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Posts posted by SecretApprentice

  1. Hello, I am fairly new to using OpenJK and I was wondering how I could run my game in 4k. Just to be clear my native resolution is 1080p, but my GPU gives me the ability to upscale my resolution to 4k in the graphics settings. It works when I apply the commands r_customwidth 3840 and r_customheight 2160 to get to 4k in the regular JA, but in OpenJK it creates a small little window that I can barely see out of along with the rest of the desktop showing through while the game is running. I really hope you guys can help me out with this :)

  2. God Bless You


    Well, idk about your FPS, but I compiled it mostly because someone mentioned it fixes the console key placement issues a lot of my Euros are having all the time, so it was worth a day and a half of headaches to sort it out to resolve months of future ones trying to get cranky Central and Eastern Euros to change to OpenJK when the first thing they think is "NO it is BROKEN I must go back!"  xD

    Warlock likes this

    In my opinion and to be fair it's a good background but the real case is how stretches with a regular forum post like this one the picture appears the way it should be, but If you were to go to the home screen and the forums it appears slightly stretched out and unappealing to me.

    By the way I refreshed the page at one point and the background is back to the old one at least right now lol. All that's said and done this theme is both good and bad, however whether or not we can fix it or even decide to use another theme like mine, or Circas that is up to how everyone else feels.

  4. Even though the deadline was 2 days ago, I overheard one of your comments about rebooting this contest due to the lack of submissions. Well I for one have some nice juicy in-game screenshots for you. Before I go on any further I would like to say that 2 years ago I participated in this contest and immaturely forged votes under several email accounts. This of course got me disqualified and kicked out of the competition. But this year I want to redeem myself and try to compete in this contest the right way :) . After all that has been said here are some screenshots in some eye-popping 4k quality.







    ent, Omicron, Bek and 1 other like this
  5. For some strange reason all of my maps have a blank grey skybox and not the one I am used to seeing. I am not sure why any of this is happening all I can say is I recently got a new monitor and adjusted it to fit JKA and this started happening.

  6. I was able to get it looking a lot better actually by using the DSR on my invidia graphics card to bump the quality up to 4k quality and it runs smooth. Although I am not sure why but I have noticed that the skyboxes in all my maps are missing. I am not sure if it is because of changing the resolution which is highly unlikely. Perhaps I didn't notice it until now but it might be a mod disrupting something I'm not entirely sure. I think I am going to reinstall the game and see if that works. 

  7. With OpenJK:

    r_mode -2
    r_fullscreen 1
    Without OpenJK:

    r_mode -1
    r_customWidth 1920
    r_customHeight 1080
    r_fullscreen 1
    EDIT: I should really not leave tabs open for hours without replying.


    As for OpenJK SP, try launching it with +set fs_game "OpenJK"



    I just tried it without openjk the way you instructed and it worked! Although I ran into another error while browsing my maps that there appears to be no skybox just a gray sky over all of the maps I have tried so far. Don't know why that is happening and I am not sure if that is because of what I just did lol

  8. Actually I think openjk worked for me! I saw a big difference in the overall quality in it. Unfortunately openjk doesn't seem to fully work with me I installed it just now the way it said on github from the latest build on the open source from another website and clicked on the sp version of the openjk.exe and I can't seem to be able to use my lightsaber the blade was for some reason invisible. Then in another sequence I tried to use a different map then the one I had before on there and I was a 3d model skeleton. Then when I tried to use a different playermodel the game crashed. Welp I was happy I was able to get it working for me somewhat but I don't like the idea of having to mess around with openjk. I would rather find a way to do it on the original singleplayer game.

  9. Hello, I have been toying around a lot with different commands and tactics to get my new monitor to be able to use its native resolution with the game itself. I notice around in game that the graphics and quality of the game looks worse than it was when I had everything on my old monitor which was 1680x820 and worked with the 1600x800 on the in game settings perfectly. I hope that I may be making a simple mistake in all the things that I have tried doing to fix this which would be using commands such as r_customwidth and r_customheight to manually put in the correct format for my new monitor. I really hope that I can get this to work because I want to see the difference in the upgrade to 1080p and not feel like this new monitor makes everything I had before look worse than it ever did.

    Smoo and krkarr like this
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