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Status Replies posted by spior

  1. Just got a Windows 8 Laptop.

  2. Just got a Windows 8 Laptop.

  3. Sudden urge to create a web interface for the JKHub master server. Thoughts?

  4. Things will kinda suck without Cael. It's like he was the Dumbledore of JKHub. Keeping everything together, hiring a new DATDA teacher every year, responding to pretty much every thread ever, etc.

  5. Things will kinda suck without Cael. It's like he was the Dumbledore of JKHub. Keeping everything together, hiring a new DATDA teacher every year, responding to pretty much every thread ever, etc.


  7. Happy Valentines day...?

  8. Whoever makes safe male birth control pills will be a billionaire. It just makes more sense to remove the bullets from the gun instead of giving everyone bullet proof vests.

  9. I may be going completely insane, but I might be installing Windows 8 soon. Help.

  10. I may be going completely insane, but I might be installing Windows 8 soon. Help.

  11. "You currently have 19.38 GB of Dropbox space." I seriously couldn't have milked dropbox more.

  12. It's just me, Google, and Spibot...man it's quiet tonight.

  13. "You currently have 19.38 GB of Dropbox space." I seriously couldn't have milked dropbox more.

  14. "You currently have 19.38 GB of Dropbox space." I seriously couldn't have milked dropbox more.

  15. "You currently have 19.38 GB of Dropbox space." I seriously couldn't have milked dropbox more.

  16. Okay I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, but I somehow fixed SpiBot. Fuck yeah, 2 months wasted due to a shitty memory leak.

  17. Okay I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, but I somehow fixed SpiBot. Fuck yeah, 2 months wasted due to a shitty memory leak.

  18. Hey can I have a webhost bro?

  19. Just noticed how dead the jkhub IRC channel is.

  20. Is it just me or are new notifications not bold anymore?

  21. Is it just me or are new notifications not bold anymore?

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