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File Comments posted by Xeby


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    I know this is three years late, but Xeby I must ask. Does anyone know what happened to the author? Did he stop during part 2's production and thus release some concepts or did he just vanish?

    I have no idea.. he just vanish... maybe too busy with family and kids... who knows.. to bad the real moders don't have time and money for long projects like this.

  1. Good job man)

    Look, is there any chance this saber could be work in multiplayer?

    Usually, in multiplayer, you can use only standart sabers, but if I type some command in console will this saber be work?

    And if it will, what command should I type?

    Help mate)

    ... sorry, but this is for single player gameplay... i never play the multiplayer jedi academy.

  2. I have the Clone Wars effects mod and the Ultimate Weapons mod installed and when i type in the sith_unstable code Ashura's hilt comes out but the saber is a regular orange. Am I missing files or are those other two mods conflicting?


    Other than that I like how the blade looks a lot, just wish I could get it to work properly atm.


    Hi, it's probably a conflict of Clone Wars mod, or another mod that uses orange color saber gfx files.

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