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Status Updates posted by spior

  1. MUG never asked me if I can do stuff :(

  2. ATTENTION EVERYONE! JKNazis hate fun. That is all.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Inyri


      Hell yeah, does this mean I get to grow a mustache? :D

    3. Nihilus


      You can have the mustache, but I'll have the Reich, danke.

    4. spior
  3. JA+(+) seems pretty harsh. MUG probably got banned from like, 3 servers in a couple of days.

  4. Fuck yeah! I managed to stretch my fingers from fret 2 to 5!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. spior


      Oh I see. I don't think that'd be necessary for the stuff I want to play, but thanks anyway.

    3. spior


      I don't plan to get much into this, but sure why not.

    4. RancorSNP


      If you don't mind moondog, I would like to try your teachings ;)

  5. Making all of SpiBot to work on a single thread is a fucking hassle D:< I should've kept it multithreaded...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. spior


      I wouldn't know why you'd want that as I haven't used it, but okay :D

      (And for future references, it's multi-THREAD, not core D:)

    3. CaptainChar


      well theres hyper-threading as well :P

    4. spior


      I wouldn't know either ;_;...

      Do want Ivy Bridge

  6. "You currently have 19.38 GB of Dropbox space." I seriously couldn't have milked dropbox more.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CaptainChar


      isnt milking the system the reason most people have to pay for said system?

    3. spior


      Who cares, I get a free 20GB, woo!

    4. spior


      Wait! I can apparently get 2.5GB more with Camera uploads. Time to take a billion pictures!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. spior


      Oh joy, I can't wait for Princess Twili-- OH WAIT <_<'

      Can't get any worse anyways.

    3. Ping


      wow, this took a serious turn for the much much worse. God help us all.

    4. spior


      It was a nice ride while it lasted... ;_;7

  7. In case anyone wants a free Civ 5 / Mafia 2

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. spior


      Just got my Civ 5 @ Jango

    3. Jango40


      Tried clicking on the confirmation link again and now it worked, will probably get it soon.

    4. spior


      :3 I just registered again for Mafia 2 because why not

  8. Locking your status to get your point across seems like a pretty weak move.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Onysfx


      He couldn't hold on any longah...

    3. spior


      Got it right the 3rd time, eh DT?

    4. DT.
  9. 8 hours straight on Terraria. Today was a good day

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Onysfx


      Heh, reminds me of my first time in minecraft, I dug a straight hole all the way down to the bedrock...then I looked up and said "F**k". LOL.

    3. spior


      Well that's the thing about Terraria, you can see your surroundings.

    4. CaptainChar


      only 8? I do 12-15 on minecraft a day

  10. Only 3 albums to go and I will finally be able to say that I have DOWNLOADED Buckethead's entire discography. Now to listen to it :]

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. therfiles
    3. spior


      I just needed a notification and since none of you were replying I had to take manners in my own hands.

    4. Bane_Ross
  11. The Fault In Our Stars is such a beautiful book. Anyone know of others like it? Just started getting into this book business.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Onysfx


      I recommend reading "The Adventures of palpatine and frodo baggins" Good book, but it's not out yet.

    3. scp_chaos1


      otro pendej%

    4. scp_chaos1


      no crees que mejor seria dejar esas curcilerias

  12. @Caelum @SiLink what the hell is your problem NOW <_<'?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. spior


      Why? I mean, I can understand that I have some sexual stuff and whatnot, but is JKHub 12+ or something :/? That sure would kill a lot of fun.

    3. Link


      A lot of kids play this game, some under the age of 10. I'm fully aware of the game rating as well. Doesn't change the fact a lot of kids play.

    4. spior


      Grumble grumble.

  13. Only 1 hour left http://octabooru.net/live

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CaptainChar


      duh I know that, but are we even allowed to post NSFW links is what I asked

    3. spior
    4. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      SpioR, the correct term is 'It is SFW', not 'It is not NSFW'

  14. I may be going completely insane, but I might be installing Windows 8 soon. Help.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      Sir, Piracy talk isn't allowed here.

    3. spior


      It isn't? Since when?

    4. CaptainChar


      do you have fine grade crack...oh digital, dam nerds :P

  15. I want to like Windows 8. I really do. But it's really hard when the default apps suck and there are no good alternatives. Can't even find a decent Music and YouTube app. Not to mention IRC...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CaptainChar


      ah yeah VM is useful for test driving new things and using old ones too

    3. therfiles


      I'm starting to like W8, but something deffinitly suck. Especially the apps and having to run everything as an admin part. Its a bit too over cautious of you being a hacker.

    4. spior


      You can set how much it overreacts to those, at least.

      All I want is a decent Music and/or YouTube app ;_;

  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_justitia_ruat_caelum Caelum is justice, you heard it here first!
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mog


      Hey...Fiat's are cute little things!

    3. eezstreet


      Not quite the car of a manly man such as Caelum though.

      Hence, Caelum is not actually male, but a female!

    4. Mog


      But...you gave birth to my website...


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jango40


      Bad info if it's spibot

    3. CaptainChar


      Counter Strike server?

    4. spior


      How can a server live :|? No but I guess I can make one, I've hosted CS before, was no big deal.

      Anyway, I made my console jka client be able to move and attack and whatnot.

  18. Why can't I have only practical subjects? I get straight A's and B's on them, but the second I step inside a history class >BAM< F :|

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. eezstreet


      Maybe you should cut down that tree and make a bridge.

    3. Dai


      ^ Top Kek

    4. Flynn


      My history teacher is nuts, so...

  19. If there is a god, he is a cruel bastard for making barre chords so hard.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Artemis


      Barre chords are evil indeed.

    3. spior


      Especially when you have tiny tiny fingers...

    4. Flynn


      haha guitar...

      trumpet player right here

  20. Currently viewing shoutbox? Ohshi-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spior


      > You do not have permission to view the Shoutbox

      B-but I w-wanted to s-shout ;_;

    3. spior


      PLS PLS PLS I LIEK SHOUTING! Why is it staff only though? I mean, a staff-only chat room is fine, but why not make one for normal users :P? (or just use IRC, it's 2012 ffs, everyone's using IRC!)

    4. spior


      Er...oookay then. Anywho, it's night. Go fetch qconsole.log

  21. How the fuck do I view all the members?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spior
    3. MagSul


      The actual button is at the bottom of the forum index page, though. Will have to yell at Caelum some more when he gets back.

    4. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      The collective built-up yelling might burst his eardrums, be caraeful.

  22. Wellp, my favorite word is banned.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MUG
    3. Jango40



      pinkie pie

      rarity rain

      rainbow dash

      apple jack


      No, they're fine.

    4. spior


      Where's Twilight Sparkle :[. Also yeah, I guess, 8th favorite.

  23. I have confirmed that calling send() in 2 threads at the same time is bad ju-ju.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaptainChar


      to bad im never having kids, take that smoke it fairy

    3. spior
    4. spior


      printf("pls go\n");

  24. Holy shit Inyri liked MY post. How much more awesome can you get!

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