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Everything posted by MoonDog

  1. If only this weren't JKA and you weren't constrained to Icarus. CODScript or even the scripting in DOOM 3 would make this so stupid simple to do. Eez. While you are looking at Icarus, is there a specific reason why set_scale works with NPC_* spawners in MP but not SP?
  2. Art wise? Looks a bit same-y.
  3. My KOTF experience consisted of looking at the website and saying nothx. It was riveting.
  4. You've been waiting a while to use that image, haven't you @@Circa?
  5. I will go te bed with ye.

  6. I'm too high for this chair.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChalklYne


      im too high to rig XD

    3. MoonDog


      lol, I give up on working while high. I'm watching Dara o'briain now. Pretty hilarious standup.

    4. ChalklYne


      I can only work while baked? It's really lame. If I haven't had any updates for a while, chances are theres been a drug test at work or something XD I'd say unleashed 1.5 has probably taken me a pound so far XD good times. My cousin does coding for bank of americas credit card department, and he can only work baked too? weird right?

  7. pasty ass english boy making me do all the leg work oh heeeeeell naw
  8. Really? With as vague as the image is, not having you on my steam list, no real hints other than me guessing wrong about the wedding? Okay lol.
  9. Than that's my answer. The Welcome Center to Columbia in Bioshock Infinite. It's basically a church, and could be used as a wedding themed map as well. ^
  10. Hmmm. I'm torn between things I've seen in the Bushido Blade series, and Bioshock. I almost want to say its the entrance to Columbia from Bioshock Infinite. The Church with the floating lilies and candles all over the place. Everything was pretty much water in there.
  11. Non-biased point of view. 4 works really well for it's cool colors. It's easy on the eyes for extended viewing, and the angle that it was taken allows the geometry in the level to compliment the layout of the top of the site without distracting from it. It clashes a little bit with the logo however. 7 fits the bill of nondescript far better than the other two however. The orange and brown tones are pretty easy on the eye, but it's rather unremarkable other than that with the layout of the webpage. It also does not blend with the logo well. 10 is certainly a pretty image, but the vibrant background and busy skyline is distracting and can become some what of an eyesore after extended viewing. Blends with the logo a bit better, but with the JKHUB Bar, Navigation bar, content bar and line of trees, there is just way too much going on.
  12. It's too busy and bright at the top of the image.
  13. Something to do with your engagement? The wedding?
  14. 4 will kiss your baby while reforming JKHUB-care.
  15. Oh please show!
  16. I wanted the ribbon for participation.
  17. I have no idea what is going on. It's like jumping into the middle of a show.
  18. LOL. What a scandal!
  19. lol, you have to tell us who did that.
  20. So bright. So bad sand texture, so bad geo, such wow *edit* the ship geo is actually cool. The terrain is so bad.
  21. Did you try giving cgtextures a peak?
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