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Everything posted by Xycaleth

  1. Would you guys want a GUI for this? There's not really much to show though to be honest. At the moment you can drag your FBX file on to the program icon and it'll spit out a GLM file, or you can use the command line if you want to specify the GLM file name. Adding it to ModView could be an option if I ever finish my platform port to Mac and Linux, but for now that's off the table
  2. Forgive me for being the sceptic, but isn't 30 maps a little too much? Especially if they're all reasonably sized.
  3. I would just use oriented bounding boxes for prone. The collision code already checks for when the bounding box is rotated but falls back immediately to using axis aligned boxes (at least I think this was the case). If you replaced this with the appropriate code then there's no reason why you can't use rotated bounding boxes for collision
  4. According to Wikipedia, Lucas had already planned out 12 episodes for Star Wars. Lucas' biographer believes that Disney will follow Lucas' outlines, so let's hope they really do He's probably asking what modding experience you have had before.
  5. A few more hours of work later, and we can say hello to Luke properly I just need to fix up bolts, and make the converter usable. And I made a mistake in an earlier post - this first version will only be able to export non-animated models. I haven't looked at fetching the weighting information from the FBX file yet. For jokes, here's some WIP screenshots while I was trying to get this to work
  6. That didn't seem to fix any problems Looks like I'll have to do things the hard way.
  7. Good call on the tags Not sure why that's happened. I've applied the same transformations to the tags as I have to the meshes so they should be correct (or maybe the tags were in incorrect and carcass does some weird magic to fix them up again). I do plan to make a converter back to FBX. This seems easy enough, now that I've seen how the FBX format works Probably won't add this to ModView, at least not for now. The good thing about having a standalone utility for things like this is you can create a batch script or something similar to convert an entire directory of files to GLM. Haven't got to working on weighting just yet But another quick question! I'm having problems with texture coordinates as 3ds seems to export FBX with more texture coordinates than positions and normals. Are you perhaps preserving smooth groups when you export (if such an option exists)? Can you send me the model with and without smooth groups preserved if possible? Thanks
  8. Almost there Just texture coordinates to go now.
  9. Thanks @@DT85 Looks like I need to do a bit more work to get tags and model rotated/translated properly, but aside from that I can start working on an initial release. It will allow modelers to export player models or non-animated models. No custom animations just yet.
  10. I own a server capable of running a master server. It costs me about $5 a month. Add to the fact that the master server is probably on company soil and they have system administrators looking after their other servers, it costs nothing (at least, not in financial overhead) to maintain the master server.
  11. Throwing more memory at your computer won't make it run faster. The limiting factor in compiling maps (and especially the lighting stage) is your CPU. This is why movie CG is rendered using multiple servers, each running the calculations on graphics card (which are very well suited to lighting calculations).
  12. @@DT85 are you sure you exported the model as Z-axis being up? Luke is rotated sideways, as you see in the screenshot with the Z axis pointing up. Maybe the model was already modeled with the Z-axis being up in 3ds so it got rotated again?
  13. Probably tags. Bones don't get drawn by default in ModView and it currently only has one bone anyway (in the same way that sabers have one bone).
  14. Say hello to a badly rotated and badly textured Luke: Still no proper bones, but at least there's something to see now
  15. One step closer! ModView can load the file now - I made a few mistakes with a few of the numbers in the format. Now it looks like the vertex data is screwed up so I'll be fixing that next. No screenshots yet as ModView shows a blank screen currently.
  16. Yay, first GLM file generated. Complete vertex data and texture coordinates. Only problem is it crashes ModView so there's obviously something wrong with it
  17. Usually a petition includes reasons for its existence. How about adding some to yours? not specifically for me, but for someone who doesn't visit the channel so often. Anyhow... /sign P.s. isn't this what polls are for?
  18. This means you're using iterators from different vectors and trying to compare them or use them in the same operation, so I doubt it's that line that's causing the problem
  19. I always felt there was a lack of any tutorials or documentation on how to use carcass and assimilate too. I plan to provide full documentation with this converter too I'd be happy to look into it, but I can't make any guarantees as to if and when it's started/finished
  20. Minor update. I have part of the glm file generated now. Don't worry, this will get finished
  21. Windows live mail maybe? I would be surprised if it didn't.
  22. Why would it need to be attached via bones and not tags?
  23. That's part of the server configuration. You can't change that through the map.
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