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  1. Some updates. I'm calling this monstrous building "The Breaker." Its mostly finished, just need to build up the surrounding city district around it. The other side of the skyportal, it will be getting an overhaul once I'm finished the Breaker District.
  2. Just began work on the otherside of the Underlevels skyportal, still a ton of work to do.
  3. Yep, were doing this, another update. I'm rebuilding an alleyway from a previous map I was working on, I have a new technique where I round my edges so I had to rebuild the alley from scratch. Its going to be more neonlit and colorful once its more polished. Eventually I will continue working on this room again.
  4. Presenting.... Holographic Interfaces! ? These will be the switches for doors, elevators, and miscellaneous intractables around the map. They are fully animated, usable, complete with new sounds, and you can even walk right on through them! The paragraphs of text you see in the boxes scroll on down.
  5. You're going to heaven for this also.
  6. Infinity Pool (Still needs a reflective shader ? ) Apartment. With alternative lighting
  7. Oh hell yes...
  8. Edit: Most of these are just glorified skyboxes/skyportals that I've been building. Valora Upper Levels Orbital Underlevels (Diff Planet which I might make Coruscant lol)
  9. So some updates. I gutted the map (aside from the skyportal) to make it more stylized to match up with its skybox. Don't mind the grey in some areas, I'm still crafting textures. I'm currently experimenting with volumetrics to add to the feel and blend the skyportal in some areas. This is going to be the central lift which will take you into the common area. Im going to eventually put a large red neon sign behind the support beams, I'm using a red motif to make it feel like your metaphorically descending into hell. This is going to be the common area, eventually it will be filled with some more city lights, more detail, and of course some neon. Its rudimentary right now. Updates to the docks and the skyportal.
  10. A year ago I started on a city planet (yes its been that long) but yet I was still learning how to map so it didn't really go all that far. But after some practice I think I got the hang of this. So here is the under levels of my fictional city planet. (Valora) Inspired by Coruscant's level 1313 and both real Los Angeles and Blade Runner 2049's depiction of it. I'm shooting for this to be my first release. This is basically one giant skyportal so far. Pretty much everything is animated from the building lights, to the new flying traffic shader I made, the holographic advertisements which I plan to make more of. and to the new skylight shader with small dust particles slowly trickling down. Now I need to get the rest of the base map as visually appealing as its skybox
  11. I would love to know more about your project and yes, I want this map to be my first release. Shoot me a DM.
  12. Whoops, sorry about that https://ufile.io/t7wka /devmap Orbitalnew18 .map file included in the PK3
  13. I'll chime in.
  14. No, no no no, no no. Mapping has a pay off. I personally use it to de-stress, You're helping to keep JKA alive and well in the process, Please take a break but don't delete your work. especially this beautiful map. Work of your caliber is incredibly rare.
  15. Yes, but nothing I'm satisfied with. I recently just begun working on it again and making something that is less of a shader test bed and more of coherent level. I have begun fleshing out the underground (below the city) more from the tunnels, the Raven hotel and lounge, and I just started on the Metro (not pictured) Other than the recent work I've come up with a name for this place: Valora. One of my test shaders, I'll prob ditch the rain all together as Skyportals and weather effects don't mix well. I did in the meantime build an experimental space station which is set in low orbit of Valora. The skyportal is animated where the clouds move and you can see Starships coming and going. I'll offer a playable alpha as I might not even release this as I'm unhappy with the design. Download Link /devmap O25
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