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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. That is one very grumpy Anakin with black eyes, like some one just punched him I may suggest using half of his side face textures and mix it very gentle with the one from iClone based on the photo combo of Hayden / Sebastian that you posted.
  2. I have separated the neck parts from the head parts (keep in mind that the head was originally cut into 10 parts in order to work), so the neck goes to "cervical" and the head to "cranium". I shared the beta version of the model, so it's open for anyone who's willing to fix that bug. By far that is the best I could've done from my own to bring Sebastian Shaw back to live for JKA. And I saw people talking, that if they are re-shooting ROTJ and the original saga, than this mix of Hayden + Sebastian will be added for the end, but if that is what they aim to do, I would just recomand to return to Sebastian, because he was casted and it must be him. What's worse than cutting you out of a movie, is to cut you out of the movie, after you were shot there.
  3. Hope it will make it someday in the future to JKA's SP/MP gaming, as well as a Kylo Ren shuttle.
  4. Ok i think now it is working better, but it has this neck bug. Download link: Anakin Skywalker ROTJ 1983 (BETA) BUG:
  5. Well, is it possible to do it with spliting the entire neck and assing it to "cervical" and the head itself to "cranium"?
  6. Well i think it is too late, because the head model in order to work in ModView and base JKA without any other mods installed on it, except the 1.0.1 patch was splitted on 10 pieces.
  7. It is attached as you have instructed me once and the same way as I did with TFU Obi Wan Kenobi's head from Episode 3. It's weighted to "cervical" and "cranium" firt the edit mode, select all, than go to the drop menu than i added the cervical and clicked assign it was on 1000, after that i added the cranium and hit "CTRL + I" in order to make inverse selection and assigned it to the cranium.
  8. Btw @@Kualan Toshi's Luke eyes and mouth are weighted on "jaw" and "cranium" and since i just hit "M" button to move them on the head and than just change it's parent connection from "torso_0.001" to "torso_0" as i did many times with older models and it worked for them.
  9. Yes, this is how it was made from iClone itself during the process, that is why i had to make hand skin also lighter. It is spooky beacuse it is a bug, that i don't know yet how to fix, I just put up the Toshi's Luke eyes and mouth on it and when i open it in ModView to hit play and see if it is ok that happened, they go around the head like they are not attached/weighted but they are.
  10. @@Seven damn you, here is how this Hayden/Sebastian mesh up looks made by iClone 4.3 and ported in Blender. However it needs the eyes to be fixed, because i am using the Toshi Luke Skywalker's eyes/mouth and not the ones from the iClone verison. Also I don't know why but the hair and eyes are moving out of the head, and I think i weight them as on the other models, but i can't seem to fix them. Head: Full view: BUG:
  11. Yes, but nope I don't want Christensen just the original good Sebastian Shaw
  12. If it is the head from the website you showed me it will need a little more work on it.
  13. Ok, so i managed finally to bring Sebastian to live in JKA, thanks to the good instructions and patiences from @@Kualan and @@Seven and few other members around the hub. So I am really thankful to them for this, as well to the people who created the 2 different busts i used for reference to recreate in iClone 4.3 as much possible as i could manage to. They are not perfect and need some debugging before they go inside the gameplay, so that their hair and eyes work proper. Body used is from Seven's TFU Ben Kenobi. Hairs used are form: HS_Kenobi, Toshi Luke, Eyes from: Toshi's Luke. Reference model 01 Reference Model 02: What i was able to bring for JKA:
  14. Well i knew that ofcourse, but I was wondering how to cut it the clever way, without causing the end result in gameplay to look like the messed Flametrooper, on many pieces. And since the decimate tool doesn't work here is there a more good way than just cutting it on very small parts.
  15. Yes i am sure, and I showed the Flametrooper result in game, as to show what I don't want Sebastian to look like. Somehow after following your steps for the UV Split Mesh error, after the final step with the Edge Spliter from around 1700+ verts head it goes to a 7000+ verts
  16. Thanks for saving me again @@Kualan !! This time it worked, however in ModView I ran into the error for too much verts. I did separate the head on 2 half parts, but the right side of his head is 641 verts and the left half of his head is at 3,717 verts. I tried to use decimate as you once mentioned and played around but mostly the face dissapears, so I will have to split it on more parts, however I don't want it to look with a visible triangules on the face during gameplay. How can I avoid this any thoughts?
  17. If i understand you correct, after I go to Edit Mode > Select all faces/vertices/edges, than i must go to UV Image Editor and choose "Seams from Island", than go (nothing is red it's all in orange if it's all selected and if not it is all in white). Than i have to go to Edge Select which is again in the "Uv Image Editor" if I am not wrong? After i choose one of the red edges i have to go back to Edit Mode than hit "Ctrl + G" as a hotkey of the Select / Similar and than choose next to it "Material" (faces/vertices/edges) And hit the Edge Split with unchecked edge angle. If that is correct it does not work.
  18. So as I started to explore the software called "iClone" and using one of the older version of iClone 4.3 I managed to recreat as much as possible the actor Sebastian Shaw's head from the original 1983 ROTJ version of Anakin Skywalker as a Jedi. I have found a good picture over a SW forum, where a fan have made a pretty good looking sculpture of Sebastian, however the end version with colors and eyes is having the Vader helmet attached, so I used for a reference the image below, before the paint work that he did. Original picture: However, after I managed to export the head and the full model as .OBJ and later open it in Blender, followed the usual Append option and method that I used for porting Obi Wan's head and for the Split of Flametrooper's helmet. I ran into an error in Blender that doesn't seem to work for this head or the .OBJ file is somehow damaged or encripted?! I don't have the knowledge so i am just guessing. So, After i follow this steps for the error "head_0 (LOD 0) from Blender: UV Seam found! Split meshes at UV seams." Steps: Go into UV Image Editor, select all verticies of the object, select the UV tab/ seams from islands, then select the option to mark seams sharp, then add the edge split modifier, uncheck edge angle, then apply. After this process it should export the model as a working .GLM but instead I ran again into the error for "UV Seam found! Split meshes at UV seams." And I can't find a way to fix it.
  19. So i think that the TFU Clone Wars Obi Wan's head is more accurate, than the one of TFU's ROTS Obi Wan head. Body is from TFU Ben Kenobi OT Jedi Robes. Credits to LucasArts, Seven and Hapslash. *BUGS*: eyes are not on the correct position, eyes are moving horror-ish (perhaps not weighted correctly), mouth does not open so he won't talk. TFU Clone Wars "General Kenobi" Head: TFU Kenobi Head (Revenge of the Sith): In my personal view the head of "TFU Kenobi (ROTS) looks more like the actor of Petor Beshop from "Frindge" TV Series xD" and here is him (the TFU ROTS) in the game:
  20. I dunno why, but the helmet of Asajj and the last bounty hunter from the weekend project, they make me want to become a knight of ren
  21. Not quite sure, what is the right way to make an epic sound track for a Star Wars Trailer Video, and not turn it into a f**g song that goes in a very different way from what it's supposed to be.

    1. Mr. Dinnertime

      Mr. Dinnertime

      Can't go wrong with Two Steps from Hell :P

  22. Well in that case it might be caused from a wrong shader file, but you can share the file here. At least I thought that it was because of a missing (or maybe wrong) shader, since in ModView i tested to see the model with Alpha mode and without (using the combination of "CTRL + A" to see it and than to make it invisible as it must show in game if it have a proper shader file). I guess that you can go to DT's Luke Skywalker Episode 7 model, open his .shader file and copy / paste what he wrote for Luke's hair because he used alpha parts there, that are invisible inside the game and make it look more realistic. So you can than copy those lines and paste them into your TFU Qui Gon ".shader" file for his hair.
  23. @@Tompa9 I know how you can fix this "bug". I noticed, that this bug you are talking about on @@Seven 's Qui Gon TFU Model is because you did not used the "CTRL + A " inside the ModView so it goes off, that in mind will mean in other simple words, that you will need a Shader for the hair and beard of Qui Gon model for gameplay, that way his hair and beard will not show up as a object, but as a more realistic hair and this gray triangule that shows in the back on his left side will be invisible
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