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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. When your band mate gives you amazing DOS Emulator for PC and you go back with like 15-20 years to play old games. #LittleBigAdventure2 #LostVikings

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Smoo


      Dosbox? It's great, some games you may need ScummVM for. Like Darby the Dragon, Broken Sword etc

    3. Smoo


      and Discworld (it works on Dosbox too but sound doesnt work so its better on ScummVM)

    4. dark_apprentice
  2. It is a EA 2015 Battlefront Luke Skywalker Return of the Jedi head, by Seven. I have only changed the hair texture to use the one from The Force Unleashed Rebel Pilot Luke model and lighten up a little bit the contrast of the original head texture so it's not so dark-brownish as the one Seven released. Eyes and eye textures are from Toshi's Luke Skywalker original eye textures (clear and blue, instead of bloody white and blue).
  3. I am glad to hear this from a person who actually loves the original Toshi design of his Luke Skywalker made from scratch. It is all depending on the monitor you use and of course the personal taste and point of view. From my side the eyes are blue, not that "sky" blue color or any brighter blue, but blue and far from actual grey colors of a human's eyes. Just like the point of view changes in time with the director himself and releasing tones of stupid "changes for good" like special editions, limited editions, digital editions of the OT movies and when we go back to the original original trilogy we all love it. If you want I can give you this model, you can change the eyes to be more blue-ish or Sky blue or whatever and play with it. The model is made because I loved the Dark Empire comic books and wanted to play with Dark Side Luke Skywalker dressed in his father's costume and instead of the mask using a vampire cape.
  4. Actually in Rogue One we have Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors, however Disney dislike the names because those characters are somehow from the "EU/Legends" for them and they just ripped off the design, the idea and changed their original names in a silly way (Jan Ors / Jyn Erso) and also changed the original characters to be less cool, so they can put other stuff inside and boost up the merching with the good old Darth Vader and of course Grand Moff Tarkin.
  5. 0:21 HUGE SPOILER And also actor Guy Henry is on the IMDb list as Grand Moff Tarkin Guy Henry
  6. It would be nice to see a CGI Tarkin "coming back" as Tarkin, but just noticed on IMDb that actor Guy Henry will play him o.O

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tempust85


      Behind the scenes photos have revealed Guy Henry wearing CGI dots so I dare say we will get CGI Tarkin.

    3. dark_apprentice


      This sounds even much better, thanks for the info ^^

    4. Tempust85


      My guess is that Guy Henry will do the behind and far away shots, and CGI will do close-up

  7. And they are Blue if you look careful. The eye textures are the original from Toshi's Luke ROTJ model, because the textures that Seven used were bloody.
  8. Thanks to @@Seven I just uploaded my most favorite character in Single player "Dark Empire" Luke. Also I changed a bit his hair texture and lighten up a bit the face texture.
  9. Good news anybody *Professor Hubert Fransworth's voice* I managed after the recording session to start something for a movie/game soundtrack, but I need to tweek here and there with the brass sections, I am not used to work a lot with them and see what I can come out with them. However it might not be the most "star wars-ish" score that you will hear, but I think will fit the map.
  10. Hey, just to let you know I'll be in the studio around mid afternoon my time, so I hope it's not too late for you if you are in a hurry with soundtracks. Also on Facepunch forums, under "modelling" over the Star Wars thread, there was a good HD model of a star destroyer (not sure if it was a port or custom made from scratch), but it's a good reference for the details.
  11. Yes it was from the unreleased update on training gear starkiller (just adding the tfu1 head).
  12. Well I not into cutting music stuff and making ports with music but it will be much easier and fastar if I can just compose one similar soundtrack for you. Might be a little bit longer than the one in the video
  13. I would personally like to see a complete JKA Han Solo from DT85 since it will be a masterpiece and we all know how his last work looks like *masterpiece* so I can assume it will be even higher level than Ep.7 Luke.
  14. Here you go download it from here I think i manage to get it for you, however if you are not very happy with this one I could spend few minutes between the record sessions with my band tomorrow in the studio and make something for you from scratch with our own orchestra. It will be my pleasure
  15. A custom concept I was working on today, after I decided to give a full re-write of the script for SW POTA fan film. Yes there are 2 Force ghosts going to appear and the one might be something like this. I am haven't decided yet, but it's a start.
  16. Happy to see my favorite JKA Map on the background of the Hub, bring lovely memories from last winter <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Onysfx


      We were just testing JKG with that map :)

    3. dark_apprentice


      I think, people believe I made the map wow O.o I just said, that it's my faborite map for JKA

    4. Onysfx


      No, I know Szico_VII made it, but I will admit, for one brief moment I thought you were claiming you made it. I just read too quickly, it's my bad XD.

  17. 01. Select Cloth (Purple object from your screenshot) 02. Go to "OBJECT MODE (it has a yellow-ish box icon). Click on it and select the 5th menu from bottom to top it should say "Weight Paint" 03. Go to next menu where you have a BALL in red squares that says "TEXTURE" (from the ViewPort Shading) ----> Select "WIREFRAME" 04. Now the purple object from your screenshot is going to be BLUE. 05. Click and hold LEFT Mouse button and move it around the cloth. 06. Cloth is going to be RED now. (that means it is weighted and the textures might work) 07. LOAD the textures 08. IF DOESN'T WORK: Open your "gamedata/base/models/players/XYZ" folder (the one where your model is located) 09. Go to the TEXTURE image (for example we will use Darth Vader) "CLOTH.JPG" (this is the picture of Darth Vader's CLOTH in .JPG format or .TGA or whatever you saved it as). 10. CLICK on the image and DRAG with your MOUSE INSIDE BLENDER. 11. DROP The image ON the Cloth (the object in PURPLE From your screenshot) 12. TA-DA, You have fixed it.
  18. Not sure on 100% if this can help, but you can try to select only the cape of the model (the one in purple color on your screenshot) enter Weight Paint menu (it's just the same place as the edit mode), select WIREFRAME so you can see only the selected object (it will be colored in blue now) and click on the "Limit selection to visible (clipped with depth buffer) > so you can see every dot/triangle from the cape and color it to RED with "weight paint" (this is a must option, because it will color every part in red and you won't miss anything). Than go back to Object Mode / Texture and it must load it (if not) I guess the cape will be in white so just open the texture for the cape (example: cape_vader.jpg) and drag it with the mouse from your folder inside blender over the cape it will cover it.
  19. The only simple idea that comes to my mind is (if possible of course), to make a simple .cfg file in your base folder, that could change the base Jaden head from let's say "head_a1" to use the one in "head_a2.skin" file in other words the CFG can change the skin from Jaden regular to Jaden Dark Side using the sith eyes, bind it to a key and when turning to the dark side - boom.
  20. Problem is that the Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game my friend and the models are very low poly (even lower than JKA models), so they cannot be ported the best you can do is to use Spanki's pack and change his face texture a bit.
  21. Ey, it is okay I just said my personal taste and you stated yours it's all ok Toshi's one i good indeed as for the time he made it, but just for me it doesn't shows that much Luke. Yavin's Luke from TFU Wii version is good, but personally the one that makes me scream as the fangirls might say is the one modeld by EA BF 2015 but that is only me of course.
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