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Everything posted by Lamented

  1. Also, I don't think the Death Watch visors are meant to be so thin, merely that TCW animated it that way. The same could be said for the appearance of Jango Fett's helmet in TCW.
  2. Just to clarify, will Vizsla have a regular visor version as well?
  3. Interesting, but I prefer the helmet when it wasn't morphed to make the T-visor more thin. Could you PM me the Super Commando with the regular visor?
  4. FINALLY, Maul's Mandalorian Super Commando. Only thing is I'm completely intolerant of blasters in holsters. Are those removeable in the .skin file?
  5. Seems to be cheat-protected. Any other ideas? Perhaps a combination of CG commands?
  6. I'm not sure this is the right place to post about it, but anyway... I play MBII and I really want like a GTA-style POV. Is that even possible, to move the camera to the right?
  7. I'm trying to make a Stormtrooper replacement pack for MBII and I want to use this: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1808-dt-stormies-edited/ Problem is, it has no icons of its own and all of the .skin files are under the DT_Stormtrooper folder. Can someone make these changes really quick?
  8. Lamented


    @JAWSFreelao Sorry for the delay, I've been super busy IRL. Would have sent this in your PM box but you can't receive any new messages apparently. http://www.gamefront.com/files/24239076/ARCFives.zip No credit needed. You're welcome. <3
  9. Lamented


    Crap! I totally blinked out. Sorry, was busy with a bit of party preparation lately. I'll get on this file immediately.
  10. Lamented


    I can do it for you, Jaws. I have a bit of shader experience.
  11. If anyone has the original unmodified version of Khameir's Savage Opress, please PM me as soon as possible.

    1. minilogoguy18


      Calling it his is like a slap to the face of who really made it since it was ripped from a game.

    2. Lamented


      It's merely a choice of words--I don't really care how one defines it.

  12. I do indeed attempt to model. I don't have the skill, nor the professional experience or training to do it. Until I could be privately taught to model and become actually good at it, I'm useless. I can only credit the head of his model. For the project I would want to pursue, he'd need entirely different body parts.
  13. Good work. Such is the model I used for my reskin, but I'd rather reskin the ROTJ Boba Fett v2 model instead, given its accuracy for Mando armor.
  14. Then why does this forum exist, if that excuse is so valid? Still nobody has answered me that. If it's without its purposes, its practically dead. A relic.
  15. What you might define as irrational exaggeration, I consider the truth. Is there really no reasonable counterargument to my claim that you can present?
  16. Indeed. I'm beginning to find myself unable to understand the point for a Mod Requests & Suggestions forum if people are precious rarely taking up requests, and acting like they have no motivation whatsoever. It boils down into Learn-it-and-do-it-yourself. Either that or quite a few half-assed replies--maybe even both. And @@DT85, I'm not afraid to give emphasis to the point I make by using your weak give-up on the Darth Maul project for a reference. And look at Mas Amedda/Darth Wyyrlok, also cancelled. Did JKHub sign up to a Disney merger too? And JAWSFreelao offered money, just as I have, and we still didn't get anywhere. Gj, JKHub... gj.
  17. I made one for the Mando in the back. Not sure I intend on releasing it at all, however.
  18. My thanks, Dementous. I shall be working closely with you.
  19. Greetings. I know that the possibility of a thing such as this is unfortunately unlikely on JKHub, but I request a new Captain Rex--not only a reskin of the flawed clone trooper of Mars', but an addition of Mars' accessories to this far more accurate Phase 1 model: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Clone_Trooper;36646 I suppose I'm really asking for a Frankenstein. I can provide Captain Rex Sideshow Collectibles references for this, as well as offer my services to assist in the texturing. Palpatine
  20. The images are vastly different. Your claim is invalid.
  21. The cover has been revised: http://imgur.com/8B9rMfg
  22. If you desire a shorter version, just click on the following link: http://imgur.com/FNnumil Better for the pixels.
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