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File Comments posted by Spirit

    Kril'Dor Sky (v2)

       645    3

    It looks nice, however, there is a very serious problem with it that is a reason enough for me not to use it. The edges where the different sides of the skybox meet are very much visible, ruining the illusion of limitless sky. If you can fix it, it will be perfect. It would be nice if you also included level shots with the green sky for t2_wedge and the official bonus multiplayer map that is placed on Kril'Dor.


    Edit: on second thought, I think I liked the color of the first version more. This one is just a bit too dark, but that's just my personal oppinion. The pattern of this second version, and the color scheme of the first one would be awesome.

    Female SWTOR Revan

       2,865    15

    Great! I was looking exactly for something like this to make my personal playermodel. This is definetaly a good start, but please improve it, the textures are extremely low quality, and the scarred faces look horrible, all blocky and distorted. Also, for some reason, in the character creation menu all the legs and with a single exception all the torsoes are invisible, noone else complained about it so I guess it's my problem, any ideas what causes this? NPCs appear normally.


    EDIT: ok I think I found the problem, some of the .skin files have incorrect path. I also noticed however that the model itself has some holes in it, for example, on the KOTOR skin, the neck is much thinner than the torso's neck part, resulting in a huge gap, there are also smaller ones at the shoulders and at the base of the hood, when using the head with hood and without mask. The shape of her arms are also kinda strange, the shoulders are kinda swollen, as well as the whole torso. But as I said, this is an excellent start, so just keep up the work and it will be perfect in no time.

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