects it being in orbit over Hypori, as I've added a ring to the planet which can be seen in both the ship and on the surface.

  5. This sounds a lot like the plot of JKB :) I am curious how this is gonna play out. Gonna follow this with great interest.


    Seeing your screenshots i do suggest you do something about your flat terrain ;) quad or trisoup, make it more intresting, shape hills or gaps in it, cause it looks as unnatural as a fresh steamrolled highway :D


    I need a mapper to help me with that, I don't know how to de-compile the map to edit the terrain then recompile it so its functioning right. Do you? Or know anyone who does?

  6. This is such a cool little project you've been working on! If you don't intend on finishing it, could you at least possible release whatever custom assets you've added or changed?


    And if not even that can we still at least get that sexy Yavin skybox?


    Also I did some additional playthroughts with the mod. I used openJK, a big saber mod and the UltimateWeapons mod and I changed nearly half of all models (both their in game appearance and their display on the menu). I can confirm that while OpenJK is a definite big help, it's not perfect. There are some instances, like the engine room on the Kel Dor's ship, where it is almost impossible not to crash the game with additional assets. If you plan on overhauling this mod, then good luck to you working around the bugs.


    I also narrowed down the cause of a really bad bug. In the first Jedi Council cutscene, sometimes the cutscene freezes mid conversation between Not-Windu and Not-Yoda. I figured out this only happens for some reason on the highest difficulty setting. IDK why, but it is especially disappointing and I have no idea why it would do that.


    If you were able to do that then I may use your help for this, if you're willing to lol. I always had trouble trying to change the menu without giving myself the textureless gray screen.

  7. I am only using aliens from the original trilogy and the ancient times (sith species for example) trying not to expand it into prequel territory minus the double-bladed lightsabers The scripts in the menu list some of the species as totally wrong smh, like geonosians are the mutant howler with wings, the umbarans are masked warriors, etc. There was a lot of things that didn't fit, like tuskens underground and jawas as well, these are all being replaced. Raptors with missing animations, will replace those with some other predatory creature. The biggest plot hole is the presence of Rosh, who would be dead if this follows the darkside ending of JA, so he will be replaced, but none of this will be complete without menu overhauls and voiceovers.


    My first goal was to remove everything prequel-related from the mod.


    Then it was to give the mod a total Yavin feel to it, either you're in the jungle or in some dark facility underground, but with moderate aesthetic appeal.


    Then I wanted to re-introduce something that hasn't been done yet in a star wars game that would be possible here due to the massive number of npcs available with the current scripts, and thats to have it be a total nostalgic trilogy feel because the aliens would be there with much much less of a clone effect.


    Then I wanted it to be a real sequel to Jedi Academy, the Dark Side ending, making Jaden have ragged clothes much like his re-skin from the novels. 


    The things I want to change are some of the scripts, and I would like to have someone re-compile all the maps with just some physical changes (like repeating textures) and voiceovers to give the story a little twist.


    The premise is:


    Jaden turned to the dark side from ending of JA, 30 + years later a Sith Lord and his brothers appeared and destroyed much of the New Jedi Order, started siphoning resources from planets and collecting species for slave labor (much like Rakatans). 

    Thats why theres so many aliens on Yavin. There is no Empire, just remnants, I wanted to replace all the map objects of imperial spaceships with different skins to look like a different faction took over the empire's resources but the skins I made for the ships wouldn't replace the objects in the maps unless I de-compiled then recompiled everything.


    Jaden must escape from Yavin and confront the Sith Lord to either aid or destroy what is left of the old republic / rebellion and jedi knights. I want this game to have a solitary and dark feel to it. The only thing I wish was in the original mod was some ruined yavin temple / hangar base from the movie / previous jedi knight games that would connect between two chapters.


    Then I redid the music so literally no track repeats like it did in base JA.


    Theres a lot more work I did on this, but everything I did is just editing the assets and the skins/textures/music/effects/weapons themselves, nothing more. I am not a mapper for JA, I could never figure that stuff out unfortunately, so that is where I may need help from others to make this totally complete. I will release what I have as well just not yet until it is all organized for a single download.

    Basil Bonehead likes this
  8. totally new! the fourth skin that will appear in my pack, an updated design based on the silver swoop, it's supposed to have more of a racer look to it.


    The colors were inspired by the Shelby 730 Razor podracer from the episode 1 game for N64 as well as a few other concept arts I've seen.


    The faction for this swoop is the Hutt clan, or used by Hutt enforcers/mercenaries (symbol on the top by the seat/control panel).












    here it is for comparison with the older silver one, I took the 'stripes' idea and expanded it here for this one.





    Jeff likes this
  9. version 2 of the Black Sun swoop. Less random color more of a consistent pattern, edited the saturation and contrast / brightness as well












    and I edited the engine after-burner effect to be a blue glow in line with the swoop's flares that shoot out blue fire when you turn / boost. It didn't make sense to have a purple engine exhaust color with blue flame.



    Jeff and Smoo like this
  10. Just finished another one, called "Black Sun," it's also a beta, will probably change the final one around a bit. Another SOTE themed swoop, this time after the personal colors of Xizor (cobalt blue, purple, yellow, and green). It is the third planned one that I will include in the mod.


    I'm open to criticisms, let me know if you think its too wacky or if I need to tone down the color detail. 











    Noodle likes this
  11. Update here are the ones that I've shown above on the swoops in-game


    silver and blue:





    silver&blue, purple&yellow, & lime green all together: (purple reminds me of thrust's color scheme from Beast Machines)






    TOTALLY NEW, mandalorian style swoop, part of my new project (this one will be in the official single player mod)








    TOTALLY NEW this is 'Rusty' a re-decorated version of the black swoop to look more shadows of the empiresque and more fitting for an arid terrain, this one will also be in the single player mod, and its also very old:








    all of them together, including the swoop ultra from another file:








    hope you enjoy them! I will release a pack when I have made the rest!

    yeyo JK, Smoo, Jeff and 1 other like this
  12. Outrider will be in it, just not like you expected XD, in a MUCH better way, but I also wanted some thing a bit original. Years ago Ockniel and I both entered into a jk2files mapping contest. The theme was Taris and we took second place. I designed the hanger interior and the Ebon  hawk inside of it. We ran out of time and due to a rush job I never really got to do with it what I had originally wanted. looking back at the old map file I almost used it again in this. However after having learned so much since even then I felt it just sucked. So the Rhino was born. 


    You can't make a map un-compilable, however certain entities erase them selves during decompile. Setting brush work to these specific types of Func's will make them be erased apun decompiling the map, Ergo no one can steal your shit. XD

    Cool, I can't wait for this map.


    So is there a history behind why all the Jedi Home maps are on Bespin? I always loved the idea and RP'd the hell out of both maps about ten-twelve years ago. Just wondering if you wanted to could you make it on another planet?


    Or, is there a way to make the game have some kind of real time, day/night shift (for whatever bespin's cycles are, make the hours into minutes (earth = 12 mins day / 12 mins night with about 3 in between each for morning/evening shifts))

    TheWhitePhoenix and Smoo like this
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