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Posts posted by bigphil2695

  1. Here it is: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Outcast/Models/Star%20Wars/3800/



    Maybe you should check out this site http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/ to look out for certain models. If you can't find anything there, look on JKHub.

    And if you still can't find something, start a topic (but with more than just a large picture).


    Thank you my dude. I saw some weird animated movie where they used Yuuzahn Vong models, so I knew they existed.

  2. I think it's a script or a trigger (if such even exist in q3 engine), because making a random npc file is simple. As far as I can figure, the maps themselves are pre-scripted to spawn certain npc files in certain areas, so unles you can figure out how to write and assign those to the maps you want, you (and the rest of us) are out of luck. This should be fairly easy too though, if you know coding and stuff.

    That's what I was thinking, I'll have to research it.

  3. >What does Surf mean


    Hell if I know that's just what the game files call it lol


    >Kreia's ghostly hand


    That actually sounds like a pretty good idea, I could retexture the hand tonight.


    >How did you cheat?


    In the screenshot was still when I had obviously visible hands on the sabers. You can't see them because of how dark it is. Hence how I cheated lol

    the_raven likes this
  4. Here it is, you may want to download the Kotor saber hilt too



    playerModel cultist
    surfOff "hips torso l_arm l_hand r_arm r_leg l_leg head_face head "
    weapon WP_SABER
    saber kotor
    saberColor purple
    saberStyle 1
    saberStyle 2
    saberStyle 3
    saberStyle 4
    saberStyle 5
    rank captain
    aggression 5
    aim 1
    evasion 1
    intelligence 1
    move 5
    reactions 1
    playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY
    enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER
    health 500



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