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Everything posted by Xycaleth

  1. So OpenJK does work? What happens when you try going fullscreen?
  2. The main issue with this is that the bounding boxes for players aren't thinner when you turn them sideways. From above, the bounding box is a square. I don't think the engine supports a non-square bounding box (in MP at least) without getting prediction errors.
  3. What classes are there, and what are you comparing EoC to when you say more class options? Doesn't auto-assigning weapons, force powers and animations mean you have less options now?
  4. No benefit for the renderer. Unless you include all the extra debugging information you can get.
  5. @@Nozyspy Check out the rend2 thread to see some more information Unfortunately all the screenshots are scattered across many pages. I'd like to set up a mini site or something to showcase the best parts so far.
  6. This is exactly what I would suggest. It's also a good gauge to see how long everything takes, how much interest all the contributors have in pushing things forward and potentially identifying any problems you have along the way.
  7. It seems like the maximum number of messages you can store in your account inbox is pretty small. Any chances of raising (or removing?) this limit? I don't imagine disk space is much of an issue in this day and age?
  8. There's no gamma correction in JKA
  9. This is just some debugging visualisations but I think it looks pretty cool When a map gets compiled, a lightmap is produced but also a light grid. This is basically how much light there is at every 3d point in the world (evenly spaced out). I've made a visualisation of the ambient light at each of these points: The same effect can be used for fog and volumetric effects so I expect I'll be putting this same technique to good use somewhere else
  10. It's broken the lighting on misc_models and added the rainbow effect around the map When it's done, it'll allow me to optimize the rendering further.
  11. It's not really a question of when, it's more the fact that I don't particularly don't want to do twice as much work :/ If mrwonko can unify the SP and MP renderers then that'd be great and I'd happily get rend2 working so SP. In other news, I've seen issues with using misc_models and normals. It's like they're aren't rotated properly by q3map2.. Anyhow, I've been working on deferred shading in rend2. Progress is going at a steady pace. Here's mp/duel1 combined with rainbow road from Mario:
  12. Woo, rend2 crashes when I try to load the model Not sure exactly what the cause is yet.
  13. In rend2 or the vanilla renderer? Rend2 uses completely different code for rendering and doesn't have the same deficiencies as the vanilla renderer. Character models in modern games can be upwards of 40k triangles so I figured 20k would be a good starting point.
  14. Anyone have a reasonably high poly character model lying around? Say 20-30k triangles? I want to see if having that many tris actually affects performance or not EDIT: Do the existing tools even let you export Ghoul2 tools with that many triangles?
  15. You need to do it like this @@redsaurus
  16. Thought I should give my input here. For the start_jaMME.sh command, you need to run it with the dot flash before it: ./start_jaMME.sh Opening the app bundle directly: open jaMME.x86_64.app --args +set fs_game mme +set fs_extraGames "japlus japp" I don't think you need the quotes around the text after --args. Further, you don't need to chmod +x on the .app file because it's actually a folder. OS X treats it differently from a regular folder because of what it contains.
  17. If you don't mind enabling cheats to do this then you can use the /give all console command. To enable cheats on a map, you need to load the map using the /devmap console command (instead of /map). Example usage would be /devmap mp/ffa1.
  18. I haven't look into it properly yet. My first guesses would be some kind of uninitialized memory somewhere or some wrong calculations. I'm not too fond of using cubemaps for everything. They should generally be localized to a small set of objects. I'm planning to add in screen-space reflections which should work much better with large surfaces like walls and floors/rivers/puddles. What's kind of annoying for cubemaps at the moment is that they really need a bounding box or a bounding sphere for them to look correct. I can add a min/max key or radius key to the misc_cubemap, but mappers won't be able to visualise it.
  19. While I applaud the effort to improve the AI system in JKA, the video doesn't really show much to me. In the first scene, I can count 4 NPCs just jumping up and down. And then the majority of the other scenes show NPCs stationary with a lightsaber while a human player attacks them. I know it's a work in progress, but what specifically has been improved?
  20. Xycaleth

    Lack of coders

    We've had a lack of coders working on OpenJK for a long while now, and I guess this has shown in the lack of progress. I'm devoting my time now on rend2, so that doesn't really leave anyone fully committed to work on OpenJK. Just thought I would give people the heads up in case they're wondering what's happening!
  21. Well that's weird I'll definitely check that out. I don't have any idea what could be causing that.
  22. If you think you're safe on Windows 7/8, think again! http://www.hakspek.com/security/updates-make-windows-7-and-8-spy-on-you-like-windows-10/
  23. This is true, but none of the staff openings lets people bring new things to the table
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