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    Jka, Piano, Nature, Camping, & Coffee.
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    Competitive Play
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    EI Captain

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    putridD v3

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  1. Happy jka anniversary!
  2. This would be sick for instagib ctf tbh.
  3. elias

    Site Down?

    BBBUUUUMMMPPP. Or can you reference me to a tutorial how to build for us less code-y folks.
  4. I think the best use of an 'updater'/launcher(?) would be to have some option to revert back and forth to early or later builds. A method of announcing a new update and giving the user the option would still promote latest builds but have the ability to revert if anything went wrong, its literally the replacement of 3 files right? Just set the path to jka install and boom. And a checkbox to create an updated alias on the desktop which is a pain in the ass to replace every time you update or replace openjk builds! And maybe reference something like this for SDL on mac your for those who need a step by step to install the proper way? As drag and drop would be the go-to method for most, ..at least I had issues with it, something wasn't 'linked' in the terminal stuff. This is still the guaranteed right way though.
  5. Well.. would you look at that. More mystery errors! Edit: Fixed with 'brew link sdl2' Will attempt to try latest builds again EDIT AGAIN: LATEST OPENJK WORKING! ANOTHER EDIT LOL: LATEST BUILD OF JA++ WORKING! Dylib files need to be placed in japlus folder with the pk3's, not in a separate folder as its downloaded. For future reference mac owners, install Homebrew. Then, in terminal, type brew install sdl2 If it says its installed, but not linked type... brew link sdl2 Dragging and dropping the sdl2 framework into the framework directory alone won't work!
  6. Oh okay same deal here then. Alrighty well nothing gained on the openjk updated build front but got some sound resources for ja++. Thank you sir.
  7. Thanks Circa, I didn't see a builds list on the ja++ site so only the latest release didn't seem to work. This older build is working perfectly! Strange, I think I installed SDL2 via homebrew correctly.. (Open terminal and paste 'brew install sdl') I don't know why this latest build hates my system but at least an older build gets along nicely. Ill take it as a win. You don't use the openjk.app launcher? What instead?
  8. Hmm.. Okay so from what I understand.. My Mac is 64 bit. Open JK is 64bit. JA++ (which I'm now trying out with openjk and getting errors. PK3's load fine but features don't function such as invisible duellers, /minimize, new scoreboard, etc.) is 64bit So why is it apparently trying to search for 32bit libraries? Im no programmer but this does not compute
  9. Awesome! the changelog is what I was looking for! Okay cool, I noticed there was a discrepancy between 32 and 64bit between builds in the filename alone. Im not a superstar code wizard but I thought it looked funny. Okay so then I suppose I'm stuck with the January 6 /2015 build then eh? So, for the record, Intel x86_64 = 32bit? I know for sure, according to apple that my system is the standard equivalent of 64bit. How is it that an older build works on 64bit and a later release only 32?
  10. Ive made a quick little video showing the effects of each build mentioned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TIpzDRr4VA Normally I play fullscreen at native resolution but went windowed mode for the sake of the recording and got an error trying to load up a japlus file. This is the error log.
  11. de.jk3.in loaded fine with March 22'nd 2015 build. (As recommended on jaws forum) Disconnecting and trying to connect to a JAWA server crashes though. Has this got to do with 'pure' servers then? Im only using openjk, I do not want/have japlus installed. The few pk3's in my base folder are a couple maps and jk2 character sounds so it shouldn't be a problem with conflicting files, as its worked fine before updating openjk. Another nub question, and maybe I totally missed it but I've been looking for a feature log for each openjk release. Is there any documentation showing specific features in build releases? I know theres a /minimize feature in one of these versions which is really all I want.
  12. According to the readme. So I replaced the .framework to the latest version as you said, SDL2-2.0.4 and tried both with the LATEST release, which still gave the same error as my first post. Then with the build mentioned on JAWA forums but still cannot join a japlus server. Same results.
  13. Awesome this cleared it all up for me. Is this known to the mods? Most assume to download the latest build right away and with the conflicting SDL versions its a bit of a hassle to figure out. Edit: Used their latest working version of openjk and mentioned in the post but this version will not load japlus servers, screen goes blank for a minute and then I'm brought back to my desktop with no error message. Reverting back to the January 6, 2015 build solves this issue for me. I don't use any other mods like japlus, and play mainly base, but a build that works fine on all fronts ill go with I suppose.
  14. Howdy ya'll. Im hoping one of you fellas could help out a nub. Ive been playing jka on my mac comfortably for a while now with a 2015 (Jan 6; v1.0.1.0) build of openjk. Now I'm trying to update to the latest released build and getting some errors when trying to run the updated openjk.app with the following error message. I've been trying to figure out a solution, updating my SDL to the latest build, manually entering and creating a "/usr/local/opt/sdl2/lib/libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib", finding the libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib file online. (High probability theres compatibility issues off the bat?) I found a similar post at the JAWA forums found here: https://thejawaclan.com/topic/40423-upgraded-to-el-capitan-cant-run-jka/ Eezstreet had posted a link to github and there is a SDL directory there with lib files but I don't know where to put them, IF that even is the solution he was referencing to? Does anyone know a proper fix for this? Ive helped a few people get jka set up on macs and they had the same problems. I just refer them to older builds of openjk which seems to work fine. An ELI5 would be much appreciated! Also, I notice that my v1.0.1.0 Jan-6/2015 openjk.app is labeled "openjk.x86.app", wheres the latest (non-working) build is named "openjk.x86_64.app". Does this make a difference and imply one being a 32bit and the other being 64? Is that actually the problem? Computer Specs Macbook Pro Retina Mid 2012EI Captain2.3GHz Intel Core i78GB 1600MHz DDR3Nvidia GeForce GT 650M 1GB / Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MBThanks! PS: Where do screenshots and recordings save to? They're not showing up in my base folder and finder finds no results when searching for demo names etc.
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