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ShenLong Kazama

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Everything posted by ShenLong Kazama

  1. May i ask for your assistance of you have the time? If you're okay with it i could send you the files.
  2. Could someone explain what that means please? How can i fix it?
  3. @@Kualan Well i don't how to use the animations for a skeleton, so i try using the AT-AT skeleton. Somehow only leg21 and leg22 have a weighting problem, any suggestions?
  4. @@Kualan I found a AT-ACT model which seems to be rigged already and has animations, would that be convertible for me? http://www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/Index.cfm/ID/1106376
  5. Crashes Modview. I give up, i have no clue what i'm doing, either Modview crashes, or i can't even export the model, and i hoped i got the hang of modeling, oh well.
  6. ''Skeleton root does not match specificed gla''
  7. Can't i just attach the model to the root? Tbh i have no idea how to weigh, though the textures are correctly placed to the mesh it seems.
  8. @@Kualan How can i convert a obj ship model without animations? Barraganap got these awesome U-Wing models and since vehicles have barely animations or none at all, could that be converted to glm more easily than the AT-ACT?
  9. Well i only need the head, body and container, the legs of the AT-AT suffice. But i still need to convert the model and place the textures properly. I tried to attach said parts to the AT-AT skeleton, oh boy that didn't work at all.
  10. Yeah sort of, how long would it take? Atleast the model doesn't need to be made from scratch.
  11. Since your knowledge of modeling is far above mine, what's your opinion on the model? Is it possible to place the textures correctly, convert it to glm and make it usable in ModView and ingame? Because some models are more or less impossible to get them to work.
  12. Blender, though i barely know what i'm doing. I'm trying to convert his model to glm and attach it to the AT-AT skeleton. http://www.mediafire.com/file/05d0rqtxqkh9cq5/AT-ACT.rar While the model is larger than the AT-AT skeleton, the skeleton could be edited perhaps.
  13. I need advice regarding converting models and rigging them, since i'm trying to convert a fbx file to glm and rig the model to an already existing skeleton. What i wanna do is convert a specific fbx file into glm, with correct UV mapping and textures and make it use the skeleton of a model that's already using the fitting animations. I couldn't find a tutorial, and some of the tools i found only work if some of the first working steps are done, so i would appreciate any assistance anyone can provide.
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