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Everything posted by luiwan
Hey ya'll I started out a little project converting Jedi outcast SP to a story line set during the clone wars featuring 'Jedi Master Echuu Shen Jon', known from Star wars galactic battlegrounds. I'm even replacing the sounds files to make a completly new feeling to the single player and all other things (models, music etc) I don't only wanna try this out myself, so I figured I'd ask if this is still intresting in sharing for others (you) in the jedi knight community? So is it? :> don't want to waste all the time it takes just to try it myself
is it easier and possible to convert a JKA skin to JKO?
Hi! I really need a jedi trainer in a jedi robe, but have no experience AT ALL on doing this and I've searcher EVERYWHERE! Could someone help me fix this for jedi outcast?
Ok, i won't delete anything. But I only care for jan to weild saber on this first mission since it's the only one where she's present. Doesnt matter if she doesnt have the saber upon spawning. Do you mean there's still reasons to change more scripts?
What do you mean is left to do? Yes it does, it just jumps over the part where jan usually fires her blaster against the big door and works all the way down to control_booth2. And after that as well when the green code been accessed and you return to save jan. She still can't use the saber, but there's alot of scripts in that file then prevents her from doing stuff so i might delete some of it. And do you know how to prevent someone from not be able to jump in scripts? tried to set force jump to 0 but didnt work
Yes it does, it just jumps over the part where jan usually fires her blaster against the big door
Great feeling when you get the script finally working I replaced aim 4 with set_weapon wp_saber. This is just what happend, Jan started jumping around as a jedi killing of trade federation droids in this case, which can mess up the waypoint system if she jumps up on ledges or to far away from where she's suppose to stand. It's enough using some force pull to get here back on track and she continues, i'm gonna try to remove force jump from her. Then it shouldnt be any problem I think. Thanks for all the tips! This makes an huge different for my idea
and a new question, is it possible to script that upon spawning in the first map (kejim) 2 rebel npc's are spawned besides you and jan?
Can anyone post a tutorial for scripting and how it works?
love that prequel conversion mod, it's for JA if i'm not mistaken. For some time ago there was a prequel conversion mod that even had voiceovers on kyle and luke for JA. But can't find it anywhere. Suppose some of the authors of parts of the material used might refused to have it released..
wow, haha we'll see we what Ill be able to do. What I'm really doing is converting SP into a prequel gameplay with mace windu as kyle, Jan supposed to be Shaak Ti with a saber if I could get it working. Replacing most of the npc's to prequel characters. TFdroids, jedis in to prequel jedis, luke-yoda and more. I've played JA and JO alot when I was younger, in clans and RP but I found the ol' game once again and wanted to make a cool SP scenario. thanks for all the help, ill check into the script when I have time
I'm having problem making it work, could you show me what script to put in and exactly where? I'm adding for example set ( "SET_WEAPON", "WP_SABER" ); after aim to 4, but nothing happens.
ok, im getting improvements but there still a few things i need to figure out. 1. Jan gets a saber after the first time she's in the first control booth on the first map, BUT - she can't use it, she just stands still and deflects laser shots from stormies. She can follow, do some forcejumps. But not much more than that. So, is it possible to add the same script in the beginning of the map upon spawning and make Jan able to use it? Thank you all for your responses, they've been really helpful.
or could someone do this for me?
so.. how do I do this? im a noob wannabe modder on a mac trying to modify outcast SP lol
Then it's scripted, no way to override this script with another one?
ok, did what you wrote and I've achieved this before. Jan recieves a saber but is still holding a invisible blaster and the animation for holding a blaster. But by the looks of it, it's a saber shooting lasers. Any thoughts?
Thank you so much for taking time to answer my question. But the thing is I don't want this to happen in a custom map but rather in the original single player campaign of outcast - is that possible?
Hey ya'll! I'm trying to found a way to give a npc another kind of weapon, in this case Jan. I want her to weild a saber. I've understod that this is rather difficult in the jk2. But there is a NPC called jedif already in the basegame. Is there a way to change the jan model to the jedif model, which would make Jan weild a saber. And from which i could give new skin to and thus achieve my goal? Thanks for any tips.