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Darth Shiftee

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  1. Sure, you can use my Trando head model.
  2. I still have the source files, but it would involve more work than i'd like. As you said, i could recycle a good amount of parts but it would require new textures and new meshes, i'd rather make something as accurate as i can over something half decent. I'll consider it but don't hold your breath.
  3. Nope, i had nothing to do with these models or textures.
  4. I don't have a problem with that, feel free to use it. Sorry for late reply, haven't been online much.
  5. Anyone in particular you'd like to see?
  6. Version 1


    ****************************************** JEDI KNIGHT 3: JEDI ACADEMY MODIFICATION ****************************************** Title: TwiLek Jan Authors: Raven Software & Darth Shiftee File Name: ds_jantwilek.pk3 Total File Size: 1,7 MB Date Released: Sometime in march 2013 Bot Support:No Species Support:No New Sounds: No Team Support:Yes Description: --------------------------------------------------------- It's just an alternate Jan as a Twilek Installation Instructions --------------------------------------------------------- Simply place the pk3 into your game's base folder. you can change the head's appearance by clicking the icons. Credits: --------------------------------------------------------- Full credits: Darth Shiftee & Raven Software You are free to use this model as long as credits are given. THIS MOD IS PROVIDED AS IS, IT SHOULDN'T BREAK STUFF, BUT I CAN'T BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR HARDWARE MELTDOWNS! THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  7. Version 1.1


    The Sith Stalker Armor was a type of armor that was cybernetically grafted to the wearer, covering the entire body save the arms. Painfully grafted onto the wearer's flesh and bone, was meant to transform dark side disciples into powerful Sith assassins. It had an intimidating appearance that was designed to inspire fear in any enemy
  8. 1,064 downloads

    Darth Shiftee's Sith Stalker hilt converted to Jedi Outcast.
  9. 2,184 downloads

    Chewbacca in Jedi robes, heads/texture by Raven software, clothes by Hapslash, Infinity Blade, Spanki, RinkXing, Scerendo & Selek. Only the first robe set has been included from spanki's Jedi Customization pack. There's way too much variants to deal with for me! lol
  10. 1,936 downloads

    Kyle Katarn in Jedi robes, heads/texture by Raven software, clothes by Hapslash, Infinity Blade, Spanki, RinkXing, Scerendo & Selek. Only the first robe set has been included from spanki's Jedi Customization pack. There's way too much variants to deal with for me! lol
  11. 1,737 downloads

    A Kel'Dor in Jedi robes, heads/texture by Raven software, clothes by Hapslash, Infinity Blade, Spanki, RinkXing, Scerendo & Selek. Only the first robe set has been included from spanki's Jedi Customization pack. There's way too much variants to deal with for me! lol
  12. 361 downloads

    It's just the classic reborn with big mits and boots!
  13. 363 downloads

    Author: Darth Shiftee Kyle and Luke wearing trooper armor from the game, comes in 4 flavors, storm, shadow, snow and swamp. Installation Instructions Simply place "ds_troopers.pk3" into your game's base folder. To manually load characters, bring down the console and type: /model kylesnow /model kylestorm /model kyleswamp /model kyleshadow /model lukesnow /model lukestorm /model lukeswamp /model lukeshadow Red & blue versions and officer storm trooper included.
  14. 898 downloads

    This is my take on improving the regular Trandoshan head.
  15. Version 1.1


    The Sith Stalker Armor was a type of armor that was cybernetically grafted to the wearer, covering the entire body save the arms. Painfully grafted onto the wearer's flesh and bone, was meant to transform dark side disciples into powerful Sith assassins. It had an intimidating appearance that was designed to inspire fear in any enemy. Tag: Starkiller
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