FYI big images below, I may just be blind but we don't appear to have a "spoiler box" function on here that could hide them till you want to view. First off congrats on getting the site up and running. I am CrimsonStrife, although I was known as DarkLordXana or DLX on Filefront for a long time. Iv'e been modding for the Jedi Knight games, and games in particular since about 2007, although I ceased modding activity in 2009. I am a Simulation and Game Design student, and will be getting my degree in the spring, and I have over 5 years of modeling experience and roughly 2 years of animation experience. I have several formally unreleased projects that will see the light of day exclusively here. Such as this one...assuming I can get it optimized, it's too highpoly as I originally made it for my portfolio and not to go in the actual engine. and maybe this, I originally made this for a game I am designing, and it's not done, but since the game is on hold I could rework and release it. Anyways, nice to meet everyone.