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Everything posted by Xycaleth

  1. Things are looking pretty grey now, but it's getting closer to what I'm aiming for (code-wise): Here's a fun fact: the majority of the time generating this image is proportional to the number of pixels in the image. For 800x600, that's 480000 pixels. If we say a large BSP map will have maybe 100 lightmaps (this might be an over-estimate), which are 128x128 (because that's how big they are), then that's 1638400 pixels, i.e. roughly 3-4x more pixels. At the moment, a high quality render would probably take me around 30 minutes for 480000 pixels, so for a very large map, that would be less than 2 hours. As far as I know, Q3Map2 can take over a day to run the lighting phase for a large map. These are all very rough numbers, but I'm hoping they're approximately reflect the kind of speed I'll be able to get - and I haven't even made this multithreaded yet. And it's not even making use of GPUs.
  2. I agree with boothand. People don't mind if you compliment them. They only mind if you push negativity towards them.
  3. rend2 doesn't work for SP yet.
  4. Working or release-ready? There's a working version, but I wouldn't consider it ready for release.
  5. More time doesn't mean more space It would take more time because it needs to read from the normal map texture, but the size of your BSP would be the same as if you didn't use bumpmapping.
  6. Bumpmapping on maps doesn't take up any space.
  7. Lighting intensifies: I'll explain what I'm up to I suppose I'm hoping to write a faster lightmap generator, as a Q3Map2 light stage replacement. It's something that I've wanted to do for a long time now, and it lets me stretch my knowledge a bit further into areas I've not really looked at before. But you ask, how does this fit into rend2? Well the issue is that Q3Map2 bakes the direct lighting into the lightmap - this is a problem with rend2 because it means you'll get inconsistencies where extra shadows or lighting are added as you'll clearly see what's lightmap and what's not. This new lightmap generator will optionally output only indirect lighting (light contributions which have bounced off a map surface at least once), as well as produce the conventional lightmaps that BSP stores internally. With an indirect lighting only lightmap, adding the real time lighting/shadows will look natural. It's a sideways step to completing rend2, but it's something I've really been wanting to try and do. It won't be able to work with maps where you don't have .map file, but I can imagine something where you can specify light locations and it can make use of these as light sources.
  8. I'm still trying to understand the crash a bit better. Have you identified which menu is crashing the game? Can you post the menu here?
  9. How many loadMenus do you have in your jampmenus.txt file?
  10. The MAX_MENUITEMS is per menu. So you can have up to 512 items per menu. Go over and it will silently stop adding them. Same with menus. If you go over the menu limit then it will silently stop parsing them. At no point should it crash because of going over the limit.
  11. Why do you have so many menus? Asking out of curiosity
  12. It's possible but it would be specific to the OpenJK mod. Not all mods would be able to use it.
  13. I'll just leave this here...
  14. You need to put your name in quotes if you want spaces
  15. Well it's not wrong what's the whole error message?
  16. Oh, then this is in the wrong forum. Should go to the coding forum Can a mod move it please?
  17. No. OpenJK focuses on improving the engine while keeping compatibility; it's not for improving/changing the gameplay.
  18. 1. Bind force heal to a key 2. Repeatedly hit said key
  19. I can answer questions about the MD3 format if you need some help with it.
  20. I'm not sure you can use surfaceparms on non-map surfaces. You'll have to try it to see if it works.
  21. Accidentally made everything have a polished surface:
  22. What do you mean by "tracing shaders"?
  23. @@AshuraDX Would you mind sending me textures for your clone trooper created with a metallic workflow? I want to test something out
  24. The specular map still doesn't look right! And it looks more like plastic now than it did before
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