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  1. nice work ^^ cant stop hearin the endcredits
  2. So here is the Original Pack of ScorpDK's Female stormy
  3. Update https://www.dropbox.com/s/31zhh8g9l3a0dv9/FemStormyV1.rar?dl=0 Yes soon Rikku - https://www.dropbox.com/s/af6cm4xatdpzrnv/Rikku.rar?dl=0
  4. i dont know i got the original rikku model from scizovii final fantasy page yeears ago^^ i upload the rikku model later for u ;D
  5. damn double posting ;_; okay Marass head is fine ^^ but i dont use the three heads
  6. Nice commentcs haha okay lets start this project first of all: - The Plan 1. Adding sand- & darktrooper textures (maybe you guuys have more ideas) 2. Adding blue & red team option (maybe adding red and blue shoulderpad only^^) 3. fixin the RBG shoulderpad & fixing character sounds 4. fix the customization option^^ 5. uhm, im too lazy and have no time too download and start work with 3d Studiomax for adding new heads and reeightin all i also think i cant no longer weight and need to learn it again <.< maybe someone want to help but for now ill use the animehead it includes 2 Final Fantasy heads (yuna and rikku - here is a screen) forgot the ugly mara jade head ^^ ____________________________________________________________________________ Okay i'll upload some updated screens later
  7. Heyo, i found my very veery (8 years) old cd with my saved JKA Models & Skins.. aand now i got my modelpacks from ScorpDeathKnight back, his female stormtrooper pack was one of my fav here some screens i want to fix, edit & release his packs and i need the permission anyone of you guys know his email-adress or smthg like that?
  8. Very nice work on Temple Guard and Embo
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