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Everything posted by eezstreet

  1. So disable all other effects besides Bloom, which: a) is way better than dynamic glow (visually and performance wise) b) is the only way you can get anything similar to dynamic glow in JK2, since it doesn't exist in JK2. All of the things are able to be modified in the various settings. Don't like Depth of Field? Turn it off. Don't like SSAO? Turn it off, or make it less intense. All of the things can be controlled. Hell, you could make the game more colorful if you really wanted to. That's just the settings that I prefer to use. @@Jango40: In the OP screenshot, you'd be missing the shadows that the stairs are casting. That's about it. There's a few other small shadows in the OP screenshot which aren't worth mentioning. As far as F.Lux is concerned, yeah, that's really weird. F.Lux causes issues on other games too (at least for me), like on Fallout 2. I'm not sure what the issue is or who's to blame for that.
  2. I put you in the credits in the readme, @Scooper. Also, I'll put you in the description because you're awesome like that
  3. Turn off SSAO in the INI file. I haven't had issues with not being able to change brightness, but I know that F.Lux has issues with it (F.Lux has issues with a lot of things though), so if you have it, turn it off. You might want to turn down the bloom intensity too. Make sure when you edit, you are in the correct section. There's a section for each executable -- jamp.exe, jasp.exe, jk2sp.exe and jk2mp.exe. Lemme know how it looks after that, and maybe post a pic of Singleplayer too, since that's what I've been doing the majority of my testing on.
  4. Submitted to JKHub. Have fun, etc.
  5. Version 1.0


    This works for both JK2 and JKA, in SP and in MP! PLEASE READ THE README FILE! This is a proxy which alters your graphics to be improved. Features the following: Motion Blur Color Grading (improved) Anisotrophic Filtering Depth of Field Bloom Screen Space Ambient Occlusion Multitexturing And more... Each version of the game is tailored to be different in terms of looks. You can customize the intensity of various effects. Here's the color scheme included: JK2 SP: Dark, gray, shadowy JK2 MP: Same as JK2 SP, but lighter for better visibility ingame. (Reasoning: you have light amp goggles in SP, but not in MP). Slightly more colorful and less gray/dull. JA SP: No change in color/saturation/lightness. Altered bloom. SSAO OFF. JA MP: Same as JA MP, but slightly more saturation. Its official: Scooper is awesome.
  6. Compare the picture to the one in the OP, yes. This works for JKA (the QEffects mod). It's compatible with JK2 SP, JK2 MP, JKA SP and JKA MP. However, I'm optimizing it for JK2 SP.
  7. That was sorta the whole direction I wanted to take with this particular area. The idea was that Kejim in general was to be grey and black, since it's mostly Imperial installations. I am working on probably making each level have its own set of postprocessing effects so that every area isn't the same grey/black drab. Hue/Saturation/Lightness (HSL) color grading isn't going to be enough for what I'm wanting to do though, so I'll have to add some more shaders to the mix. Some other little miniature effects will be added too, like some motion blur, and I would like to tweak some of the existing shaders to look better (cough cough SSAO..) All of the effects are purely customizable, so you can tweak the blue of the floor to be however you want it to be. My HSL shader doesn't make the contrast go up whenever you alter the saturation, which was the main thing I wanted to show off here. Here's a comparison of the old shader and the new (note that there's a very slight difference in lightness and saturation in the values, because I went from a 0->255 scale to a 0->100 scale. I'll probably switch back though) Old:
  8. I don't really hang around these parts anymore, mostly because I dislike JA anymore. However, this applies to JK2 mostly, so I'll share it. I've decided to mess around in QEffects in my spare time. I altered the color grading shader in it a bit. I can't stress enough though that this was meant more for JK2 than JKA, as the color grading isn't designed around that game as much. What you'll be seeing is a combination of the following: Color grading (improved over QEffects)Motion BlurScreen-space Ambient OcclusionDepth of FieldBloomMy eventual list of features that I'd like to see get ingame (more of a wishlist): Improved bloomHDRLens flareImproved SSAOHBAOIf anyone has any contributions in the form of GLSL shaders that would be kinda handy. Anyway, onto the screenshots. Do note that these are done in singleplayer, but the effects are virtually identical in MP. Baseline: modified:
  9. BioWa- er, Inyri Forge strikes again.
  10. Can your Mac open documents?
  11. Raven Software does still care a little about Jedi Knight games. In fact, most of the people I've spoken to more or less said that it was the best game that they had ever worked on. However, don't let the absence of Raven Software concern you about future Jedi Knight games, since LA made JK1 already, mind you. You know what I find suspicious though? A very popular character in the EU (Kyle) is literally wiped off the face of the earth from future canon entries (not mentioned post 2005 or so), and they're making a new movie which goes straight into the same timeline as when said character would be big. You know, Lucas did something similar to this earlier..Coruscant instantly comes to mind. Though in Coruscant's case, it was kept hush-hush for a shorter length of time than when Kyle would be. If they put Kyle into the new series of movies, you can almost certainly expect a new Jedi Knight game. Hopefully if they don't give him the Prequel treatment (turning him into a mindless, emotionless, indescribable BLAH character), he'll do good in the new ones as well. It's a perfect storm for things to go well in the new movies, so I doubt that will happen.
  12. facepalm.jpg I'm not sure if that's sarcasm or just plain oblivion.
  13. Are you kidding me? Dells have twice that: http://www.dell.com/us/p/inspiron-660s/pd.aspx
  14. 4 GB to me seems pretty small. The "top of the line" PCs are running with 16 GB of RAM now, so go figure.
  15. Just remove those settings from the launch options. I think you can do a desktop shortcut as well perhaps, and remove the launch options in the Target field. I don't have a Steam version of the game so I can't tell you specifically how to alleviate that issue.
  16. throw that shit out the window
  17. Run it via launch settings, not by the mod menu. I can't recall what the Movieduels folder is called in Gamedata. I'm assuming it's called MD2 (based on what I remember). Replace MD2 with whatever the Movieduels II folder in Gamedata is called, if necessary. In Steam, go to Jedi Academy (SP). Right click on it in your library and select properties. On the General Tab (opened by default), go to "Set Launch Options...". Type the following: "set fs_game MD2" Launch the game via Steam. Should now boot up with a Movieduels II splash screen and animations should be fixed.
  18. Sound Quality: High. Not high enough for you? Type this in the console: /s_khz 44 /snd_restart You now have noticeably higher quality sound.Thanks to @ for this.
  19. Can't add new lightsaber colors to SP without a code mod, sorry. I think @Zlyden made a RGB saber mod for SP that was taken off of JK2Files.
  20. Just an FYI - We are doing a semi-open beta test. All you have to do is look in the topic of our IRC/chat channel to get the link to a Public Test Realm (PTR) installer. http://client00.chat.mibbit.com/#jkgalaxies@irc.arloria.net
  21. eezstreet


    join #JACoders now
  22. Sounds like the client is somehow querying the server for older packets, or client isn't responding to snapshots. Check the network. If this only occurs from non regulars, it might be some sort of weird lag exploit.
  23. it is exe obv voirus
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