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Everything posted by Xycaleth

  1. When you've "reached the limit" does it matter which model you add to reproduce the bug? i.e. You've seen it mess up for the model in your screenshot, but does it happen if you add a different model instead?
  2. It means the total lengths of all the skin file names for a single model have to be less than 2048 characters. EDIT: You would need over 100 skin files for a single model to reach that limit.
  3. Are you setting fs_game when you load OpenJK? And can you post a list of all your character PK3s? I can't fix this unless I can reproduce the same issue.
  4. What do you mean by 'bugged'? What problems do you see? Please give as much information as you can EDIT: I've looked through the code and don't see limits in place for the customisable characters so it might be a different issue.
  5. The weekend's only just started ! A rough count would be good, yeah. e.g. to the nearest 10.
  6. Does the texture have a shader?
  7. Need more information What happened when you tried? How are you trying to create the row? If you got errors, what errors did you get? (Copy/paste them or post a screenshot)
  8. I'll try to take a look this weekend. How many customisable characters do you have before it starts breaking?
  9. Are you able add more customisable characters in regular JKA?
  10. For ragdoll, for rancors when they grab players. Possibly other situations but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
  11. I can't remember the exacts details, but it goes something like this. PCJs are solely meant as an optimisation for computing the transforms of individual bones. In general, the bone hierarchy you see in your modelling software is the same bone hierarchy you get in the GLM/MDX format. From what I can guess, you can choose to flatten parts of the bone hierarchy in your .car file, and I think this is evident from the finger bones which are actually children of the elbow (I think?) instead of the wrist. I think (a very big think) this optimisation is done mainly for IK, where you don't necessarily want to deal with all the bones at the extremities, so you parent them to a bone higher up the hierarchy.
  12. The PCJ stuff is purely for optimisation purposes. It doesn't have any affect on the resulting transformations.
  13. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/874909/uix86.zip You'll need to copy uix86.dll into your kotf mod folder, preferably in a .pk3 file.
  14. I've submitted the change to increase the string pool size but I have nothing to test to see if it fixes your problem. Are you able to compile the code yourself to test or do you need me to provide you with a new build?
  15. Here's an example map I've created with a spiral ramp: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/874909/spiral_ramp.map It would have taken me too long to write out full instructions so the map above has the 'finished thing', and then as you move to the right, I've got the ramp at progressive stages of creation. Creating the side rails is more of the same, so I didn't include that. Here's what it looks like: EDIT: Looks like I was too slow Example is still there if you need it.
  16. The original idea was to make the code stable. Newer language features can make this easier to achieve which require newer compilers. The original code had many instances of invalid (non-compliant) code as well which newer compilers will flag up as errors.
  17. Make sure you compile a release build of your mod and that players have the VS2013 redistributable installed. Any of the standard library functions will require the redistributable. It should be homepath, basepath, cdpath. People should never need to put anything in their basepath or cdpath, it should all go in homepath. This is contrary to what people have been doing for the past so many years, so it's difficult to get people to change You should be able to. If you run your code through Visual Studio, it tells you which DLLs are being loaded in the output window. Search around for where the word 'vanilla' is used in the code - that should give you all the places you need to change to change the renderer and DLL name.
  18. Are you still looking for a fix for the UI crash at startup? If so, I'll try to take a look this weekend if I can find some time. Don't worry abut the money.
  19. I did a quick search around and as far as I can tell there's no standard way of interpreting the tag triangle on an MD3 model. I thought at first that it takes the the vertex at the right angle of the triangle to be the origin, and then the orientation is based on the edges of the triangle, with the mid length edge being the X axis and the shortest edge being the Z axis (or something like that). However, it's completely up to the exporter to determine how it makes use of that triangle. If you have source code available for the MD3 exporter you're using, I can take a look to see what it's doing. Otherwise it's up to experimentation.
  20. What makes you think they'll make more money by adding a few developers?
  21. http://frontwirestudios.com/the-future-of-galaxy-in-turmoil/ And there you go...
  22. You could have the launcher check for release updates from the GitHub website. It has an API to interact with a project. Letting people download broken code is just poor. It shows you don't care whether it works or not, just let the players find workarounds. For coders who want to see if it works, and who want to see if they can get it working, it's a different story because that's what they expect. I think we've also both missed a major point here. How do you distribute compilers/build tools for a platform which we don't foresee being used? How can the user even download a launcher for a platform which we didn't know people were going to use? Do you get everyone to download the code and try compiling that as well?
  23. It doesn't solve that problem at all. If the developer hasn't built it on platform Y, then he shouldn't claim it works on platform Y. If a regular player comes along and tries to compile it, it's more than likely not to work - what is he supposed to do now? IMO, every code mod should be using CI. It simplifies the developer's life immensely, whether they realise it or not. So many devs waste time figuring out what files have changed, which files need to be repackaged, when it can all be automated. Some teams manage to do this (MB2) but it's very accident prone and time-consuming. And there is no hosting problem. If the mod code is hosted on GitHub, they can host prebuilt binaries on GitHub using the releases feature. I made one comment about not having a stable branch, and it's not directly related to any of the points I raised
  24. The bug is still there. You just don't encounter it any more. If you had kept your post there, we would have been able to fix it so that nobody else can run into the issue...
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