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Posts posted by LucyTheAlien

  1. Sorry I can't replicate it because I'm past that part in the game now, but it happened on the penultimate level when I placed trip mines near a AT-ST.

    It was "Ghoul 2 ran out of transform space." Something along those lines. I'm using several mods but not even a GB. 

  2. I hate how everyone keeps referring to Rogue One as a dark film. A dark movie is one that has beloved characters that you really get to know and like die, or suffer a horrible fate, and make you feel sorrow for their loss. Rogue One was NOT a dark movie -- it did not deliver enough to make me care about its characters. It was a numb movie -- making me feel nothing lasting at all.


    It was a bad film, not a dark film. From now on, every time someone says "dark film" surrounding Rogue One, I will interpret it as a commercial way of saying "bad film".


    While this production process is not surprising and has been known to produce some outstanding works (see Miyazaki and the work of Studio Ghibli), Rogue One didn't deliver, and it downright pisses me off how they planned to deliberately deceive the audience even at the first stages of the trailer shot and released. It just serves to hint at how awful the thinking behind the making of this movie has been (i.e. "We're making this movie for Star Wars suckers, trying to maximally cash in on their gullability, guys. Don't even think you're making a quality picture! Just pretend it's real.").


    Bah!!! This movie is not worth me wasting my time typing this, anyway...


    No, nobody's going to listen to your incessant and unnecessary negativity.  

    Which is genuinely all you've posted in regards to Rogue One; I'd advise a different approach. 

  3. Yeah, there's a JK2 build too.  I never asked, does this happen only on multiplayer, singleplayer or both?


    That's mostly because it isn't done, there's no project leader, everyone is just a bunch of randomly organized volunteers, it has sort of vague goals beyond "bug fix/security fix".  It'll probably get its own website with a much clearer explanation once a relatively stable final build is made/completed.  Right now the whole thing is a beta product and not really targeted at normal players, because it isn't done yet.  At the moment, it's mostly for coders and power users who know how the game works and want to beta test it/find bugs/improve it imo.  If you want a detailed explanation of what it aims to be you have to look at the github readme.  But I thought this thread is a fair summary of where to find it and how to install it (granted the first post doesn't really summarize specifically what you're asking about, but the rest of the posts in the thread do).


    I only play SP.


    Is there anything else more stable for JK2 that could fix this issue in a similar manner then? 

  4. So if all you have in your base/ folder are the assets0, 1, 2, 3 and 5 files then it's an issue with the retail game and there's not really anything that can be done to fix the issue. You'll just have to ignore it.


    Do you get the same issue with Jedi Outcast? I'm using the GOG (Good Old Games) version. 

  5. I doubt the Emperor would ever knowingly allow Vader that much free leash, especially if such a location were to remind Vader of his independence.  If anything its a painful reminder of how he failed both Padme and how Obiwan betrayed and beat him.  The Emperor keeps Vader on a tight chain and neither trusts nor values him.



    I'd say their dynamic is much different in Legends than Canon honestly. 

  6. Mustafar is such a better location anyway, given Vader's past.  Makes sense for the Emperor to want to 'imprison' him there and always have him reminded of how much of a failure he is.  Gotta keep that darkside aura up.  Agree this would be pretty cool, I'd like more info on it though - maybe they'll release an interior map/diagram in a few months.


    Wow, I believe you're misinterpreting it greatly IMO.


    Vader's Castle on Mustafar was to me; a sign of him owning what happened to him on Mustafar and maturation- it's a location in which the Emperor doesn't have a place.

  7. Usually this happens when your have a pk3 mod whose directory structure is too deep, or the folder names are too long. The full path of every file in the .pk3 needs to be less than 64 characters. If not, you'll get this error.


    There's nothing wrong with the error (it's not a memory leak), you'll just find some mods you have might not be usable or will be missing textures etc.


    I removed everything from the Base Folder except; assets0, assets1, assets2, assets5 and assets99.pk3 - but I'm still getting the error message. 

  8. Usually this happens when your have a pk3 mod whose directory structure is too deep, or the folder names are too long. The full path of every file in the .pk3 needs to be less than 64 characters. If not, you'll get this error.


    There's nothing wrong with the error (it's not a memory leak), you'll just find some mods you have might not be usable or will be missing textures etc.


    Ah okay. Thanks.

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