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Everything posted by Xycaleth

  1. I recently (a few hours ago) fixed the VS solution file in the code/ folder. Try redownloading it again from github and check it out
  2. @@Archangel35757 Regarding floating point errors in the animations, I came across this particular link recently which illustrates how the effects of floating point errors can be minimised (not removed): http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~cis568/presentations/Reducing_Cumulative_Errors_in_Skeletal_Animations.pdf You might find it useful. Catch me on IRC if you need help with understanding any of it.
  3. I recall JKG using the first person models as the LOD 0 of third person models. I don't know if this is still true though.
  4. Found a bug which would cause the program to crash. Take this example: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/Jedi_Knight_III/Utilities;2925 The Others category says it has 94 files, but if you actually click the link, you can see it says it has 99 files listed.
  5. jk2gamex86.dll does not currently get built by buildbot as it has not been added to the build system. This is still on the todo list.
  6. r_dynamicglow 3 isn't any different from 1. Best thing you can do is to max out all the video settings in the menu. There's no magic command that can make it look better than that
  7. ?? Both JKA and JK2 already have this.
  8. I remember Mace trying to get external lightmaps working on some of the MB2 maps, and found it only worked with patch meshes, so it's definitely a specific case with JKA.
  9. I think it's more to do with the fact that SP performs a MAX_QPATH check at startup, and MP doesn't. At least from what I can remember.
  10. @@Corto, have a look at mrwonko's plugins here: http://www.mrwonko.de/downloads/view.php?id=39
  11. There's not really any easy way to fix a stretching HUD. The only sure way I can think of doing it would require editing all of the menu files.
  12. Regarding the jk2 models in Jka, there's already some hacky workaround code in the game engine to reassign jk2 bone names to Jka bone names and it isn't pretty. It's a bad idea to fix these type of things in code anyway.
  13. This definitely flags up a problem for me. You want to fix this warning
  14. This reference page for Crosswalk 5 also suggests it supports dotXSI 3.0: http://softimage.wiki.softimage.com/xwalkdocs/group__regfunc__30.htm
  15. It's possible the capabilities of the Crosswalk SDK, and the Crosswalk plugin for Max are different. I would recommend you try Crosswalk 5 because as I understand it, the plugin (which you are writing if I'm correct) chooses how to export the scene data, and in what format to output it as. Looking through the SDK files, there's files for the dotXSI 3.0 format which I doubt were left in there by mistake.
  16. Jka was released at a time when there was little support for programming on the GPU. It was mainly a list of set instructions you could do, so the dynamic glow stuff was kind of a hack. It wasnt bad programming, but limitations. Nowadays, GPUs can be programmed similar to how you program a computer so you can do all the fancy graphics effects, which leaves the CPU free to do other stuff like physics and ai. Crysis is both CPU and GPU intensive so you need a good CPU and GPU to run it with full settings enabled.
  17. Also, if UE3 can run on an iPhone (albeit slightly stripped down), I think a q3 engine game on steroids will run just fine.
  18. You can use C/C++ on iOS. Just putting that out there. Also, a port would require a rewrite of the renderer. iOS supports only OpenGL ES.
  19. I wouldn't say I was that active, but I was around.
  20. Hi everyone I'm Xycaleth, I code stuff for JKA and various other things.
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