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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Add a light in each alcove with a negative value
  2. I might look into doing something like this for him tonight.. then base his anims off of the rancor npc. Good call man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwQpYGI_YSQ&feature=youtu.be
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui2SryDksrQ
  4. I found this very interesting... so shall you

    1. katanamaru


      The part with the cg guy and sword was based off HEMA!

  5. Well the plan was to have him hovering maybe a foot off the ground... then change his crouch anim to him flying and change all crouch anims accordingly to be fly instead of crouch. So he's always in the air a bit. But I really want to try some things with the cloth like anims with tails and stuff if I can get a complete xsi file with all of the anims and maybe a week to figure out how to tag each one and transfer correctly Long story short.. yeh I gotta plan. he'll be ok. that N64 Hud would be cool if someone incorporated the saber styles and stuff into it
  6. Sweet! Did you ever get a shader going for that chair?
  7. There's Death set up to the skele. Tags all in place. Would be cool if anyone knew how to do the wavy lag shader so we could get a very slight wind ripple out of those wings. I'll be going back over his textures soon. Anybody have a full xsi scene with all the base anims imported? @@minilogoguy18 @@DT85
  8. Oh yeah huh? Like decals. My blunder. Good thinking
  9. No point in having layers if its just a texture. you will either have to use models, or recreate what he did in Radiant. I had the textures layered to show depth and stuff and you were saying they didn't look well maintained. I think that's why he has his rather box-ey. Recreating it from the model he's making will be simple. He'll probably make you some like 10' sections, and you just tap the space bar in radiant and duplicate it and move them along replacing whatever hedge models you have. The method you are going for will look almost exactly like the N64 version, just maybe better textures. Up to you tho
  10. Those vases and things are about to be packed up. Worked on Death a bit for the hell of it no textures yet
  11. By the time the characters are the same age as the actors, Mara Jade would have already died. She might be mentioned I would guess. Hopefully a visual flashback or something. Allowing Darth Caedus to be a possibility =) Which could also explain the "young but not traditionally good looking". Since he will have to have a scarred up face from the Skirmish on Kavan "She leapt at him and cut him in the cheekbone and chin" The model looks great. Maybe if you were going to make your own... give it your own creative freedom and personal opinions on how she should look. Reboot her yourself that would be pretty sick to see. Like I'm doing Juno Eclipse
  12. Unwrapping the TIE facility exterior and a few hangar models

    1. Onysfx



  13. Gotcha and yeah If I'm going to help, and I'm sure ashura feels the same way, we're going to give you some decent work. totally up to you how you use it. When we get some nice hi-res pics of shrubbery, we'll start theorizing perfect hedges. What you need to do @@Botdra... is get some refs going. i.e. those flowers in those rows.. What kind of flowers do you want them to be? include refs. The ref pics from the n64 just don't really give us too much to work with so get some ideas going as to the type of concrete used in the statues/walkways... the types of leafs. the types of flowers. the surrounding gravel and rocks wherever applicable. Include ref's of what it looks like ingame, then what you would prefer. And we'll have a better understanding. Or else we're just going to take it and go apeshit rofl Done properly, something as simple as a hedge maze, can be really, really beautiful. Like, not even looking like this engine beautiful.
  14. ill match mine to yours @@AshuraDX if you're still planning on making textures
  15. well I have a few vines and such, but they're not done yet. I still need to adjust the hue on a few to show randomness. I'll work on my shrubbery, you work on yours, and I'm sure he'll need them both for such a project to turn out decent
  16. If you want @@AshuraDX... you make the textures ill make the shaders
  17. Hedges? Make a 5 layer thick wad of alpha planes... 20 verts and it can be 1024x4096 so you can cover a lo of area. Bam Excuse the textures and weird alpha sorting in this video I was going very quickly... as usual http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksHD5G6w3ok&feature=youtu.be Now that's some shrubbery. If you don't want to see all the way through.. make the center plane a lot heavier with foliage.
  18. Yeah that's what i did in my previous post. But If you built it in a 3d program, you could easily render the shadows underneath the outer alpha layer like I did there, and give it better depth. Hell you could do that, make a texture out of it.. then build it in gtk and use the texture. But lining everything up would be kind of a pain. Im still voting map_objects as opposed to brushwork. No point in remaking the map exactly the same, or with a little improvement.. if youre going to do it, do it right so it really pays homage and stands out
  19. Essentially, you'll want the flowers to be a completely different texture. What I was saying, is export those flower brushes, the triangles and whatever I see there.. that you've modelled in Radiant.. export em as .obj and let someone remake them as map_objects. It would just be a few minutes to make... and then we can set the methods side-by-side and see what's going to work out best for ya. @@Botdra EDIT: see? If we did it with models, you could bake in the alpha shadowing giving the illusion of leaf shadows and such. Excuse the texture this is just an example
  20. textures/yavin/grasspatchy_swampsprite { qer_editorimage textures/yavin/groundjungle q3map_material ShortGrass q3map_nolightmap cull twosided { map textures/yavin/groundjungle } { map gfx/sprites/y_grass_tall surfaceSprites vertical 32 36 42 500 ssFademax 1500 ssFadescale 1 ssVariance 1 2 ssWind 0.5 alphaFunc GE192 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA depthWrite rgbGen vertex } } So instead of looking for "textures/yavin/groundjungle" in radiant... you woulfd need to find "textures/yavin/grasspatchy_swampsprite" which it says will have the qer image of the "groundjungle" Also, if I wanted to add a moon to a skybox, how hard would that be? Simple as making your moon, then slapping it in one of the textures for whichever skybox you're modifying. If you wanted "actual moonlight".. it will get trickier. And lastly, I wanted to create very specific layouts of flowers similar to this, how could I achieve that? Models. I mean map_objects. You'll save tons of memory and time this way. Models with a few alpha planes sticking up here and there for the flowers that are taller... the rest will be textured in. Another option for you, would be to make the brushwork for the flower objects... then export it as an .obj and have someone model it and UV it for ya. I see that as the only real inexpensive way of handling that and making it look better than what you're seeing there. My 2 cents...
  21. Hello Pierry Grab a tutorial and join the cause Welcome to the Hub!
  22. Welcome to the Hub. Awesome maps man good to have you
  23. Wampa's don't have the force Ashura. Not even a little. Wampa Force Push Level= Turtle fart
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