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Everything posted by MoonDog

  1. Why don't you just use a patch mesh?
  2. I believe EA/Dice is still on universal hold until they finish fixing all the problems with Crashfield 4
  3. Because... it's... plagiarism...
  4. This isn't Jade Empire, you person with a face.
  5. The bottom line either was is, check the corresponding shader.
  6. Manly sauce, womanly sauce.
  7. Check the shaders corresponding with the textures. See if they have q3map_texturesize or some other weird line.
  8. A quick note to people unfamiliar with json, The format would look something like this: { "admins" : [{ "user" : "MoonDog", "pass" : "YourMom", "privs" : -1, "message" : "MoonDog has logged in" }] }P.S. /connect z3n.jk3.in will now be on JA++ 24/7 for full testing.(with openjkded)
  9. La petite and Tragen Hintern.
  10. I'm very good at planning a level before I start it, so I never NOT know precisely what I'll be making. It was an opinion question for RPer's in general. It's interesting to know which direction they go in. If I were to actually make an RP map it would probably feature a good deal of both. As I have never RP'd and never will, I felt having a couple opinions on the matter would be cool. Again, the point of the question is not what I feel is necessary in a map, ideas or inspiration. That happens in the planning process for me.
  11. I had considered constructing an RP map at one point in my JKA mapping time, but trashed the idea. My recent consideration is making one final project in the JKA scene before moving on completely. If I chose to do an RP map, I'd like some quick feedback from a few RP'rs. I realize that levels can contain both of the following, but that isn't the point of the question. As a roleplayer, if you had to choose between a level that had a large degree of interactivity with scripts and entities, or a map that is packed with detail and has diverse environments which would it be? Which way does the scale slide in your opinion as roleplayers? Why?
  12. Wow. That is fucking cool.
  13. Sold.
  14. Most publishers will defend any of their properties quite jealously at times. You never know. Does anyone know where he distributed his source code to if at all? I'm just confused how one could legally sell a port as well as have unreleased code based of the source release.
  15. Right right, but he is actually selling the ports. Methinks that these won't stay up long.
  16. All the releases are quite recent on his account for the ports. How questionable is it to sell a port legally? What happens when Activision notices this?
  17. Shouldn't the source codes for all of these ported projects this guy does be released some where?
  18. eezstreet's steamy memoirs. "Sexual Coding. A life of."
  19. The true facts videos are really good if you've never seen them. Except the True Facts about Ducks. Don't watch that one. i know you will now that I've said that though. Poor soul. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch5MEJk5ZCQ
  20. People at work are getting a kick out of me telling them about the things you guys are doing with JKA.
  21. I'm not happy with any version of GTKRadiant atm. I can't get any version to work properly on a dual screen setup with floating windows.
  22. The lighting and geometry I see in that interior shot could use a lot more polish. It looks like a good block in though. Do you have any further shots of the interior? Are you mostly done? Will you include some more detailed shots of the decking as well please?
  23. *Writes notes while playtesting level. Goes to lunch. Comes back to work on level. Reads notes. Can't remember what they mean.* Yep..... Im SO good.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AshuraDX
    3. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      When i finish playtesting, I usually end up playing other levels instead of going back to mapping :P

    4. Futuza
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