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Posts posted by Vulcan

  1. I had a somewhat similar issue while trying to import ASE's in max. I tried this online converter (I think): http://www.greentoken.de/onlineconv/


    It imported just fine after using an obj format to export, including textures and everything ;)


    But you want to export something from map to ase, from ase to md3 with animations? Doesn't sound like that map would work on MP (invisible doors). Did you consider creating a script, with plain func_static?

  2. I love the clothing, it's one of the best detailwork i've ever seen :P

    But a comment wouldn't be complete without constructive criticism!
    In comparison, the skin on the arms is pretty low res. What bothers me a bit is that the biceps kinda merges in the deltoid muscle, and the deltoid has a pretty hard edge.
    With his muscle structure, the deltoid muscle should be a bit longer on the arm, and the biceps should be a bit more bulky in the middle () <- something in the shape of that :P

    (if you work in Zbrush, the default claybuildup is a way to go)

    Then the next step could be to add some detail to the back of his elbow, and ofcourse some hairs. It looks a bit like he shaves his arms currently! :)
    Couldn't comment on the rest though, that looks devine :P

    Scerendo likes this
  3. It looks like a fractal that comes with dark areas in general.
    Like how bad video formats tend to have coloured fractals all over the place.

    Ever played DayZ or Arma 2 at night? You get the same effects, going from purple to green, blueish etc :P
    It doesn't really bother me though DT, I think if you lit that room with a few small lights the effect wouldn't be noticed that much.

  4. It's pretty straight-forward, and I'm about to make you feel dumb Eez :D
    Name of the thread is "Hi there, I'm new" but it could also be "Hi there, I'm Cry"
    That's why I'm saying Hello New, I'm dad. As if "New" is his name.
    The fact that I say "I'm dad" is simply a reference to what silly jokes dads mostly make :P

    You heard about the guy who invented the knock-knock jokes?

    He earned a no-bell price!

    And things like that :P

  5. I'd love to see the day when just telling some troll to stop affecting hundreds of people would actually make him stop.
    Honestly, I'd love to hear that the guy would be arrested for DDossing. Even if it's a simple script. If someone would destroy an old car with a sledgehammer out of the blue, he would get arrested all the same as if he was destroying a Ferrari Spider. Just saying. Sadly he is probably using a VPN, and thus untraceable.

  6. Check a soundfile from JKA for it's settings. I believe JKA sounds are 48000 MHz max, with an 80 kbps soundrate and indeed mono.

    Pr0tip: You can check whether the files you added work, by disabling SV_pure (1 is the default setting, set it to 0 instead) and doing /sound sounds/chars/*yourcharactername*/*soundname*
    For example:

    /sound sounds/chars/jedi1/taunt
    It will play the taunt file for jedi1 ;)

    (Same can be done with /music, to test your new music in maps for example. Any errors will be shown when trying to run the sound)

    It's possible the settings you saved the soundfile with can be theoretically be used by JKA, but he'll have a hard time decoding the sounds. So instead of running it, it will sometimes stop running it.
    Like what happens if you're in a crowded server and everyone is clashing sabers together, and you run towards an elevator.
    If the sounds play with the /sound command, no matter how many times you do it, it'll work. I hope :D
    Or you can lastly try to match the file with jka's original files properties. ;)

    Good luck!

  7. basically you are asking a modding community how to make most kind of mods here now lol

    Anyway, here we goooo!

    1st: Translations is something you can find in the strings folder from the assets0.pk3.
    They are str files that can be opened and adjusted in notepad (or notepad++ if you prefer).

    Those files are made to replace english subtitles. Something like this:

    LANG_ENGLISH        "Find an alternate entrance to Echo Base."
    LANG_FRENCH         "Trouvez une autre entrée de la base Echo."

    The english files however work a bit differently.
    REFERENCE           01KYK001
    LANG_ENGLISH        "Kyle Katarn, at your service. Welcome to a day in the life of a Jedi. "

    And I think it means that any dialogue soundfile, that's triggered by a script, by that name will show that piece of dialogue if the subtitles are on.
    I don't know if that works with taunts, since those soundfiles are put in the misc folders for soundsets. But then again, I just looked this up.

    2nd: Same as how I figured out the above, download pakscape, and see for yourself what causes what.
    There are also mods that add more players. And you can open those files to find what you are looking for ;)

    3rd: Those gray edges sound like you either didn't compile a pk3, or didn't use a texture with the power of two (128x128, 265x256, 512x512 etc.) OR didn't write a shader file for it.
    Also, study that error message. What does it say? And fix exactly that ;)

    last "annoying thing" is probably because you didn't edit the right file. The file you are looking for is probably in the ext_data folder. Shaders, textures and folders are just directions the game looks for to render the file. The script itself is probably named after the e-11 carbine in the weapons.dat file. It will just link to a different model, that you probably editted the texture and shadernames for :P

    If you reset that, open that weapons.dat and replace the line of code that's written for the wookie blaster with the original model:
    weaponmodel      models/weapons2/bowcaster/bowcaster.md3

    and write the line that the mod places there below the WP_BLASTER, it should work ;)

    Good luck!

    *grabs a drink*
  8. ^ And that's the thing with 3D workflows. Everyone has their own style :P
    Reminds me of the first few months with 3D lessons at my school, where I kept working more efficiently than my teacher. :3

    But can't you just move all the verts in position, and make small adjustments to other verts where needed?
    And also, people look over small details, unless you point them at it. If you just make the neck work the goal is achieved I guess

    Asgarath83 likes this
  9. Something we could consider to do when they stop hosting for good is to make an unofficial 1.1.1 patch that makes the game listen to the main server, and if offline listen to JKHubs main server. This site is pretty high in Google and new players would find such a patch pretty fast.


    I think Raven wouldn't care if someone else would take the privilege to host a main server in such a situation.

    Vartex likes this
  10. I am thinking about either a alphagen constant parameter, or a png. Or a combination of both.
            alphaGen const 0.2

    Try experimenting with different blendfunctions and values. ;)
    You could create something like white lines in the fluid, simulating water refraction, and use a PNG for that.
    To make the fluid yellow, you don't even need a new water texture. You can adjust the RBG values so it's purely yellow.

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