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Everything posted by Nihilus

  1. See, that is your opinion. I happen to find that quite shitty, and that is my opinion. So "most awesome" is arguable.
  2. I have no idea what this is all about.
  3. That's the only Jelly I know. Never heard of Jelly being the same as Jam, but then again, I'm not surprised being it's an American thing ;D
  4. That is a pyroclastic cloud/flow. Those come from violent vulcanic eruptions and are loaded with electric charges. Sometimes, the charges meet the ones already present in the atmosphere and red/orange-ish lightning is born. Pretty awesome. Besides, I think my Avatar looks like an angry elephant =;D
  5. I was confused for an instance. Now I am not. Wonders of Caleum.
  6. Is this the server where you guys hope to have Hydroball II going on? If so, I'd like to try it myself, so YAY!
  7. You sureley weren't missed around here either <3
  8. Yeah and since those are not his stories, he doesn't really care about them. That's what I think, anyways.
  9. Hehe, the thing is, if you go to Wookieepedia, there is so much more story after Episode 6. I read it all and much of it would be great on the big screen, but it's just my wish. I may beg for new movies, but I'm not the one chosing to make them or not.
  10. I tried and tried but could not find the interview you speak of. Help?
  11. Understandable that for the author, his product might be complete and perfect, but who on Earth would want to hear Vader scream "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" with a faggy sense of anger? Besides, Lucas always worked well on the plots and stories, but that wasn't shown on any of the prequels. My opinion only.
  12. Nihilus


    Why, hello and welcome!
  13. Complex? Modern architecture is complex? Well, we can't duplicate the Pyramids, my friends, and this is like 5 thousand years after they were built. I mean, we can't do it even with the best equipment, people and technology... or so I was told. And I agree with this idea. And it's not just the Pyramids. Stonehenge, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (no one is 100% sure they even existed, besides a book written by a Greek traveler), the Colossus of Rhodes and many more. We can't create those nowadays, imagine how they did it then. On second thought, don't imagine... p.o
  14. No worries. It works now and if it doesn't in the future, well, there's always editing/deleting, right?
  15. Well, it works now, but to prevent future issues, here is the info you wish: Mozilla, version 15 (I think... lol); Windows XP Professional 2002 Service Pack 3. I know, I should update these, but all works fine and smoothly, so I really don't see the need
  16. I can see them ad I don't get any error or anything. I just can't click on them in any of my posts O.O
  17. I keep TRYING! Uhhh... it just doesn't let me.
  18. What in the... For some reason, I cannot Delete or Edit my post O.o
  19. To be perfectly honest, whenever I used to put folders and other files on my desktop, later on, I could never find them without taking atleast half an hour. SO I decided to better organize things, and ended up only having the Recycle Bin and My Computer THINGIES! EDIT: YES IT WORKS NOW! Thanks Caelum. That was an adventure...
  20. Well, one thing's missing. The players don't have the rights to the game, do they? If only I could ge my hands on those...
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