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Everything posted by Domino5555

  1. Yeah, in hindsight, that request was ridiculous. Scratch Spaceballs.
  2. No. I'm not a modder. And I doubt that anyone has any actual Spaceballs models. I just had an idea to add new characters.
  3. I was thinking that maybe KOTF should have some new characters to play as, such as Saw Gerrera, General Hux, Galen Erso, K-2SO, Lor San Tekka, Maz Kanata, BB-8, and last, but certainly not least, they should add some Spaceballs characters! Right? Spaceballs!
  4. Yeah, the Z-6 is definitely getting thrown out the window. How many weapons have been used up so far?
  5. As I recall, on September 3rd's progress report, you said this: "We will be adding in some other weapons pretty soon that are single player exclusive, such as Captain Phasma's rifle, Poe's rifle, and a few others." So, why can't you make the weapons I listed SP-exclusive, with the possible exception of the Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon?
  6. I was thinking we could maybe add some more weapons to Knights of the Force, like perhaps Padme's Blaster Pistol, the RPS-6 Rocket Launcher for Clones and Droids, and of course, the Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon.
  7. We could have the character icons centered in the middle.
  8. Fortunately, this community doesn't comprise of underage racists.
  9. You know, sometimes, I wish that Knights of the Force was like Call of Duty. At least the underage racists could actually get stuff done.
  10. Even an underage player of Call of Duty would prevent Boss from dying.
  11. He still did not deserve to die that way! Especially when all three of his lackeys survived!
  12. Did Boss just die against 20 Battle Droids?
  13. Do you approve of my Dark Troopers idea?
  14. Yeah, in a future update, I'd like to see, if it's at all possible, Phase III Dark Troopers, so we can recreate the adventures of Kyle Katarn.
  15. I'm actually having a problem playing the single-player campaign in Jedi Outcast. bad parameter in external weapon data 'firingforce'
  16. Well, I run on a Windows 8 converted into a Windows 10, so I thought that compatibility mode would be the problem. But I can load the singleplayer mode of OpenJK, just not the multiplayer mode.
  17. How do I get openjk.x86.exe to work? It didn't exactly come with a readme.
  18. I have another question, how are you getting OpenJK to play this?
  19. That sounds like a great system. But what about the non Force-sensitives or droids?
  20. I've enjoyed playing the Alpha, even though I don't traditionally use Multiplayer, as I prefer not to fight other players. One problem that was particular to Tim's KOTF was that in singleplayer, there weren't a lot of vehicles you could spawn.
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