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Darth Martyr

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File Comments posted by Darth Martyr

  1. Hey @Darth Martyr, I thought I'd throw this out there for you.. For when/if you wanted to update your sounds on the lightsaber. These are the accurate sounds of Kylo's ignition and saber hum from the movie. Hope it helps.. And also the blade effect too, if you wanted to look into improving that?

    After finishing my sound update, I listen to these now and realize that the idle hum is actually not at all accurate to the movie. I was waiting for high quality sounds from the release of the Blu-Ray anyway. Thank you for the effort though, I appreciate the contribution. :)

  2. as do I but i got a small complaint: for some reason in the jkplus thingy when the combat music starts, it doens't end. it won't go to the non-combat music

    I fail to see how this problem would be caused by this saber.  It may be a problem with JA+?

  3. Hello there! First of all thank you for such a great skin! It's just awesome! I have a question, can I use that lightsaber skin in mp? I've installed that skin and it works just ok in single player, but when I try to use it in multi player - no success... In the menu where you're choosing lightsabers I see it, but after joining the game I see only default lightsaber, so is there any chance to use it in MP? By the way, it's happening with all saber skins...

    Sabers are strictly server-side dependent.  The server must have the saber in which you are trying to use uploaded to their base in order for any client to make use of said saber within the game.  

    J0hny likes this
  4. 4)  So you just go around telling people what they need to do to their work?  It's art, it works in game.  It has its flaws, but I don't care. I'll fix them when I get to them, I'm happy with the result of the hilt I have made.  My original intention was not necessarily to make it work in game.  That was just a relief when it actually did work in game.  Also you told him he NEEDED LoDs? Seriously?  That model would have been fine without LoDs.  Others may appreciate your.....I can't even call it help because you're not helping people.  Your complaints? Your criticism?  Call me a bitch, but I specifically don't like your criticism.  The way you go about doing it is just annoying and you come off as a douche.  


    Why are you still going off about rend2? I used rend2 as an example, but you just keep going off on it.  


    "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."  Because you told me so?  


    Optimizing a model is not the same for every renderer.  Compare an MD3 (1999) to a Ghoul2 (2002).  The optimization isn't nearly as limited on a Ghoul2 as an MD3.  This is a 2.25 years difference too.


    You want to talk about fallacies? How about your loads of anecdotal fallacies that you've been spewing here dude.


    Renderers are expanding, they're getting more advanced, eventually a model like mine won't be around 10% draw calls being used, it'll be like 2%.  I'm not limiting myself to lower standards for older renderers when we will eventually have better ones later.

  5. 4) Yes, it doesn't make sense for 32 people to use the same hilt, however if 32 people used different hilts with the same level of optimization as this, it wouldn't be good for the game. 

    5) Then why are you bitching to me about not teaching you when you could do it again? No you didn't claim to be a professional developer, I said if you knew anything about them, not that you are one. I didn't illogically assume anything once again, learn to read.


    You completely insulted valid feedback by saying stuff like "Skyrim has a 4096 rock texture" So what? Say that modern game developers release buggy stuff all the time. So what? What does any of that have to do with my feedback? Nothing. You're telling me I'm comparing apples and oranges, yet a model is a model, it doesn't matter what game engine you put it in they're still running on the same hardware and APIs and those engines have to deal with those same API limitations, so no it isn't apples and oranges. You came pandering to me about OpenGL/DX like you understood them. You said to Spaghetti before that you were relying on Rend2 which has no intention of optimizing the base rendering code and is now more or less a dropped project. So no, it won't be making JKA run better or do the things that you want it to do. So you should optimize for BASE. It literally does not matter how powerful modern computers are when the engine can't use it to its full potential. Your attitude came from being SO DEFENSIVE that you had to make illogical arguments defending why you made choices. You did have attitude, had nothing to do with me being butthurt. Everything I listed has NOTHING to do with what API or Engine a game runs on, and is a constant optimization across every game engine in existence so your argument there has absolutely no value to the conversation and therefore illogical.

    4)  Yep, problems to that extent don't bother me.  Technically that problem exists for every other higher poly saber, why don't you go let their authors know about this issue as well?

    5)  I'm not bitching, you just suck at helping compared to the other people who are helping me with the same problem.  I'm comparing, not bitching that you aren't teaching me.  I am more than capable of figuring it out on my own, which is exactly why I was defensive in my original response.  


    Apples and oranges = renderers and engines.  You obviously didn't understand what I was getting at there.  Many different engines run on different renderers, meaning they use totally different APIs.  I said renderers like rend2.  I didn't specifically say rend2, I was giving an example of better rendering technologies.  rend2 happened to be one that people here had been exposed to once or twice.  You are putting so many words in my mouth it's not even funny 


    "So no, it won't be making JKA run better or do the things that you want it to do. So you should optimize for BASE. It literally does not matter how powerful modern computers are when the engine can't use it to its full potential."


    Give me a quote of where I said it would do this.  Also, one can update the engine to use a better renderer and the API used within the source, meaning an entirely new renderer, meaning an entirely new and expanded set of limitations.  


    It is your opinion that I had an attitude.  I could say that you had the same attitude in your original comment with the snow speeder.  Which comment came first? Yours or mine?  Reap what you sow.  


    Yeah, everything you listed has everything to do with API and engines games run on.  Newer renderer = expanded  limitations for draw calls, newer game engines make use of newer renderers.  You yourself even said DX12 will expand the draw calls limitations because that's a big problem.  PNGs being decompressed by JKA's engine = something to do with the engine and how the PNGs are handled.  I don't know why you claim that everything you listed has nothing to do with what API or engine a game runs on, because it does.  

  6. 1) You again mentioned it yourself, TGA. TGA compresses down to roughly the same size of PNG but has no performance loss and you can set it to uncompressed so you don't get artifacts.

    3) Considering I have been a successful tutor several times before and saved peoples failing grades, my ability to teach is not a problem. My goal was not to teach and still is not, it was to inform of a optimization problem. I did that.

    4) Just because you have no problems doesn't mean others will, particularly if they would like to include it in a larger mod. Don't used flawed logic to justify things. 

    6) Putting words in other peoples mouths is not a good thing.

    7) Yeah I show off my work a lot, because people keep asking me questions about it and wanting to see progress. Avoiding answering 10 questions I just post it instead. Easier, smarter, more efficient. People are welcome to tell me the flaws of things, its how I learned and grew. Guess what, when I went into level design, people just told me to google as well. Sometimes you have to rely on yourself and not others. Very constantly, I do get told that I am wrong and can do things better, then I go and do it. I don't get all offended on a freaking comment thread and have to make this whole thing. When you responded you used incredibly flawed logic to justify your decisions instead of just listening and taking the feedback like a man. If you knew anything about professional game developers, you would know most are under NDA which means they cannot show what they are working on even if they would want to, and when they can they actually do show about as much as I do. Example: https://twitter.com/XanderClauss

    1) You are correct, I was lazy and didn't use targas originally.

    3) Good for you, what do you want a fucking cookie? A congratulations?  From what I've seen, you can't help for shit.

    4) It's not flawed logic, it's logic.  Logically it doesn't make sense for 32 people to all use the same saber.  Larger mods are not of my concern at the moment.

    6, 7) How do you think I learned this shit? Yeah, I fucking googled it.  I watched tutorials, etc.  Don't sit here and try to act like you're so damn special because you "googled" your way through school.  I'm not offended from your criticism, you're wrong.  I'm not even really offended for that matter.  It's just extremely obvious that you were the first one to start the personal shit by claiming I have an attitude.  You're now comparing your personal experiences with mine.  Look who is even more egotistical comparing your learning experiences with mine acting like you had it fucking tough.  Apparently you do get all offended on a freaking comment considering you replied to me with your butthurt comment stating I had an attitude.  Lastly, did I ever claim to be anywhere close to a professional game developer?  I never even told you that I even wanted to be a professional game designer, so stop your completely illogical assumptions and your fucking shit with your non-disclosures and what not.  Developers work freelance all the time, they make their own personal shit and post about it on social media.  


    Where was there a point when I didn't take the feedback?  I gave you my reasons for why I think it doesn't matter much, then I told you my reasons for why I did what I did on certain things.  Then you came back with your "Ignorance is bliss, good luck with that attitude" comment.  If anything you just can't have a civil debate like a man, you instead resort to telling me I have an attitude.  


    I'm not even going to school for game design, so shut the fuck up, I don't care.

  7. 1) You mentioned the texture format yourself, I felt you were capable of deducting which one to use since PNG was bad.

    2) You were already aware of the polygon issue, I didn't need to touch on it as well as others had already told you of it.

    3) Google something if you don't know the term so you understand. Basic common sense.

    4) Textures have a gameplay impact when you load more than the game engine is capable of parsing correctly, the pool isn't infinite. In fact UE4's default pool for example is 1024MB and you have to expand it to get it to use more (IE if you have a card greater than 1024 MB of VRAM) It doesn't matter. This means that you may cause lag for people, especially with lower end computers (Which is a lot of people that play JKA). 

    5) The way I worded things was technical and to the point, without a lot of fluff. I don't baby people.

    6) I didn't say you had to fix shit immediately. So no I didn't assume you had no life besides fixing the shit I pointed out. I just said it needs to be fixed. Nice logic. I don't have all day to spend modding or working on things either. So of course I understand that.

    7) The fact you went to my twitter where the first 2 pages are me talking with my friends and have none of the comments you speak of just to pick at the ones I mention to one person indicates a problem with you trying to pick out things that fit your narrative.

    1) I had no problem with PNGs until you came along, shitting on PNGs but not giving me a better solution.

    2) So why comment back telling me I have an attitude when I stated I would not necessarily ignore what you said and get around to fixing it.  I told you to fix it yourself if it bothers you that much, that way you could still use the saber and not worry about draw calls while having it.  

    3) This just goes to show you shouldn't ever teach anybody.  Your solution if you don't know something = Google.  Bravo.  It's not a bad resource, but the way others described the problem and solution to me wouldn't have forced me to resort to Google if I had been unknowledged on the topics.  You should improve on this.

    4) I've had no problems with this saber.  I've had multiple people using it at the same time in game, no problems whatsoever.  This game is dying online (probably because so many people are playing a mod called Movie Battles instead of the vanilla game).  I don't care much about people being able to load 32 Kylo Ren sabers at once.  It's unlikely to happen.  This model is mostly meant for single player use anyway, not a lot of servers are going to make use of this saber.

    5) I knew this would be your comeback for this.  You don't baby people, sure.  You get straight to the point, sure, but you won't explain what you're talking about.  You're just assuming anyone has a clue about what you're talking about.  When people ask what you're talking about, you respond with "Google it."  You're a pro.

    6) You didn't say it, but you're pushing it a lot.  Several times when I said this is my hobby, not a job,  I have a life, etc. etc.  You ignored that and just kept pushing.  At one point you even completely ignored the fact that I said it was a hobby and not my job and you said "good luck getting paid for a hobby"  It's a hobby, I don't want to turn it into a job, why don't you understand that?  

    7)  Wow you're getting creative with this assumption.  You show off your work A LOT.  I mean, you show off your shit like I've never seen anyone before.  Even professional game developers don't show off their shit as much as you do.  You probably do it to get attention from people saying "OohLaLa, look what he's making, that's so amazing."  It would be a shame for someone to come in and point out the flaws in your shit, let you down, make your shit feel like it's broken, etc. etc. One of the reasons I normally don't like releasing things I make is because of the shit you're stirring up.  


    It's not a let down to me.  What is a let down is that when I try to explain myself and my reasons by being honest, I get told I have an attitude and I am personally insulted.  I got defensive when you pointed out it's flaws, but my level of defense was like a 3 or a 4.  Instantly your reply to my response went from a 3 or 4 to a 9.  You were the first one to throw insults by saying I had an "attitude."  I didn't say shit about you personally until only after this.  So if you want to sit here and claim that I'm being an ass, be my guest, but anyone reading this can obviously see what's really happening.  GG Alex

  8. So he pointed the flaws out and you failed to fix them? Looks like you listen very well.


    I did tell you how to fix things, reduce the 15 (I actually looked at the model and found it was 15 not 8) draw calls into one. Which means merging elements and combining UV's.


    I told you to reduce texture count from 17 to 5, which also means doing the same thing.


    I literally pointed out the flaws and told you how to fix it. That pointed you in the exact direction you needed to make it better. Reduce draw calls, reduce texture count. And I gave you a reference of the amount of resources a modern model uses to compare to yours to give you an idea of how much of a reduction is needed. Now you tell me that I didn't do any of that. Okay.



    You obviously don't listen well youself.  This is a hobby of mine, not a job.  I don't get right on the ball with shit when I learn how to fix certain problems.  Also, Ashura told me this yesterday so calm your shit.  Not every modder no lifes the shit out of their hobby, like you do.  


    For me when I use this saber in game, I have no crashes, no FPS drops, no extended loading times, no screen tearing, etc. etc.  My current goal is to optimize the model further.  Right now, you're really pushing I optimize the textures more.  Hmmmm well let's see:


    1.  Model causes crash because it is too detailed.  

    2.  Textures aren't as optimized as they could be, gameplay effect = very little.


    Which one do you think I'm going to work on first?


    Not to mention it only makes sense to fix the model first, THEN fix the textures.  


    My point is you expect me to go above and beyond to fix an issue that doesn't have an immediate negative effect on overall gameplay experience when you aren't even going above and beyond to help me.  


    You never gave me an idea of what format I should use for my textures, you just told me to not use PNGs.  That's vague as fuck.

    You automatically assumed that I knew what a draw call was.  I worked with DirectX API and knew what it was.  If I hadn't you would have been vague as fuck there as well.  

    If a math teacher first started teaching a math class and just said "Alright you need to graph out a parabola and give me the quadratic equation for it" for someone who has barely scratched the surface on Algebra, that's vague as fuck.  You have no idea what skill level I'm even at with this.  You made assumptions, went off of them and claimed you told me how to go about fixing it.  

    You haven't even come close to being as helpful as Ashura was.  

    You never even addressed the fact that the model itself causes a crash, instead you lectured me about textures which don't cause crashes and work in the game fine as-is.  

    I know you do 3D modeling, I still wonder why your absolute biggest concern are draw calls when there's an even bigger issue because of the vert count with this model.

    It goes to show that your priorities are kind of fucked when it comes to fixing shit.  I haven't even had the time to fix the crashes and this has been out since the 5th.  


    You are a critic, not a teacher.  You're not helping me at all, you're just being annoying at this point.  You were being a total smart ass when describing the snow speeder, "The new Battlefront by EA has a snow speeder in it"  No shit?  It's not like there's a snow speeder on the front cover of the game or anything.  From your very first line of criticism you've treated me like some idiot who doesn't even know what a damn snow speeder is, but yet you went off spewing with your "Know it all, egotistical attitude" that I see all over your twitter feed.  Your comments are both snarky and ignorant.  Like I said, I'll get to fixing it, but you act like I literally have no life besides fixing shit that you point out.  I have a life, life comes first.  When I get time in life, I do this.  A lot of other modders can relate to this, for some reason you lack the understanding of this very simple thing.  


    I don't have all the time in the world to fix every little problem that everyone points out to me.  I have a personal life that comes first.  When I get around to fixing something, I'll fix it.  I addressed each of my reasons for why I did what I did.  I even mentioned that I would fix it in my original reply to you.  I didn't really think much about it, it worked in game fine, it's no skin off my back.  This is exactly my reason, take it or leave it.  Pick it apart all you want.  Call me lazy, ignorant, stupid, childish, immature all you want.  I don't care.  I don't take my hobbies as serious as you do obviously, but I'm not one expecting to get paid from it either.  GG Alex

  9. This is literally the worst hobby modder attitude I have ever ran into. Instead of listening and accepting the fact that something is broken, you refuse. I'm glad the torches have been passed off from good modders to people like this.

    Your opinion is literally the least influential thing to me considering you critiqued this without any words of advice, you just made a checklist of shit that was wrong in your opinion.  Never once did you even try to point me in a direction that would help me make it better.  You have the worst attitude of any critic I've ever dealt with on my mods.  Several times I pointed out why I made certain decisions, at one point I even admitted that I was lazy.  I listened, I accepted it, I gave you my reason, then you claimed I had an attitude.  I've had extremely great help from Psyk0sith and AshuraDX.  In fact, Ashura pointed out all the flaws you have pointed out, but he gave me tons of tools and references to show how I could make it better.  You yourself will never pass the torch if you're unwilling to lighten other's torches.  GG Alex

  10. Ignorance is bliss, good luck expanding your abilities to get noticed or potentially paid by a hobby one day with that attitude. It isn't just your ONE asset loaded in-game it doesn't matter if it loads. And no, a .dds doesn't need to be decompressed by the game engine, because modern game engines can display textures with compression, its how they manage to fit so much with so little VRAM. JKA cannot do that.


    This is coming from multiple people who actually have made games or have content in actual games. If you want to ignore that, then be my guest.


    The argument that ohhh the engine was released X number of years ago, even though battlefront got rewards for being the most graphically advanced this year. Jesus dude. It sounds like you don't know what a draw call is and why they are a problem. Hint: Direct X 9 can only display about 7,000 draw calls on screen before tanking the framerate to unplayable levels on every machine. The entire point of DX12 is to greatly expand the number of draw calls that can be processed in a frame. If a single hilt uses 8 of those calls, multiplied by how many people use that hilt (lets say 32 people in a server) you're using 256 draw calls for something that should use 32. That means in the world, there can be less props, less foliage, less buildings, less npcs, less customization because it all adds up.


    JKA was also built before unified shader platform, which means it cannot even use the full capacity of a modern GPU so your argument of better computers doesn't even fucking matter. Not to mention the game runs on a single core.

    You keep saying "JKA cannot..."   

    You're just proving my point.  The point is that JKA can eventually make use of better renderers in the future, this is why I made this saber the way it is.  You neglect the fact that I made the point of "Does it matter?"  

    "This is coming from multiple people who actually have made games or have content in actual games"  Uhm....I'm technically one of those people.  Let's see, what is this file above? Oh yeah, it's content....in an actual game....If you're going to critique me you may want to rephrase your comments because you actually just described anyone who has ever modded a game before.  You're still missing the point that IT DOESN'T MATTER.  Draw calls are a problem, but the engine pukes when the renderer has a problem, it'll display an error then I'll fix it.  You want to talk about what game developers do? They release stuff that is BROKEN, and when it's broken they get feedback or bug reports and then they FIX them.  That's exactly what I'm doing.  You're just reporting a bug that doesn't have a major effect on overall gameplay, so it's not on the top of things to fix.  


    "If a single hilt uses 8 of those calls, multiplied by how many people use that hilt (lets say 32 people in a server) you're using 256 draw calls for something that should use 32."  


    You're stating that as if everyone on the server would be using this saber at once.  On a 12 year old game. That has extremely low activity.  Not to mention how every single one of those 32 people are apparently going to be using this saber at the same time.  


    "JKA was also built before unified shader platform, which means it cannot even use the full capacity of a modern GPU so your argument of better computers doesn't even fucking matter. Not to mention the game runs on a single core."


    It does matter for a game whose source code was released to expand its boundaries.  

    Once the crashing has been fixed, the thing you are complaining about will literally be 15 second longer load times.

    It's not something to have this much of a fuss over.  


    And finally......


    "Ignorance is bliss, good luck expanding your abilities to get noticed or potentially paid by a hobby one day with that attitude."


    I honestly don't even have a clue what attitude you're talking about.  I countered my criticism from you with honesty and my points only.  I addressed the problems, I told you my reasons and now you're acting childish here by claiming that have an attitude?  From what it seems like, it appears that you cannot take criticism yourself.  


    Again I should remind you, it's a hobby.  I don't have to do this for anyone here, but I do it because it's fun.  If I wanted to make money doing this, I wouldn't be sitting here replying to your comment.  You're making it not very fun acting like this.  


    Also If Battlefront is so great, why don't you go play that instead of critiquing my stuff?  Oh, that's right....the matchmaking sucks and it doesn't have a dedicated server so practically no one is playing it .......they never make mistakes though, especially when they're "people who actually have made games or have content in actual games."  - MaceMadunu, 2016

  11. I also have to vote it lower due to optimization.


    The brand new battlefront released by EA has a snowspeeder in it. This snow speeder has 4 draw calls (Exterior, Interior, Pilots, Window) and has uses a total of 9 textures. The biggest of which are for the exterior with 2048x2048 resolution. Interior has 1024x512 & 512x256 while pilots & window have 512x512.


    This lightsaber hilt has a minimum 8 draw calls, 17 textures of which there are 10 MORE 2048x2048 textures than battlefronts snowspeeder. It is also using PNG images which causes the engine to have to decompress things twice before it gets loaded in its raw form, which increase time to load a level. Once decompressed will also use way more video memory than the snowspeeder does. 


    You say that you are making it to be used for more advanced renderers, but this hilt is more intensive and requires way more PC resources than a model from a modern game engine that runs a hell of a lot better than JKA and anything Rend2 will be capable of doing. Not to mention that the model takes up way more screen space than a hilt does.


    Hilts should be a single draw call, and one texture set (Diffuse/Emissive/Spec/env/reflect) which means 5 textures maximum if you aren't using env textures provided by base. 1024x1024 is also plenty of resolution for something of the size of a hilt on screen.

    You're comparing apples and oranges.  You're asking why I would use such an extreme amount of resources for modern renderers while you are claiming that a modern engine is loading a larger model while using less resources.  Frostbite 3 is from 2013, most consider it modern.  The renderer, however, is DirectX 11 which was released in Q1 2011.  It's about 5 years old at this point.  That's the same amount of time between Jedi Academy and The Force Unleashed.  Compare those two games in resources.  I think the better question is why haven't modern engines made use of hi-res textures for every part of a model as big as a snow speeder?  Also, why are they still using 512x512 textures? I use PNG's because because they look better and you can set up alpha with them using shaders like you can a Targa file.  I didn't end up using targa files because of laziness in all honesty, I figured if I were to create alpha channels on this saber at some point, png files would look fine.  Also I didn't use jpegs because jpegs look weird on models in Jedi Academy, they have a strange green/rainbow tint to them and I don't like using jpegs.  Yeah I realize 2048x2048 is huge, but it still works with them on it.  Why lower the resolution of the textures if the engine still works with it?  Modern computers are more than capable enough to load this saber, I've had no problem loading the saber on a test machine I have here with a Pentium 4 processor at 2.2 ghz.  The load time is a little longer (by like 10 seconds) but it doesn't make the game choppy or anything like that.  It's really not that big of a deal at that point.  Also if you want to talk ridiculous load times, Skyrim has textures on ROCKS....yeah ROCKS that are 4096x4096.  They use .DDS file format which ALSO needs to be decompressed just like a .png file.  On top of that, they use normal maps for those rocks to add extra detail.  The creation engine is from 2011, it's older and even when it was a "modern" engine, the load times for Skyrim on PC were ridiculous with hi-res textures on.  Also, the game would crash after using 2 GB of RAM, because of how much it had to render.  If you really want to get technical between the differences of JKA and Battlefront, JKA uses OpenGL while Battlefront uses DirectX.  Both renderers have their advantages, but the most popular in modern games is DirectX.  DirectX has better code and is much more efficient with modern GPUs than OpenGL was for JKA back in 2003.


     I'm working on optimizing it so that it won't crash because that is a problem that is an absolute imperative.  Load times aren't in my interest in fixing RIGHT AWAY, though I will add that it is not necessarily something I will ignore to fix in the future.  


    I made them separate textures so I could have much larger details in the textures because I couldn't decide if I wanted a weathered effect to the saber.  If it had been all in one texture,  the weathering would not have looked the way I wanted it to look.  It would have looked pixelated in places because I'd be squishing all the parts for the model into one 2048x2048 texture file.  Beyond that,  I didn't originally design this saber in mind for only Jedi Academy.  I might use it in other games as well in the future.  You could argue "Well why didn't you just scale the files down to 1024x1024 each?"  To be honest, I just didn't.  It worked in game fine so I didn't really think much about it.  If it bothers you that much, you seem to be preaching enough technical jargon that you could probably scale them down yourself.


    "Hilts should be a single draw call"  Who says they have to be? Raven? Lucasarts? Activision?  If it works, it works man.  If it takes 15 more seconds to load then it takes 15 more seconds to load.  I'll get around to fixing it at some point, you can rate me all you want,  I don't care.  This is my hobby, not my job.  If it works in the game without crashing then I see it as a win, so that's my goal right now is to fix that.  

  12. I initially gave this 5/5 based on visuals, but had to reevaluate after taking a look at optimization. It hasn't been. On top of the model being way too high detail (causing the crashes noted above) it uses a dozen 2048x2048 textures. This hilt uses more resources than a very high detail character model.

    The engine for this game will go over several revamps in the future, not to mention the use of more advanced renderers.  With the source code being released, it will make use of rend2 in the future.  I'm planning for the future, I'm not limiting myself to past technologies when it will be able to load higher poly models in the future. For now, it sucks because it crashes if you use duals.  For now, use /cg_forcemodel 1 to get around it.  JA+ had this same issue with an included hilt named "Bones" ages ago, JA+ is considered by a lot of people to be the best thing to ever happen to Jedi Academy (I for one disagree).  JA+ was the top download on JK3Files for a long time.  Even it has its problems though, one of them being that Slider never went open source.  


     Also, it has been optimized, you should have seen it before I optimized it.  


    Also if you read what I said, I mentioned I was working on optimizing it further to avoid crashing.  Be patient, I am working on a fix.  

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