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Posts posted by Tauns

  1. "Model has 17 surfaces, but only 1 of them are connected up through the heirarchy, the rest will never be recursed into"

    I'll investigate that. xD

    Edit: Altough I'm sure the hierarchy was set correctly, now when I opened that glm again, it was a mess. Strange.

  2. Hi guys!

    I'm learning how to do throwable stuff *click* I use 3ds Max 2015, with all plugins needed. I imported r2d2 model, deleted it's original skeleton, imported skeleton provided author of throwable stuff, and weighted model to Bone01, as the author says. Linked whole mesh, to mesh_root, and exported as model.glm. Made toss_astro folder, put in in model.glm, with textures, .skin file, made an .npc file. Phew! That's all. Yet, game crashes as I try to spawn my toss_astro :/ I'll send .pk3 to anyone who is willing to help me.

    Thanks in advance! :D

  3. Well... I'm just a student in the Academy, @@Kannos'v Lightdust is member of our Jedi Council, and he does all the magic stuff with the code. So, basically our mod is ojp with admin system, quite a lot of emotes, effects called by admins, account system and minor gameplay changes, mostly from other mods - all for rp purposes. It's still further modified, and more cool things are added :) Sadly, we are closed clan, only for polish people, or someone who can use Polish well enough.

    There are other people from our clan on JKhub. I wonder if you can point them xD

    Kannos'v Lightdust likes this
  4. No, no. What i want to know is the mechanic ingame wich selects one from (for example) 3 taunts. How does it work?



    Is there even a known mechanic? :o


    If anyone wants to know. It's randomly chosen from avaible audio files, depending on type of taunt.

  5. Hello.

    When changing sounds for my model and testing them in game, I noticed something. Depending on the name of selected sound (taunt, taunt2, taunt3 for example), the chances for actually hearing that sound changed. When every .wav file was a different one, the chance for hearing other sound than taunt.wav were little. How does it work? It's not random, I think, but I'm not sure if there even is some kind of maths behind it, rather than simple picking in some order, unknown to me.

    Thank you for answering.

  6. Hi there!

    As stated in the topic. I would love to have soundOn, soundLoop, soundOff (and others. the more, the better ;) ) with some HIPSTA sounds, instead of these vanilla ones. If anyone could extract (or record or something) these hums, ons and offs, slashes, throws etc. I would be very grateful! 




    @@Circa? :> 

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