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Everything posted by MUG

  1. Indeed. I don't lack confidence in you, I am just a pessimist =P
  2. So seems that free server actually happened before i got a chance to order this =P, so until such a time as that explodes, I won't bother.
  3. I've got "junk","overflow", "adgafgagds", "wat" and "nope" folders all of which contain random crap that i needed to hide away. Still i struggle to keep it to one page.
  4. Yeah, I even use the version you suggested now xD
  5. Basically gents, here's the deal: I already tried one of Caelum's mad schemes to get a cheap server, which ended up delaying me a couple of weeks and costing me a shocking £0.60. Basically, I don't really want to wait another month, and suspect that having direct ownership of a server would be far more reliable than being given access to a server by Caelum, who has in turn been given access to it by someone else, who has rented it from a server host I know nothing about, whom I won't be able to directly deal with in the event that the server goes down. As such I intend to order a server tomorrow, as I will be away most of today. Once I have it, I will give anyone the option to buy in if they wish.
  6. Well sir. To be fair, style was not my main objective when I was hacking the website to bits in the gimp. If you can think of an alternate way of removing some of the header length that doesn't offend your "artistic tastes" (<.<), I would be overjoyed. I basically just did everything I could think of to remove blank space there. In the name of science I have created a couple more concepts that less brutally rape your style, and don't look awful =P:
  7. Do you mean you want to find the model of that Jedi?
  8. Maybe I'm destroying it a little <.< >.> . But other than my really crappy logo pasting, I actually think it looks better xD As for it being optional, that means Cael has to maintain another theme. Which I doubt he will bother doing.
  9. My name is MUG and I want to beta test your map. =P
  10. I can actually follow the link fine...
  11. It's been bugging me, that whenever I load a new page of the forum, I have to scroll down a fair way to actually see more than the beginning of the content. In fact, I cant even see the bottom of the box I am typing this topic on without scrolling down... So I took a look at this: and realised it was 90% wasted space. I propose this: Other than the logo being hastely slapped on, (im sure someone could apply it in that area in a better way in 30 seconds) I see literally no downside. Just thought I would put this here for your consideration/comment.
  12. Makermod is not for everyone. Idea is that this list has stuff that most people are going to have a use for. I can tell you this cause I have never even accidentally visited a makermod server. also Only because jk2files doesn't work most of the time.
  13. Added a few maps.
  14. Your start menu is made by Aperture Science. I am fear.
  15. Yes: Silence in the Library Forests of the Dead (second part) and Blink
  16. Its very important.
  17. I assumed that had fallen through having heard nothing about it after you saying you had broken it xD. Guess I will hold back for now in that case. Still want to know how much Drako was going to commit however, for when the free server no doubt horribly fails =P
  18. Because Jelly is a wonderous name for this guy:
  19. Will arrange one later if no one beats me to it =P
  20. Not in England sir =P and what Americans call jam/jelly are both jam here =P
  21. erm You were the one who came into this thread to tell everyone how the TV show they like is shitty. You can hardly be surprised when people think the same of your own tastes.
  22. from one youtube video, a tv show cannot be judged. Need to see a couple of episodes. This is the one that got me to watch DW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gyr8QUWmMEE takes a while to get going, but worth it. edit: apparently part two has been blocked...sad times T_T
  23. MUG

    *Waves* Hiyaaa

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