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Everything posted by MoonDog

  1. I tried the server-side version for a couple days on my server. It had a few little quirks, but it was a fun change.
  2. MoonDog

    This Christmas

    Somebody is getting a fucking map.
  3. See that thread. Also try opening preferences ( P ). Go to Interface > Layout and disable Use Win32 File Dialogue. Now when you go to save add the .map extension. Example. SaveAs, mymap.map
  4. I like it rough. Focus on your issue and do what eezstreet said.
  5. Hey, yeah. That's a problem, and I'm sure you'll get it fixed quickly. You provided a ton of information, so it shouldn't be an issue.
  6. Nice to see Stormtrooper reskins that don't look like they were done in MS Paint. Great work so far.
  7. This is completely bad ass. Well done eez.
  8. Run it as administrator. If that doesn't work run it as administrator as well as compatibility mode.
  9. Nah, he has like 12 of them for some reason. That other one requires watching some weird Cannon add.
  10. Thanks. I totally did it, but thanks.
  11. You can take screenshots of lots of things without actually having DONE them. I have no idea where you see that at, but okay. P.S. I'm not registering. I refuse to watch an add to answer a fucking capcha.
  12. I see the boards are no longer public so I couldn't take a screenshot without registering. If I were going to spam a forum, I'd use a VPN or a proxy. If I were going to provide an IP after having done so, I'd also use a proxy or a VPN. (An example of why accusations would be pointless.) So in what way have you confirmed I did anything other than use the Snipping Tool really quick and plaster words on it?
  13. so deal! want register. wow
  14. such advertise. wow
  15. So you are saying a random, poorly made proboard is going to create an explosion of JKA activity? A random proboard you are promoting at the central and main hub of the JKA community/modding community where the traffic needs to be centered?
  16. Click set all options to JKA and set your prefs up again. I have a feeling you aren't pointed correctly at the SourceForBehavEd folder. It could also be that you aren't pointed at behaved.bhc for Command Description File. Try the usual Windows 7 junk of running in admin and compatibility just in case.
  17. Yes, but you should still setup the pref's properly........................................................................................................................................ I can do exasperated dots too. See?
  18. Trying to remember if I've ever heard this fascinating argument about the numbering of JK games before... No, not ringing any bells.Super cool, sugoi and kakoi. so cute and fresh wow, amazing, scandalous WOW do more can you please and thanks you
  19. Did you setup BEhaved properly? I don't think so. Follow these steps again. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/148-icarus-scripting/
  20. The Star Wars projects will go where the money is as far as Disney and EA Games are concerned. You may have to wait a long time.
  21. I don't know if it's laziness in particular. A lot of projects are usually built around a strong personality. When that person(s) disappears or quits, there isn't always a person waiting in the shadows to take the reigns. The other members who relied on the one for leadership may indeed just give up and leave the project for dead. A strong will is required to give an idea momentum.
  22. much sun fex so cool wow
  23. I don't know. I find an issue a lot of the time is that certain people would rather have something done for them, rather than being show HOW to do it or being pointed to a place where they can RE the knowledge.
  24. No, no one has ever thought of that or made a mod like that. You just invented that bro, congrats!
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