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Files posted by MUG

  1. Improved Animated Base Icon

    This gives you a couple of options to improve the base chat icon. I got the idea after seeing some recent chat icon mods.
    Place whichever pk3 you want into gamedata/base:
    AnimatedImprovedBaseIcon - Recommended: My modified version of the base chat Icon, where
    the speech bubble actually points at the character, with animated dots.
    AnimatedBaseIcon - The default JKA chat Icon, but with animated dots.
    ImprovedBaseIcon - My modified version of the base chat Icon, where the speech bubble
    actually points at the character.
    Animated shaders are based on a shader by Ruxith in SiLink's custom icon:
    Get other base improvements here:
    Published Exlusively on JKHub - 20th March 2013
    Feel free to modify/use as you please.


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  2. Force/Item Toggle

    This config file allows you to use a single button to switch your force keys to selecting and using usable items. Allowing you to have controls for usable items without taking up any keyboard space. I've been using this for ages and figured other people might find it useful.
    Put qef.cfg into your gamedata/base folder.
    Open the console in game and type /exec qef
    Now use Q E and F as normal, to select and use force powers. Press Alt to switch to/from usable items.
    The change the keys from Q,E,F,Alt, open the cfg in notepad and follow the instructions prefixed by //


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  3. Search and Destroy - Tatooine Streets

    This map brings a new game type to jka. Inspired by CoD and CS, one team's goal is to arm a bomb, the other team's is to defend or defuse the bombs. the gametype is built into the map. Shortly, I will be releasing a .map file which will allow mappers to make their own SnD maps.
    To learn how to play or host SnD check out: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/113-how-to-play-and-host-search-and-destroy/
    To install, place the PK3 into gamedata/base
    The map was made entirely by me.
    The gamemode is based on the gamemode from CoD and CS, but was adapted to JKA by me.
    The music is "Under The Rotting Pizza" and "Hurry!" by Nobuo Uematsu, from Final Fantasy VII
    Custom shaders and the "mugletters" textures were made by MoonDog.
    The voice of the announcer desired to be credited as "MUG's attractive and wealthy brother"
    The sounds were mixed and modified by me.
    Made exclusively for JKHub


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  4. Tatooine Streets

    This is a simple map I made to showcase the custom Search and Destroy gametype I am working on. Figured I would release it as an FFA/Duel/PowerDuel/TFFA map too as it is a pretty decent map all round now that it is finished. Consider it a teaser of the SD version.
    The map is set at night and has all the standard guns, pickups and ammo dotted about.
    The music is "Under The Rotting Pizza" by Nobuo Uematsu, from Final Fantasy VII
    The sole custom texture is an edit of a base one, made by me. Feel free to re-use it.
    Made exclusively for JKHub


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  5. MUG's Hydroball Map Pack (HydroTemple and HydroTank)

    This gives you three new Hydroball arenas:
    The Hydro Temple - A large temple themed arena which can be drastically modified with a series of buttons to create many different arenas. The map is longer than classic hydro maps to prevent the player from being able to score in one throw from the far side of the arena. (/map hydrotemple)
    Hydrotank (Short) - A very small, plain arena in tank made from block colours and glass, floating in green space. (/map hydrotank)
    Hydrotank (Extended) - The same as Hydrotank (Short) but slightly longer. Still shorter than The Hydro Temple (/map hydrotank_long)
    I have also added: HydroTankb and hydrotank_longb these are textured versions of the same maps, for those who fear the bright green of the originals
    You need the hydroball mod to play these maps.
    The pre-game music "Droplets" was written/recorded by me. Please do not use/distribute it without getting my permission.
    Textures in the jkhubtextures and Cosmos_Dojo textures are made by me, feel free to use them but please give credit.
    Texture mug/basicblue is an edit of byss/basicred from base. Feel free to use it however you please.
    If you have any requests or bug reports, contact me by PMing me (MUG) on www.jkhub.org
    Made Exclusively for JKHub.org - 13th September 2012


       (6 reviews)



  6. Improved Base Scope

    I've been using this as a personal mod for some time, thought I may as well post it for the rest of you who want
    a more functional scope, that still looks like the original one.
    This mod alters the Base scope for the Disruption Rifle. It adds a cross-hair to the center so you can actually see what you are aiming at. It also removes a few shaded sections for improved clarity. There are three versions,

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_ImprovedScope(No Black Edges).pk3 - Removes the solid black edges from the Base scope, allowing you to see the entire screen rather than a small area in the centre as well as the changes listed above.
    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_ImprovedScope(Black Edges).pk3 - Doesn't remove the black edges. Only adds the cross-hair and removes a few shaded areas.
    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_ImprovedScope(Semi Transparent Black Edges).pk3 - The black edges have been made semi transparent.

    To INSTALL the mod, place the chosen pk3 it into your gamedata/base folder. If this doesnt work, also add it to
    your gamedata/japlus, clanmod, etc folders for every game mod you play on.
    Made exclusively for JKHub.org


       (7 reviews)



  7. Base Customisation Complete

    This mod allows you to mix and match parts from nearly all of the models from the base game, basically allowing you to use any combination of heads, torsos and legs from the game you want. It includes no new skins, but makes a vast number of torso and leg skins available on models that previously were stuck with just their red, blue and default skins.
    If someone who doesn't have the mod sees you online, they will see you as the default version of the model you are using,
    rather than boring old kyle.
    Throw the pk3 into your base folder.
    What you get:
    18 New Customisation Species:
    Most of the species have access to 49 legs and 49 torsos. Some can only use fewer due to model limitations.
    Some models have special customisation options:
    -Mask-off (jedi faces) option for human_merc
    -Cape colour/on-off selection and jetpack colour/on-off selection for boba_fett.
    -Officer-Shoulder toggle for Stormtrooper
    -Life Support Colour/on-off for the stormpilot.
    -Shoulder Colour/on-off selection for kyle.
    -Shoulder/collar Colour/on-off selection for jeditrainer
    Know Issues:
    The pack will conflict with any skin packs that change the default appearance of any of the characters who's parts are used in the pack, causing them to change in base custom too. This also applies if you visit a server which switches out some skins.
    Your Customisation menu may become glitchy or not display every species you have installed. This is usually because you have too many mods that add new custom species. To solve this, remove any pk3s you aren't using. Alternatively, try entering the /model code for the selection you want (eg /model jedi/head_a1|torso_a2|lower_a25), this should work even if the menu is missing. Finally, if really want, you can remove a species completely by opening the base custom pk3 and deleting the folder from models/players.
    If you have any requests or bug reports, Please PM me.
    Made exclusively for JKHub.org - 24th August 2012


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  8. Base Customisation

    This mod gives you 4 Custom Species: Jedi, Reborn, Humman Merc and Stormtrooper
    There are 30 different torso parts and 30 leg parts
    for the Reborn and Jedi species. There is also a choice of heads.
    None of the parts are new, the mod just allows you
    to mix parts from most of the default skins from
    the base game, which has never before been possible.
    When using a reborn head, any player who doesnt
    have this mod will see you as the default reborn
    and when using a jedi head, any player who doesnt
    have this mod will see you as the default jedi.
    Torsos and legs included for Reborn and Jedi:
    -bespin cop
    -imperial worker
    -rebel pilot
    -and several variations (30 in total)
    The Human Merc species is compatable with the Jedi Heads, effectively giving
    you access to Human Merc parts with the Jedi. The Stormtrooper species mearly
    allows you to use the sholder gaurd on the team colours of the stormtrooper.


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  9. Grey, Glass and Transparent Console Options

    This mod gives you several different console options including gray consoles to make it easier to read all of the colours, and transparent ones so that you can see what is going on in the top half of your screen when your console is up.
    There are also several levels of brightness to choose between for the gray stars console.
    Shaders by MUG
    Images/Textures by Caelum


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  10. Bespin Saber Arena

    A small map, designed for duelling and tag-duelling, but also ideal for casual play on FFA mode. It works on any mode other than CTF or Siege. Small, but to the point.


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